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Author some one from israel???
Joined: Mar 29, 2002
Posts: 96
From: Lebanese/Palestinian-Living in
Posted: 2002-04-08 00:08
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Arafat is a 'terrorist' for ordering $70 milion weapons from Iran..
USA gives Isael nuclear missiles...
Who is the terrorist now?
Israelis are the new Nazi's..

Anybody know what is happening on the Lebanese border wit Israel currently?
P800 no flip
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From: UK - London
Posted: 2002-04-08 00:14
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THnx for adding ... but also there isn't a realy a proof that Iran was supplying them with wepons ....
(It dosen't show ... almost all the palestinails are fighiting with only stones)
Joined: Mar 29, 2002
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From: Lebanese/Palestinian-Living in
Posted: 2002-04-08 00:34
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The shipment was halted by Israel..
They say they disposed of them..
Basically they used them themselves in their cold-blooded attacks..
Their leader is wanted for War crimes..
And they think the Arabs cause the problems....
Who invaded Lebanon?? (Where they were driven out By Hizbollah)
C902 Black
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From: UK-Belgium-Azerbaijan
Posted: 2002-04-08 20:50
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On 2002-04-07 22:48, nyk_2702 wrote:
Isarel gets more help than any other country from the US..

I think you'll find that is Armenia actually!

T68 grey
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Posted: 2002-04-08 21:12
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You all should take a look, or five, on this site! :

Top site where you'll find articles written by geniuses of this world!
Just read and take it in!
What is written in these articles is so true!
I wonder why all polititians (on high posts) have to be psycopats... why can't people like Chomsky for example, or any other writer at this page ( be presidents, or prime ministers?

This world is f**ked up, thank God I have my T68 =o) and thank God this site excists, so I know that there are sane poeple in the world.

(sorry for sounding a bit melodramatic, but this site is good so you'll understand!)

(oh! and don't forget to look at the political cartoons (upper menu/other/cartoons))
Joined: Mar 29, 2002
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From: Lebanese/Palestinian-Living in
Posted: 2002-04-08 22:09
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2002-04-08 20:50 posted by arroyootje

I think you'll find that is Armenia actually!


Does Armenia get Military funds??
Doies it get supplied Nuclear missiles?


Joined: Mar 03, 2002
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From: Los Angeles, California
Posted: 2002-04-08 23:33
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Bah, as long as my T68i still works when the world economy collapses, I'll be happy!
Joined: Mar 05, 2002
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From: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Posted: 2002-04-08 23:44
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On 2002-04-08 23:33, Deltayoda wrote:
Bah, as long as my T68i still works when the world economy collapses, I'll be happy!

Quite a selfish point of view imho.
Joined: Mar 03, 2002
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From: Los Angeles, California
Posted: 2002-04-09 01:09
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Don’t take me wrong, I am concerned about the current situation, but it’s out of my hands. Only thing I can do is protest, and what good has that done? I don’t exactly feel like getting pelted with rubber bullets...
Joined: Mar 29, 2002
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From: Lebanese/Palestinian-Living in
Posted: 2002-04-09 12:06
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U guyz say Israel always defends itself against attacks....

Wat about wen it attacked Lebanon?
T68 gold
Joined: Mar 11, 2002
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From: Israel
Posted: 2002-04-10 18:55
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On 2002-04-07 22:48, nyk_2702 wrote:
Me again...

I still think that Israel is the terrorist in all of this...

that's okay, everyone can make mistakes


Palestinians do not simply blow themselves up as people suggest.

what nonsense, of course they do. just turn on your tv and you'll see for yourself.


The so-called 'terrorists' are doing what the Israeli army does to palestinians.

it's OBSCENE to compare maniac suicide bombers, whose ONLY AIM is to murder as many innocent women and children as possible, with those who are out trying to protect their families from these murderers (it is FORBIDDEN for the israeli army to specifically target civilians--and whenever palestinian civilians are killed by mistake, regret is always expressed by israel, as opposed to the joy expressed by palestinians when innocent israelis are killed). there is NO moral equivalency between terrorists and those defending themselves against terrorists.


You don't see it on the news of course.

ah, here it comes, the international jewish conspiracy, or something of the sort...


CNN is Bush's mouth piece, Sky News is defends the British Government. USA is defending Israel for one simple reason. OIL. Israel's position is perfect for the USA to have an influence on the Middle East and it's Oil. Why is it attacking Iraq? Saddam might be a physchotic man, yes. But USA put him in power... They want to kill him to put a puppet in his place to do as they say. Israel will probably where the US strike from, the Israeli's has 200 nuclear bombs, given to them as 'support'. This is not really necessary when they are defending themselves against Stones and hand-made bombs.

haha, what nonsense. first of all, israel hasn't had any nuclear weapons "given" to them. israel officially doesn't possess any nuclear weapons, although unofficially, everyone knows israel's nuclear program has long ago achieved the goal of creating nuclear weapons--which are kept as a deterrent (the same way the US and russia kept tens of thousands of them as deterrents during the cold war). secondly, you must be either really naive or extremely deceitful to say the palestinians have only stones. look at the thousands of assault rifles, RPGs, rockets, etc. captured by the israeli army during this latest round-up of the terrorists. then, look at some of the pictures at and THEN tell me the palestinians only have stones. what a joke...


Isarel gets more help than any other country from the US..
Did u know that the prices of Oil went up in the US, and the increased profits that are obtained by the US government are given to Israel as support.

wrong, egypt gets more. many other arab countries also get plenty of aid from the US. interesting story about the oil etc., i guess that ties in well with your jewish conspiracy theories, huh?


