
Google CEO sees Free Mobile Phones

13 November 2006 by axxxr
Google chief executive, Eric Schmidt, sees a future where mobile phones are free to consumers who accept watching targeted forms of advertising.

Schmidt said Saturday that as mobile phones become more like handheld computers and consumers spend as much as eight to 10 hours a day talking, texting and using the Web on these devices, advertising becomes a viable form of subsidy.

"Your mobile phone should be free," Schmidt told Reuters. "It just makes sense that subsidies should increase" as advertising rises on mobile phones.

Google is experimenting with delivering text, brand-image and video ads onto small-screen mobile phones. It is enjoying early success in its strategy to win phone network allies in Japan, where TV viewing and shopping on phones is advanced, he said.

The Google executive said his own company had no plans to directly give away phones itself, nor is he aware of any effort by partners such as phone makers Nokia or Motorola or mobile operators like Vodafone to make such a radical move, he said.

Schmidt acknowledged that mobile phones may never become totally free to the consumer. Newspapers are still not completely free a hundred years after they started relying on advertising, but they certainly are inexpensive, he noted. source:CNN Money

On 14 Nov 19:31 dave wrote
Horrible Idea.

Pointless advertizing, we're trying to fight adware and spam on our computers, we certainly dont want more adverts sent to our phones.
On 13 Nov 16:25 maz wrote
i totally agree i hate adverts and everybody should understand one thing IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT IS
On 13 Nov 05:43 Chad wrote
@Rhett Bravo very well said i couldn't have said it better.
On 13 Nov 02:44 Rhett wrote
Yea, that's just what the world needs, more freaking worthless advertising. You used to pay for Cable TV so that you didn't have to watch commercials but now you just have to pay for Cable TV AND watch even more commercials than were previously aired on network television. It's a real shame we are SOOOO STUPID!
Nobody is going to GIVE you a free phone when they know you will gladly pay for it. They're just going to make you pay for the unsolicited advertising as well. WAKE UP!

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