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Author Other bad news from Iraq.
Joined: Nov 22, 2003
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From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: 2004-04-14 02:18
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@boyi: (very black humour)
Whomsoever you see in distress, recognize in him a fellow man

Gelfen's special place where nobody talks to him anymore
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-04-14 02:25
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boyi i dont have a short memory mate..Saddam did kill thousands of his own people!..But americans are doing exactly the same thing to them aswell!..And i am tired of listening to this Bullsh**t that the americans wanted to rid of saddam of all his evil and genocide..Ok then why does'nt america go into zimbabwe there's been a genocide going on there for years!..yet everyone chooses to ignore that one..ok how about palestine?..Palestinians are refugees in there own land!..Wheres your American liberator now?..and Americans constantly feed the Isreali army with more weapons and money and the Isreali Genocide goes on with!...Come on now ppl why the double standards?..And your right boyi suicide bombers dont simply vanish coz more troops go in.. [addsig]
Dj Boyi
W810 black
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From: Liberty City
Posted: 2004-04-14 02:26
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Well GW Bush will be doing a live press conference on the TV in a few minutes,should be on all the news channels,lets see what he has to say.
If nobody wants it.. put it on eBay.
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-04-14 02:32
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F**k that asshole!!...hate listening to the dumb mother F**ker anyway!!..My pet cat has more intelligence than that meglomanian!! [addsig]
Joined: Nov 22, 2003
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From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: 2004-04-14 02:49
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you know, I think everyone excpet the US should get a say in the US presidential elections since it affects us more.

there are no votes in the zimbabwe issue for bush so there's no way the US will get involved. australia has in fact been leading the charge on dealing with zimbabwe, but with precious little support from anyone else. in fact britain should be in it up to her ears because zimba is part of the british commonwealth, but again - no votes in it.

as for the israeli-palestine situation, it's gone well beyond the point of laying blame. suffice to say i disagree with ANY ideology which denies the right of a particular race or religion to exist.
Whomsoever you see in distress, recognize in him a fellow man

Gelfen's special place where nobody talks to him anymore
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-04-14 03:08
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Well how about sending a pipeline of oil into zimbabwe from iraq or kuwait and maybe just maybe america will notice!!..and his pet pooch blair will follow!.As far as the palestinian and Iraeali issue is concerned Without a Seperate and True Palestinian State america will find that the war on terror will go on and on and more innocent ppl will just keep on dieing coz of the polocies that america makes!. [addsig]
Joined: Nov 22, 2003
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From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: 2004-04-14 03:52
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possibly, but in your opinion would that include the destruction of israel or not?

(i'm trying to get a sense of your political and religious affiliations)
Whomsoever you see in distress, recognize in him a fellow man

Gelfen's special place where nobody talks to him anymore
C702 Cyan
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From: Den Haag
Posted: 2004-04-14 09:05
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erm........ for the sake of everybody who wishes to voice a modest opinion on the matter, can we try and refrain from any namecalling. it does not make all this any easier to read

As far as Bush is concerned... i'd say we stick him, sharon, blair, our own PM Balkenende ( ) and that spanish idiot, along with Bin Laden, Saddam, al sadr, all Hamas leaders and Putin in a bunker and nuke it. It may not bring about world peace at once but at least we will have rid ourselves from a bunch of power- and money hungry fools that will lead us to destruction if we don't stop them.

back to the point of armed militias in Iraq: no matter what anybody says..... men with guns never BUILD anything. All they know is how to destroy.

And no matter where you stand on the issue of 'self defense' or suicide bombing or whatever..... at the very end..... if a whole generation of suicide bombers has come to pass...... what will they have achieved? They will have achieved a world where they have left their parents without children and their ppl without a future.

Granted, they will have taken quite a few others with them.... but in the end... where will it lead? Nowhere at all.

I agree The US forces shouldn't be in Iraq. But if they pull out now... fully and completely... what will happen? What guarantees are there, in reality, that the iraqi ppl, the ones that are always the victims in this story, will be any better off?

How many of those men with guns really know how to create a safe environment? How many of them know how to buikld and explouit an oi well? How many of them know how to sell an item?

They have not done anything remotely like that for 30 years! How will they fare if left alone? Be honest. And do remember most ppl that did have the knowledge needed either left long ago or were killed.
Joined: Nov 22, 2003
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From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: 2004-04-14 09:13
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@vlamm: well said
Whomsoever you see in distress, recognize in him a fellow man

Gelfen's special place where nobody talks to him anymore
C510 Black
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From: Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posted: 2004-04-14 11:12
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Yes, nice one Vlamm!

I sometimes wonder if it would be worth setting up a Palestinian state somewhere, not sure where (answers on a postcard please!! ). It could solve a great many problems, or we all will end up finding something else to argue and fight about, it seems to be human nature to be confrontational.

Regardless of the legality/ethics of the US/UK going into Iraq, they now need to stay to get the countries' infrastructure and economy up and running, and to try to train people (perhaps including some of those gunmen) up so they can build and exploit an oil line, or become a plumber, work in a power station, etc.
"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

Joined: Jan 13, 2002
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From: Scrotland
Posted: 2004-04-14 12:37
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If I had a Pig Ugly wife like some of these Suicide bombers I would want to strap a huge amount of explosive round my body and set it off.

