
Christmas Turkeys on 3G

12 December 2005 by axxxr
3 teams up with turkey farmer to allow customers to choose their Christmas dinner via their video mobiles.

In a festive 3G first, mobile media company 3 has teamed up with a turkey farmer to offer its customers a unique way of choosing their Christmas bird via their video mobiles.

The new service allows 3’s 3.2 million customers to dial into live videocams stationed at Kelly’s Farm in Essex to watch individually named turkeys roaming freely in a special 3G pen. Customers can choose to switch between cameras for the best view of the birds before deciding which one they like the look of. The service then gives them the option to receive information via sms on how to place an order direct with the farmer.

Farmer Paul Kelly, the owner of Kelly’s Farm and a 3 customer, initially approached 3 with the innovative marketing idea to showcase his turkeys looking happy and healthy on the farm. Bosses at 3, renowned for breaking new ground in the application of 3G, were happy to help.

Farmer Kelly said: “Kelly’s farm turns 21 this year and what better way to celebrate coming of age than offering the public a unique window to life on the farm via 3G. I think it’s a really nice and more personal way for people to be able to choose their turkeys for their Christmas dinner. For the turkeys it’s their equivalent of a beauty pageant and it’s a fitting send off as it’s what they’ve been bred for." Farmer Kelly has reared a special ‘celebration flock’ of turkeys fed on oats and ginseng for an extra special turkey feast this Christmas.

Graeme Oxby, marketing Director at 3, added: “There’s been a lot of talk about this being a 3G Christmas but this service really proves it. We’re always looking for new and different ways to apply 3G technology and letting our customers pick their turkey by 3G certainly fits the bill."

An additional option has been included by 3 to cater for vegetarians. There will be the opportunity to choose a turkey, pay for it and then have it spared. For an additional £30, the lucky bird will be transported to a turkey sanctuary to live out its days without having to fear Christmas.

To see the turkeys in action, video call shortcode 30030 from any 3 mobile.


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