
Motorola is now part of the Google family

22 May 2012 by
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The last hinder in Google's acquisition of Motorola Mobile Holding is out of the way. The Chinese authorities has approved the deal which makes Google the sole owner of the mobile phone manufacturer
Google has bought Motorola
The Chinese authorities was the last hinder that could prevent the Motorola deal to make Google the owner of the 8th largest mobile phone manufacturers in the world. Google bought Motorola for 12.5 billion USD. That is more than a handful. It is Google's biggest transaction ever.
Google has earlier said that Motorola Mobility will continued to be operated as a separate company. It remains to be seen if Motorola will receive advantages not offered to Samsung, HTC, Sony and the other Android vendors. It will also be interesting to follow Motorola in the future and see if the company will ship smartphones running other operating systems than Android. For example the one offered by Microsoft.
Google's CEO Larry Page also announced that Motorola a former Google Senior Vice President will step in as the new CEO of Motorola Mobility.

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Tsepz_GP12 years, 2 months ago
Microsoft, Nokia and Apple's reaction:
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Bonovox12 years, 2 months ago
etaab12 years, 2 months ago
I just hope Motorola arent put to use with the next Nexus, because im sure it'll be terrible.
Bonovox12 years, 2 months ago
Maybe not though as they made some good handsets recently
etaab12 years, 2 months ago
Like what ? the new Razr or however you say it, looks fantastic until you pick it up and find how bloody uncomfortable it is to hold.
And then comes Moto's blur..
Tsepz_GP12 years, 2 months ago
Thought I was the only one who found the Razr difficult or "harsh" to hold, its way too wide and sharp edged yet at the same time thin and that cold metal, its all just awful yet at the same time its so solid and feels expensive, i tried it in store back in December while i was waiting for the voda employee to bring my new GS2 to me, lol, GS2 felt like a damn toy due to being so insanely lite, but such a joy to hold and use due to its round edges and smooth plastic.
To me SE were the best though, my X10 feels the best in my hand, they truely took the time to understand how people hold phones, its curved, rounded and sharp at the right places. The Arc is the same, and so is the Xperia Play, which feels amazing to hold.
Bonovox12 years, 2 months ago
I don't like phones feeling too light or too thin anymore. Prefer something I cam feel and hold like a woman Visit forum to view images New Sony phones are nice in the hand.
chunkybeats12 years, 2 months ago
I agree about SE phones were good to hold, My Neo V is a joy to hold, that curved back makes so much difference.
rikken12 years, 2 months ago

On 2012-05-24 01:54:00, Bonovox wrote:
I don't like phones feeling too light or too thin anymore. Prefer something I cam feel and hold like a woman Visit forum to view images

Maybe you should hold a woman instead
Bonovox12 years, 2 months ago
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