Yes Palestine does get support. BUt how come when it wants weapons they are not allowed weapons???

what a ridiculous question. just look at what they do when they get their hands on weapons: kill as many women and children as possible. and then you ask why they shouldn't have them?!?! besides, all of the support the palestinians get go straight into the personal bank accounts of arafat and his henchmen, the palestinian people never see any of it. well, except for the suicide bombers, who are funded by arafat, as recently proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.


When Israel was DEFEATED by Lebanon (after Israel attacked it). The Israeli's claimed that they were trying to defeat the Hizbollah 'Terrorists'. The Leader of these terrorists was blessed by KOFI ANAN, the UN secretary General after he liberated Lebanon from the Israeli terrorism. Who is the terrorist now?

well, this paragraph didn't make much sense (even less than the rest of your post). israel, however, was never defeated by lebanon. there's no such thing as lebanon anyways, it's just a province of syria with a syrian puppet-government. and if you want to know what happened between israel and lebanon (because of arafat, of course), read up on your history a bit and you'll see israel's entering into lebanon had nothing to do with the hizbolla.


The only reason for the USA supporting Israel in this whole thing is because Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are planning to kick them out of the Gulf region, and they wont have any strong bases 'protecting their oil' because of their war on terror, which failed hugely.. Where is the Talibvan leader? Where is Osama Bin Laden?
Free... How successful were they?

let's see... the taliban is no longer in power in afghanistan. for the first time in years, a woman can go out into the streets without being 99.99% covered from head to toe, without the fear of being beated to death in the street by the taliban secret police for such "disgraceful conduct". i'd say they were pretty successful.


Israel should really stop their attacks...

israel is defending the lives of its citizens from barbaric terrorist attacks against women and children. those who "should stop" are the palestinians. they have promised to do so over and over in endless agreements, yet (not) surprisingly, they have NEVER done so.


Ariel Sharon is wanted in Belgium for crimes against humanity and for war crimes...

wanted in belgium? that's a new one. so i guess you don't like the american notion of "innocent until proven guilty" either, huh? not too surprising... besides which, sharon has already been admonished of all responsibility by an american court of law. the one who should be on trial is arafat. tell me something: do you know what happened in damour, lebanon? no? well, look it up then. then, come back to me and tell me who the criminal is.


Who is the maniac leader now??

well, that's an easy one: same one as has always been, arafat.
T68 gold
Joined: Mar 11, 2002
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From: Israel
Posted: 2002-04-10 19:01
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Anybody know what is happening on the Lebanese border wit Israel currently?

yes, the terrorist hizbolla organization is firing rockets into israeli cities on the northern border, and this after israel unilaterally withdrew from lebanon. what can their justification possibly be now? they can't possibly have any justification. and then people say that israel should pull out of the territories, and trust the palestinians to protect israeli citizens from the terrorists. yeah right.
T68 gold
Joined: Mar 11, 2002
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From: Israel
Posted: 2002-04-10 19:04
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almost all the palestinails are fighiting with only stones

hahaha. that's a good one.

click on the "pictures" and "children" links. hmm, i see a little bit more than "stones" there
T68 gold
Joined: Mar 11, 2002
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From: Israel
Posted: 2002-04-10 19:08
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On 2002-04-08 00:34, nyk_2702 wrote:
The shipment was halted by Israel..
They say they disposed of them..
Basically they used them themselves in their cold-blooded attacks..
Their leader is wanted for War crimes..
And they think the Arabs cause the problems....
Who invaded Lebanon?? (Where they were driven out By Hizbollah)

wow, one lie after the other... are you really so deluded, or are you consciously spewing false propaganda?

the "driven out by hizbolla" part is a particularly nice touch hehe. makes me think of the arab countries that celebrate their "victory" over israel in the arab-israeli wars every year!!! wow, talk about brainwashing their public...
Joined: Mar 29, 2002
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From: Lebanese/Palestinian-Living in
Posted: 2002-04-11 01:15
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What took U so long to reply... Communiactions in Israel not that secure coz of Palestinians? Or are u beginning to realise how stupid Sharon and Israel really are ?


On 2002-04-10 19:08, calvin0927 wrote:

wow, one lie after the other... are you really so deluded, or are you consciously spewing false propaganda?

the "driven out by hizbolla" part is a particularly nice touch hehe. makes me think of the arab countries that celebrate their "victory" over israel in the arab-israeli wars every year!!! wow, talk about brainwashing their public...

Then why did Israel decide to withdraw its occupation in LEbanon?
It left because of Hizbollah.. U think that Israel wanted to leave? If U think Lebanon is not a real country was is Israel?
Its the biggest terrorist in all of this..
U say what palestinians do... Look at what Israel does..
All u have to say for urselves is 'Jewish Conspiracies' and 'We are defending ourselves'.
Just yesterday one of ur ppl ask Y Suicide bombers want to destroy ur 'peaceful and loving' economy. Thats a big load of crap. Israel is just the back-yard of the USA. It says jump, U jump, It says roll over.. U will. (or you dont get paid)..
And u say that Palestinians dont deserve weapons..

As for Hizbollah attacking Israel now... Thats really good
With his backing from other countries Israel will wake up from its little 'virtual world'... Because whilst the palestinians might not have the militarial equality, Hizbollah does..
Israel were thrown out like dogs from Lebanon..
ohh and a fact that u got wrong... Hizbollah has nothing to do with Lebanon.. He is attacking ISrael in Retaliation for Israel's attacking of Palestine..

U keep believing that Israel is rite and that ur views are perfect..
Because soon it will all come back at you..
What goes around comes around....

Its tie u got ur head out of where the sun don't shine and face the real facts..

Allah - Palestine - Al-Quds..

[ This Message was edited by: nyk_2702 on 2002-04-11 01:41 ]

[ This Message was edited by: laffen on 2002-04-11 03:58 ]
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