
'Blackberry Thumb' Causing Digital Distress In and Out of the Workplace

26 September 2006 by axxxr
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For millions of hand held electronic devices such as BlackBerries, Treos, and Sidekicksare a source of convenience and efficiency. But, if used improperly, they can also be a source of chronic pain and injury, says the American Physical Therapy Association.

"'BlackBerry Thumb,' the latest in a string of techno-related,workplace maladies, is a catch-all phrase for repetitive stress injury,causing pain and/or numbness in the thumbs and joints of the hand," says Margot Miller, PT, a physical therapist with WorkWell Systems in Duluth, MN
and president of APTA's Occupational Health Special Interest Group. Miller notes that the condition is caused by spending too much time checking and composing e-mails, instant messaging, and accessing the Internet for both work and personal use through a handheld wireless personal digital assistant (PDA).

Miller points out that users who abuse their PDAs that is, those who use them for more than short intervals, several times a day are more likely to develop symptoms ranging from swelling and hand throbbing to tendonitis. Additionally, because so many PDA users are middle-aged
businesspeople, overuse can aggravate underlying arthritis, she says."Because the keyboard of a PDA is so small and because the thumb, which is the least dexterous part of the hand, is overtaxed (for faster typing),the risk of injury just skyrockets."

The best solution to prevent BlackBerry Thumb, says Miller? "Listen to your body, be aware of your symptoms and take personal responsibility,"she says.Typical treatments include applying ice to the affected area,stretching, using a properly fitted thumb split, and possibly even a
cortisone injection. In worse-case scenarios, some may need surgery to remove scar tissue that has thickened the tendons inside tunnels that sheath them. "But my first suggestion is that individuals who have these symptoms see a physical therapist," Miller concludes.            

                             Tips on How To Avoid "BlackBerry Thumb"
                            From the American Physical Therapy Association

    *  Take frequent breaks from your PDA.  It's harmful to type for more than
       a few minutes at a time.

    *  Write fewer and shorter messages; learn to abbreviate your responses.

    *  Try to avoid thumb-typing; use your other fingers to type.

    *  If possible, place a support in your lap so wrists are in a more
       upright position and not flexed or bent.

    *  Do simple exercises, such as the following:

  • Tap each finger with the thumb of the same hand.  Repeat 5 times.
  • Alternate tapping the palm of your hand and the back of your hand
    against your thigh as quickly as you can. Repeat 20 times.
  • Open up your hands and spread fingers as far apart as possible. Hold
    for ten seconds and repeat eight times.
  • Fold your hands together; turn your palms away from your body as
    you extend your arms forward.  You should only feel a gentle
    stretch. Hold for ten seconds and repeat eight times.
  • Fold your hands together; turn your palms away from your body
    and extend your arms overhead.  You should feel the stretch in your
    upper torso and shoulders to hand.  Hold for ten seconds and repeat
    eight times.


On 20 Oct 16:32 phatboi wrote
black-berry thumb is a big problom in todays world . stop texting people before you get cancer or something

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