
Apple surpasses Exxon as the most valuable company in the US

11 August 2011 by
Wednesday was a historic day for Apple which passed Exxon as the most valuable company in the US. Apple is worth 337.2 billion while Exxon is worth 330.8 billion USD

Apple most valuable company in the US 

The iPhone and iPad is the reason for Apples nice revenue numbers. In 3rd quarter 2011, Apple reported a revenue of 13,311 million for iPhone and Related Products and services while iPad and related products and services brough in 6,046 million USD. Other Apple hardware such as desktops PCs and portables earned the company 5,105 million. The software business is only making the California based company 696 million during 3rd quarter this year. Out of the 28.57 billion USD revenue, Apple made a 7.31 billion net profit. For every 100 dollars paid for an Apple product, 25 dollars will go directly to the bank account of the stock holders. Not bad at all.

We anticipate that future high earnings for Apple relies on the upcoming iPhone 5 and the speculated release of a cheaper entry-level iPhone for the mass market. But saildy CEO Steve Jobs has a histor of bad health and if he chooses to leave the company stock prices might fall noticeably.

Apple has competed with Exxon the last qouple of days for being the most valuable company in the US. After closure time on wednesday they managed to be number one. Apple stocks then traded for 363.69 dollar per share. Two and half years ago, you could buy the Apple shares for 90 USD!

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julias12 years, 11 months ago
You know what they say about the higher they climb...
masseur12 years, 11 months ago
... the more cash they have in the bank?
julias12 years, 11 months ago

On 2011-08-11 10:10:53, masseur wrote:
... the more cash they have in the bank?

No one word Enron
Tsepz_GP12 years, 11 months ago
To think this all realy started with the iPhone and Apples achieving excellent economies of scale with it, they deserve this, well done to them.
adsada12 years, 11 months ago
Makes you sick just thinking about that awful American corporate company doing well.
julias12 years, 11 months ago

On 2011-08-11 13:00:40, adsada wrote:
Makes you sick just thinking about that awful American corporate company doing well.

They make amazing products and people love to buy them so well done to them for this great achievement. I don't like some of their methods but there is no denying that Apple are brilliant at what they do and i for one will keep buying there products as long they keep making me want them which they masters at.
[ This Message was edited by: julias on 2011-08-11 12:08 ]
adsada12 years, 11 months ago

On 2011-08-11 13:07:13, julias wrote:

On 2011-08-11 13:00:40, adsada wrote:
Makes you sick just thinking about that awful American corporate company doing well.

They make amazing products and people love to buy them so well done to them for this great achievement. I don't like some of their methods but there is no denying that Apple are brilliant at what they do and i for one will keep buying there products as long they keep making me want them which they masters at.
[ This Message was edited by: julias on 2011-08-11 12:08 ]

I personally don't see that, amazing products? What an iPhone lets be honest is a pretty stupid name, but for so long it was nothing more then a touchscreen with a lack of features calling it a smartphone was an insult. Then they go an charge an excessive amount for it. Their software is boring, and so reserved giving the user no customisation. The fact they're doing so well baffles me to be honest, I think it's a mixture of clever advertising, so many people on the street would tell you that the iPhone is the best, but it's not is it? There are other phones providing you much better value for money, but the way the media also portrays it and the fact they've managed to make the iPhone fashionable to have, means that it is successful in the mass market.
But it really shouldn't be.
I hate apple, I hate their products, I hate their ways and I hate Steve Jobs.
"Oo look at me with my macbook, sitting in starbucks with my indie look and thinking I look so amazing"
No you don't you're just another one of the masses
[ This Message was edited by: adsada on 2011-08-11 12:17 ]
Tsepz_GP12 years, 11 months ago
[ This Message was edited by: Tsepz_GP on 2011-08-11 12:49 ]
julias12 years, 11 months ago

On 2011-08-11 13:16:04, adsada wrote:
I personally don't see that, amazing products? What an iPhone lets be honest is a pretty stupid name, but for so long it was nothing more then a touchscreen with a lack of features calling it a smartphone was an insult. Then they go an charge an excessive amount for it. Their software is boring, and so reserved giving the user no customisation. The fact they're doing so well baffles me to be honest, I think it's a mixture of clever advertising, so many people on the street would tell you that the iPhone is the best, but it's not is it? There are other phones providing you much better value for money, but the way the media also portrays it and the fact they've managed to make the iPhone fashionable to have, means that it is successful in the mass market.
But it really shouldn't be.
I hate apple, I hate their products, I hate their ways and I hate Steve Jobs.
"Oo look at me with my macbook, sitting in starbucks with my indie look and thinking I look so amazing"
No you don't you're just another one of the masses
[ This Message was edited by: adsada on 2011-08-11 12:17 ]

I get it you hate Apple
NightBlade12 years, 11 months ago
It's brand loyalty and a good PR dept. that made them successful.
masseur12 years, 11 months ago
... and even if people don't agree that others are copying them directly, other companies are certainly trying to make their products as friendly and easy to use as the iOS products and are, and in that, Apple are certainly leading the way. How many times have we heard industry professionals comparing other brands phones/pads to Apples?
So they must be doing something right
julias12 years, 11 months ago
I blame the iVirus
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masseur12 years, 11 months ago
Even cartoon folk like Apple
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adsada12 years, 11 months ago

On 2011-08-11 14:14:13, julias wrote:
I blame the iVirus
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Ahha that sums apple up perfectly!
[ This Message was edited by: adsada on 2011-08-11 13:45 ]

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