
LG: Our focus stays on the Android platform

2 May 2012 by
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LG has confirmed that the company's primary platform is Android but that Windows Phone might be a part of its portfolio in the future

LG currently without windows phone in portfolio

Last week, we heard talks about LG not going to make any Windows Phone smartphones in the future. The company today told AllThingsD that the previously statement "taking a step back from Windows Phones" was an inaccurate characterization. LG confirms what we already know, that the main focus for now is the Android platform. LG does not have any Windows Phone models in its pipeline, but the company said in a statement that

Contrary to what some articles have said, LG is not giving up on Windows Phones

This means that Microsoft not will get any help from LG to promote the Windows Platform in this critical beginning. LG could be joining the Windows Phone family when the OS has got more powerful momentum.


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