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Author George W. Bush;s Resume (C.V)
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-06-05 18:07
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Yes slattery you are correct in that sense...All religions/faiths distort there belief for there own gains.It at the same time you cannot ignore all the injustice that goes on because of this.In the end it is the innocent man/woman/child who pays the price. [addsig]
Joined: Jan 03, 2003
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From: north east england
Posted: 2004-06-05 18:15
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to right it always seems to be the innocent that get the brunt of it the catholic church had a chance to prevent the second world war but did nothing how many innocent people died cause of that
the church of england are the biggest land owners in britian and own priceless treasures yet homeless people sleep in there doorways and they hand round a collection plate to gather money for what is anyones guess
people take swips at muslims and brand them all as terroists if they knew what a muslim was they would think twice again a muslim is simply a person who submitts to the will of god that all the term muslim means yet innocent people are suffering again
we live in a very strange world indeed
C510 Black
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From: Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posted: 2004-06-05 18:37
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I bet you missed all this debating during your time away!!

Anyways, I have to admit that of late I have become very anti-religion. Not one religion in particular, just all damned religion. It seems that all these priests, inams, and other religious 'leaders' have a lot to answer for. I believe that spirituality should be allowed to flourish without being restrained by stupid diktats from these religious 'leaders' telling us we can't eat certain things on certain days (if at all), can't wear condoms, and in the more extreme cases, that all non muslims are evil and should be killed, or that someone's way of life is 'un-christian' and should be liberated from it. Or killed. :?

In fact, I saw a programme recently that suggested that the 3 main world religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) come from ancient Egypt from a rebel Pharoh called Akenaten (Tutenkhamun's father), who went against society at that time and suggested there was only one god instead of the many that Egyptians worshipped at that time. This idea stayed with some people, and laid the foundations of these three religions. look it up if you don't believe me!

I venture that the world would be an much safer and peaceful place if there was no religion whatsoever, just spirituality, and using religious books like the Bible and Koran as templates on how to live a peaceful, unselfish, kind and TOLERANT way. There would be less of this slagging off of everyone's religions as is seen in this thread.
"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

Joined: Oct 08, 2003
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Posted: 2004-06-07 03:23
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YOu Guys Still Going On About All This I have come to realize that "Religion Is The Root Of All Evil"
Joined: Dec 19, 2003
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From: Abducted by hot blondes to Les
Posted: 2004-06-07 06:10
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Just dropping in for a sec. "the christian resolve to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad." -nietzsche.
jesus has caused more deaths than hitler.

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Joined: Oct 08, 2003
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Posted: 2004-06-07 11:48
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this i agree with KiMcHeEbOi

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[ This Message was edited by: ADT0079 on 2004-06-07 10:50 ]
Joined: Nov 22, 2003
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From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: 2004-06-10 07:19
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@kimchee: i think that's going a little far since jesus' message was peace and love. you can't blame a man who died over 2000 years ago for the selfishness and greed of those who followed him.

@all: i find all this arguing around in circles frustrating. you defend one religion by pointing out all the floors in another, and by doing so you become identical to that which you claim to despise. just because one group do something bad it does not forgive anyone else who does the same. people always point to the crusades to condemn christianity, while conveniently ignoring the fact that they took place in a very different time with very different prevailing attitudes. there is no comparisson. the world has grown up, and is no longer so ignorant and superstitious - yet nobody seems to have learned from history. any form of religion-based governance is a bad thing, irrespective of the intentions behind it, because it is too easily subverted.

the persecution of muslims by "christians" and "jews" (read any white anglo-saxon or other non-muslim group) is trumpeted from the rooftops. i'm not denying it happens, and i certainly don't condone it. however, why is the persecution of Sabian Mandaeans and "christians" in predominantly muslim populations ignored?

before we go on about how evil george bush is think on this. the logic is much the same - if the brutality of a few American soldiers proves the whole US army and/or Bush is evil, then surely the finding of two weapons of mass destruction means Saddam Hussein did still have those stocks of WMD we've been looking for after all. a shell filled with about three litres of sarin, one drop of which is fatal, was found in Baghdad in late may. earlier in the month a shell of mustard gas was discovered, another banned weapon.

