
Apple iPad 2 shipment targets for 2011 unveiled

6 March 2011 by
Apple expects to ship 40 million iPads in 2011. Phasing out production of the original iPad in February and shipping 2-3 million iPad 2's in first quarter

The numbers are reveiled to DigiTimes by Taiwan hardware part suppliers for the iPad. The numbers are far higher than for the original iPad. For a comparison, Apple reported to have sold one million original iPads the first month, two million in less than 60 days and three million in 80 days. Within September 25 2010, 5 months and 22 days after the launch Apple reported to have sold 7.46 million iPads where 3.27 million of those were sold during the first 2 months and 23 days. Apple sold on average 2,44 million iPads during the last three months in 2010. The last official numer from apple is the sale of 7.33 million iPads the three last months of 2010.

The new targets for 2011 is that Apple will ship up to 4 million iPad 2 per month. And a total of 40 million iPads for the entire year 2011. Apple is phasing out the production of the original iPad which sould be completed in February this year.

First quarter is usually the slowest time of the year for consumer electronics while the last quarter including Christmas shopping is the yearly high. If the shipment numbers reported by DigiTimes are correct, the estimated number of iPad produced in 2011 is illustrated on the chart below.


Apple iPad 2 estimated shipments for 2011

The number of iPad sold the first day was 300.000. For April 2010, Apple reported that one million iPads was sold. iPad 2 will for sure break this one day record.

Number of sold Apple iPad in 2010 

Sources: DigiTimes, Apple 

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masseur13 years, 4 months ago
well... count me in for 1 of these iPad 2's
I do have a Galaxy tab, but only for comparison purposes but sadly, the iPad still gets 80%+ of my attention as did the Desire vs iPhone. I really did try to make android my 1st choice and I have posted several times that I fully expect Android to eventually overcome my iOS addiction.. but not yet, unfortunately
but 40 million?.. given that 1st year sales are 15 million, and as popular as it was with almost no competition, and with the competition now out there, I'll be surprised if 40 million is a realistic target

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