
80's Brick Phone Makes a Come back

20 February 2007 by axxxr
Yes the classic brick phone from the 1980's is back, but with modern twist such as MP3 ringtone support, a speakerphone, SMS, a color screen, and other modern niceties.

The FY8850 mobile phone is a fully functional redesigned replica of a 1980's mobile phone but with 21st century technology. Features 1980's look and feel complete with huge battery and long external antenna. Includes color LCD screen, polyphonic and MP3 ringtones, speaker phone and long battery life. True to its root, this phone does not have a headset, USB connection or car charger jacks.This phone is unlocked so it can be used with any GSM network using 900,1800 or 1900 frequency bands, and all yours for only $169.00 from daydeal source:gizmodo 


On 21 Feb 11:09 Xugaa wrote
Sexy, aerodynamic, slim, advanced tech... what more could you want?
On 21 Feb 09:12 Bumalabs wrote
This is great....relive the 80's yehey when mobile phones were born. :-)
On 21 Feb 07:16 BabyLaLa wrote
I like it... My people used to have them... they're reliable
On 20 Feb 21:28 Levo75 wrote
lol wut?
On 20 Feb 20:26 gazobee wrote
I like this thread. I can see all of the young ones on here who probably eat just because they're hungry and drink to get pissed. Phones are not just about what is the latest thing. There are classics and art in everything. I for example eat just to spend time with friends and enjoy good food somtimes. I may not even be particularly hungry. I can hear all of the young uns saying 'What's the point in that?' already.
On 20 Feb 19:00 nsr wrote
the only good thing in this phone you can use it as STREET FIGHT WEAPON
On 20 Feb 17:48 MadMikewitha7monitor wrote
"why? where would we put it?"

-need to buy a second rucksack!
On 20 Feb 13:32 NitroFan wrote
This was originaly known as the "builders phone" and I know at least three that will rush out to buy this ASAP, Shame the kiddies cant apreciate a tool built to do a specific job, if it doesnt fit the latest "cool profile" its automaticaly a POS a classic example of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing!!!!!
On 20 Feb 12:02 betatester wrote
Where can i buy this???
On 20 Feb 10:10 llama wrote
AWESOME. bet you'd have WEEKS of battery.
On 20 Feb 09:59 s wrote
On 20 Feb 09:22 Borobodits wrote
On 20 Feb 08:23 gazobee wrote
Oh, how you young ones will never understand nostalgia until you not so young and impetuous any more!
On 20 Feb 07:40 kulotzki wrote
let our young ones have the exprience ....
On 20 Feb 06:03 kahmeelo wrote
wonder who would use that lol
On 20 Feb 05:59 wrote
someone's trying to make some cash with this POS....
On 20 Feb 05:53 Nick wrote
Thats a STUPID idea
On 20 Feb 05:23 jagger2k wrote
why? where would we put it?

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