
Apple iOS users in Germany unable to use push e-mail due to Motorola patent

24 February 2012 by
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Technical details:
Apple has notified its German users that due to a Motorola patent, the company can no longer offer e-mail push for MobileME and iCloud online services in Germany

E-mail push services from Apple banned in Germany 

Preventing a device from being imported or sold in a county is the normal result when Apple, Samsung, Motorola or other electronic companies use legal system to enforce patent litigations. These companies often do this in Germany because the rulings happen quickly, it's a very large market, it's cheaper because less time is spent in court. Court decisions take in Germany will not affect other European countries.

The latest legal dispute is between Motorola and Apple regarding a patent which are used in the MobileMe and iCloud services by Apple. The result of the court ruling is that Apple has been forced to shut down parts of its MobileMe and iCloud services in Germany. E-mail can no longer be pushed to iOS devices and users must enable scheduled check for new emails.

Apple says that submitted an appeal to the court as the company is of the opinion that this is an invalid patent.


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skblakee12 years, 5 months ago
Well Google now officially owns Motorola so this is a big win for Android. Now, let us get some negotiating between Apple, Google and the device makers and do away with all these silly lawsuits.
May the best device maker win the peoples money.
Bonovox12 years, 5 months ago
Well that's a breath of fresh air
tranced12 years, 5 months ago
And now some users, that think the push email is very important, will be pushed (pun intended) to use other brands.
Bonovox12 years, 5 months ago
Visit forum to view images haha
masseur12 years, 5 months ago
I think you're forgetting the famous Apple loyalty (aka religion)
tranced12 years, 5 months ago
You mean they'll find the way to do it.
julias12 years, 5 months ago
Apple needs more kicks in the butt like this to bring them back down to earth.
masseur12 years, 5 months ago
email is easy. just turn on timed-interval collection... or use a 3rd party push service
Bonovox12 years, 5 months ago

On 2012-02-24 16:34:36, masseur wrote:
I think you're forgetting the famous Apple loyalty (aka religion)

And many different religions have led to wars. PATENT WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!
bangsters12 years, 5 months ago
I used to like Apple. But as days go and seeing all these bully tactics of lawsuits to eliminate competition by Apple, I'm liking none apple products more and more.
Good win for Motorola, looks like Apple got a taste of their own medicine.
Now if all these companies just compete and get these silly lawsuits behind them, then everyone wins. But then Apple doesn't want everyone to win....

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