
First Ever Album Made on a Mobile Phone

23 November 2006 by axxxr
Omri Levy's new EP "about:blank" is the first album to be recorded entirely onto a Nokia N80 mobile phone.

Omri Levy's new EP "about:blank" is the first album to be recorded entirely onto a mobile phone! Once in a few years, Levy releases a "one off" project that captures a moment in his life and challenges himself to stand in front of the recorder with just basic instruments - leaving all production tactics / defenses aside.


The release, “about:blank”, which is available via Omri blog is FREE to download under a Creative Commons release.The album was recorded on a Nokia N80 handset, using Alon MP3 dictaphone. source:mobilecrunch



On 3 Dec 03:13 stillmobile wrote
That's not strictly true. This one is not the first album made with a mobile phone...

There was ashbrg low the mobile suite #1 earlier this year too… made on a siemens sl55
On 24 Nov 21:04 wapchimpAKAPaulJeffe wrote
Good idea, but such depressing songs. Poor chap

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