
Lenovo announces 55-inch 3D TV running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

9 January 2012 by
Lenovo today unveiled the K91 55 inch 3D HDTV - Powered by Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

Lenovo with 55-inch Android Ice Cream Sandwich powered TV

You probably did not know that Lenovo made flat panel display. Nether did we. Until the announcement at CES today.

The Lenovo K91 55-inch is a 3D ready HDTV model which looks like most other new LCD TVs. The usual features are included: 3D, HDMI, USB connectivity. But this IPS TV adds that something extra we all would love to have in the living-room. What about an Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich powered model with a 1.5 GHz dual-core Snapdragon processor. 1 GB RAM, 8GB storage expandable with a SD(?) card slot, 5 megapixel camera, wired and wireless network and access to Lenovo cloud storage? We sure would love this one.

If you have the money and live in China, the Lenovo K91 could be yours later this year. We have no info about availability in other markets yet.

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Tsepz_GP12 years, 6 months ago
So this is the 1st of the high end GoogleTVs i guess, apparently Google are focusing on bringing many of these so as to get an early lead on AppleTV.
Bonovox12 years, 6 months ago
The future eh?? Seems funny a tv having a 5 mega pixel camera

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