finally, i think it may benefit people to have a read of this transcript, which i originally posted in full in the Gulf War 2 thread (topic 57793). rather than speculating on how people in the middle east feal, and how bad bush is making things, read the opinions of an Iraqi who was actually there - and try not to colour it with your own prejudices.

and on a lighter note.....go to and type in "failure", then press the search button and have a look at the first result

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[ This Message was edited by: gelfen on 2004-06-10 06:21 ]
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-06-10 18:16
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Gelfen..Jesus might have been spreading peace,love but he was also spreading the message that his was the right path to god and anyone who did not accept his message was a non-believer Athiest and hence Evil so therefore could not be one gods people.Millions were who did not accept his message of so called Love and Peace were then beheaded,torturted,killed.Take the example of Spain.It was a Muslim nation for over 800 years until the bible bashing crusades invaded and Murdered,tortured,raped young women & children and forcefully converted a whole nation to your so called peaceful christain faith.What you see of Spain today should have been a Muslim State.

You cannot simply say that the worlds has changed,people might be much more integrated now that they used to be more education etc but underlying religion or Faith is still a major factor.Majority of the worlds christians today have completely lost all interest in there religion but does'nt mean deep down they are not loyal to it.Where as Muslims on the other hand have not changed and are closer to there faith as ever.The problem with the west is they still have'nt learnt or even try to understand Muslims and there religion hence all the problems in the world.I am sick and tired of all this hatred and anger aimed towards muslims,like muslims are some kind of sicko race.If you look deeper and study Islamic History you will find that Muslims have contributed much much more to the west than you have been lead to believe.for a start Mathamatics and Medicine was invented by muslims.Non muslims keep portraying muslims as women oppressers and Evil doers when they dont know the first thing about Islam.

Im not by any means saying that muslims have not commited there own share of Attrocities.All Major Religions kill and are still killing today for there faith and so called belief.But this Islamophobia thats going on today is completely unjustified.Muslims are a peaceful race and peace and tolerance is constantly encouraged in the Quran.When i hear stories of a muslim women being attacked just for wearing a headscarf(hijaab)in Newyork & London of all places where society is supposed to be educated and civilised and moved on from that kind of religious prejudice.Then you say the west is more civilised.

Just go onto and go into one of the chat rooms how much hatred there is towards muslims,you will not find one room which shows hatred towards christians by muslims.Some of the more Fanatical muslims in the middle east do what they do out of desperation.If say for example one of the Muslim nations invaded Australia to liberate it from a tyrant John Howard and started killing,shooting and bombing innoccent people.I'm sure gelfen you would'nt stand around and watch the show.You have to understand that fighting for your own country is not terrorism as america and other countrys would like to lable them.Iraqi is a sovereign and free nation and was under saddam.No country has the right to invade it for whatever reason.In the 21st century there other ways to rid of a tyrant.

The problem with Bush is he never went into Iraq to get rid of Saddam that was just a excuse to take control of the oil and to keep the Israel's happy!Everyone know that.Even americans i chat to on Paltalk who have served for the U.S army tell me that.There's a new film about to be released called farenheit 9/11 its shows the true ugly reality of Bush's administration. watch the trailer here This movie actually won the palm dor at the cannes film festival a few weeks ago.Its a reality based documentry.I hope everyone gets to see this and shows the decieving face of g.w.bush.

Just coz we see Iraq liberated does not make this war by any means Legal and Justified.It was illegle war through and through just for the fact they had a few WMD.Iraq had every right to have Nerve gas,Nuclear weapons whatever..They are a sovereign nation and can keep and stock what ever kind of weapons they wish.If you want to make rules for WMD's make sure those rules stand for and Israel,North Korea aswell.Why are you people so blind to the double standards.or are you just ignoring it coz its a muslim state.This is why terrorist do what they do.Get g.w.bush and all fools who follow him to abandon his double standards,and you will see islamic terrorism will also vanish.

