
Podcasts via SMS

24 April 2006 by axxxr
MOBILIZE for Podcasters is a revolutionary, free service that enables podcasters to market and deliver podcasts to listeners mobile phones via SMS text messaging and the WAP application.

With the number of data and audio capable mobile phones outnumbering MP3 players by an order of magnitude,VoiceIndigo MOBILIZE for Podcasters provides access to a largely untapped market of mobile listeners,enabling users to easily download a podcast directly from the podcaster's website in as little as one click.

With VoiceIndigo, mobile phone users can be only one-click away from listening to podcasts; thereby eliminating the complexity associated with other applications and improving listener usability and retention.The service is simple for listeners and also simple for podcasters to enable. Within minutes, podcasters can MOBILIZE their websites via VoiceIndigo's self-service application that creates code specific for each podcast. VoiceIndigo removes all the technical complexity by providing the software and services infrastructure including valuable usage and listener reports.For more detailed information, please visit

In addition to Grape Radio (, other podcasts that have MOBILIZE-d include

Podcasters can easily mobilize their podcasts by registering for the free MOBILIZE service at

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