This message was posted from a P900

C702 Cyan
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From: Den Haag
Posted: 2004-04-14 12:44
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Joined: Jul 19, 2003
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From: India / England
Posted: 2004-04-14 13:52
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On 2004-04-14 09:05:14, Vlammetje wrote:

How many of those men with guns really know how to create a safe environment? How many of them know how to buikld and explouit an oi well? How many of them know how to sell an item?

They have not done anything remotely like that for 30 years! How will they fare if left alone? Be honest. And do remember most ppl that did have the knowledge needed either left long ago or were killed.

I tottaly agree with Vlammetje here, if the coalation forces leave Iraq now the nation will just fall apart. I am sure Axxxr you will agree that even the muslims don't like each other, do you think the Sunnis and the Shias will live in harmony ever after? What will happen to the kurds? What about Ahemedia group? And its not news that muslims are the most illiterate and uneducated people in the world (Please don't come up with one or two names of famous muslims, instead look at the literacy rate of the muslim countries) and hence who will make the machinery to dig oil wells, ofcourse you have to depend on the rest of the world. And what is there in this middle east apart from oil which the Brits discovered for you, I really wonder what will happen to the muslim world if the oil dries up one day. Pakistan is the only muslim country which produce some rice, wheat and other stuff.

Now Axxxr you mentioned about 'Double Standards' above, do you know that non muslims can't even enter the city of Mecca or Madina, that's two big cities I am not mentioning about a particular mosque, how tolerating is that? I have friends who had to 'smuggle' Bible in to saudi arabia after removing the face cover so that they can read it at their home how tolerating is that? and then when people like you come to other countries you want all the rights in the world (I assume you are in london ) and you don't see that as double standards. You are allowed to build mosques and distribute qurans free and preach about your religion in all the democracies in the world (western or eastern) but you don't allow others to do the same in your countries.

You complained about the treatment of prisoners in guantanamo bay and asked for fair trial where they were reading qurans and were having three meals a day and were provided a muslim american preist while in saudi arabia you will be beheaded without any trial for blasphemy and that blasphemy is if a person folows his religion, not saying something against islam, don't you think that is not double standards?

Now again if you look around the world where ever there is trouble and war one side is always muslims, be it Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, Afganistan, Chechnya, Yogoslavia .... the list goes on an on. If I am arrested for fighting against 10 different people and 10 different places I think its only fair and logical to assume that I am the trouble maker and not the other 10 people. I think this fighting around the world happens because the muslims are not at all tolerable to other religions and the people don't want to integrate with the society they are living in. Having said about integration in Saudi Arabia you want even women visitors to use a black veil to cover their head and at the same time you refuse to learn English while you are in UK.

You seems to be an educated person based in london try to influence the ignorant religious leaders to be more open and tolerable to other religions and cultures then people will respect muslim ideologies
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C702 Cyan
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From: Den Haag
Posted: 2004-04-14 14:03
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On 2004-04-14 13:52:53, anish wrote:
And its not news that muslims are the most illiterate and uneducated people in the world (Please don't come up with one or two names of famous muslims, instead look at the literacy rate of the muslim countries)

i did not say THAT and that is most certainly not true. What i said is the ppl who have the knowledge required to build Iraq are not currently IN Iraq nor have they been there anytime during the past 10 years. They fled. they are still (most likely) muslims though, albeit in exile and most certainly not illiterate.


And what is there in this middle east apart from oil which the Brits discovered for you, I really wonder what will happen to the muslim world if the oil dries up one day. Pakistan is the only muslim country which produce some rice, wheat and other stuff.

Indonesia? large tourism industry (well at leats prior to the bombings?)
Egypt? Also tourism?
Agricultural? Spices? Just to name a few

Now again if you look around the world where ever there is trouble and war one side is always muslims, be it Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, Afganistan, Chechnya, Yogoslavia .... the list goes on an on. If I am arrested for fighting against 10 different people and 10 different places I think its only fair and logical to assume that I am the trouble maker and not the other 10 people.

I give you northern Ireland. A fine example of mutual Christian AND UK based intolerance.

W810 black
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Posted: 2004-04-14 14:34
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On 2004-04-14 01:27:19, axxxr wrote:
Listen gelfen mate!..The f**king americans should'n be in Iraq in the first place..There are illegely occupying Iraq You think iraqis are so dumb that they belive the yanks came to liberate them!,,yanks dont give a flying monkeys about iraqis or liberating them..they just want to get iraq into control so they can suck the oil dry from it!..As far as these murdering thugs are concerned..They are fighting occupation here!..its there land mate..they make the rules not the americans!.They have to have to defend themselves against heavy american weapons..taking hostages is the only way they see things..And mate i wasnt refering to iraqi's sucide bombers but Palestinians.And your forgetting over 400 iraqis have died in the last 2 weeks fighting in the town of faluja..So what do u want them to do send George Bush Flowers.

And keep Israel safe from harm. I think this was the primary reason for the invasio...... sorry 'Liberation of Iraq'
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