At on the last point Gelfen i know you dont like my political opinions but the fact remains i dont like your either.But its nothing personal mate.
C510 Black
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From: Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posted: 2004-06-10 18:40
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I have a short-wave radio, and can pick up a US-based talkshow on it. The Islamophobia on it was unbelievable!! It's presented by a bloke called Chuck Carter (anyone in the US heard of him at all?) and there was a guest on it a couple of days ago stating that moslems had two choices. Convert to Christianity, renounce Islam or be destroyed by America. If many in the US (including our friend Bush) subscribe to this, is it no wonder many in the Middle East hate the US? I'm not Moslem, and I recently have really started to dislike the US for what it's doing.

@axxxr - I agree with everything that you say, except you say in one bit "Iraq is a soverign and free nation and was under Saddam". What do you mean by 'free'? Anyone that opposed Saddam was jailed, tortured, and/or killed! Saddam had to go, however the method used was waaaaay over the top. As you say, there are other methods available. All that invading these countries will do is create more hatred for the US and Western civilisation and push us towards World War 3.

I wonder what the recently departed Ronald Reagan would have done about all this?
"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-06-10 18:56
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Sammy-boy...I may have made a mistake by saying Iraq was free under saddam,but what i really meant to say was that no country has the right to invade another country unless it is ordered by the U.N. America broke every rule and law to get into Iraq and have there way.
America has made more enemies and more terrorists by there actions.These Islamophobic ppl that come on paltalk and chat shows don't know want to know what islam is all about.This is the same kind of prejudice the jews faced by the germans before hitler came into power.One guys on paltalk i was chatting with actually said to me that All muslims were terrorists and they were also preaching violence and murder against all muslims in that world.If muslims did that they would be instantly branded as terrorists.i dont know how such ppl can get away with that kind of hatred. [addsig]
T68 grey
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Posted: 2004-06-10 19:32
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Let us just remember guys that there will just be a 'never ending' discussion when the following are being talked about:

1. Religion
2. Politics
3. Money
4. Food

and the 'latest' addition according to recent surveys:

5. Discussion Forum at esato!

[ This Message was edited by: jojo51069 on 2004-06-10 18:45 ]
W760 Black
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From: California, but now in Plano,
Posted: 2004-06-10 19:37
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YOU KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM WITH ALL OF YOU BUSH HATERS IS?!?!?!?!? That you don't all live in the US, so that we can vote him out of office!!! He sucks!
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-06-10 19:42
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But jojo even though i agree with your point.The only way to get rid of ignorance is through knowledge and debate. [addsig]
T68 grey
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Posted: 2004-06-10 20:10
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@axxxr - Certainly there my friend. Though in a friendly debate, it is more practiced to have a so-called 'moderator' so as to know who's really talking - rght! But since we are in a 'free-for-all' discussion here at esato, all the member's has the so-called 'runaway-tongue' and sometimes perceived to be a 'verbal-diarrhea', it is very difficult to detect right from wrong. Of course, no one would dare agree to such mistake or less-knowledgeable than the oher party, right? Also, my friend, as I have seen this thread to which you authored a couple of days back, I posted a reply saying that you are much in a good position and disposition of emitting IT related facts rather than political one, specially that of US president Bush (more individuals see his move of liberating Iraq as a - failure, but I don't). Touching issues with that of Pres. Bush is a very delicate one at present, wherever site you go in.
I still am for a 'no-debate' at all here! Much better if everyone will be discussing their 'beliefs' via - pm!
Thanks mate, just pointing out my views here!
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-06-10 20:26
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Breaking News

LONDON - Morrissey, outspoken lead singer of '80s rockers The Smiths, has sparked an Internet storm with reported comments about President George W. Bush.

The Manchester Evening News said Thursday it had received a record number of hits after reporting on its Web site that Morrissey, 45, had interrupted a Dublin concert Saturday with news of former President Reagan's death, adding that he wished Bush had died instead.[....]0610/ap_en_mu/people_morrissey

+Remember that the more u know the less u fear+
+Become someones hero+

[ This Message was edited by: axxxr on 2004-06-10 19:26 ]
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