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The BEST action movie I've ever watched was . . .

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Posted by *Jojo*
For a breather here, 'cause I am also a movie fan, to the extent that I even converted my own small private room/bedroom to a small/mini home theater, just want to know what's the BEST ever action movie you've watched to date. For me, the best movie minus the latest computer-generated action-packed scenes is I guess the movie of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger - "THE PREDATOR" !!! It was shown last October 0f 1987 (Manila). I was really amazed and speechless upon seeing the entire movie, though I must admit here that a small fraction of the entire movie was edited/made using the latest computer tech. done in the movies at present. Having fought an alien barely with almost no ammunitions left with Arnie just simply using the resources found in the jungle was truly great. Though realistically speaking, that would be a no-no in real life -very much impossible. They made a sequel to the said movie - PREDATOR 2, but I just did not like the actor who potrayed it (black man), where the alien was wrecking havoc in the city. Now let me hear your choices people . . .

[ This Message was edited by: jojo51069 on 2004-01-29 15:31 ]

Posted by skin
The Wizard Of Oz.... Brilliant for 1939!!

Posted by *Jojo*
Wizard of Oz is that an action flick ??????????????????????? Speaking of the 1930's circa movies, let's not just forget the movies - Casablanca and Gone With The Wind, still very popular in DVDs and VCDs here. P R E D A T O R , is still the best for me !

Posted by SCORPIONKING1982
gotta be either terminator 2 or blade 2, both super smashing great films!

Posted by Universal Exports
I think all Swazenegger films are very funny and I always laugh when I see one

Posted by fijbert
I know what is the worst action movie I've ever seen
Knock Off by van damn

I've been renting van damn movies all week long
(how lifeless I am)

Posted by Universal Exports
Lifeless and lifeless... Desperate I'd say. Van damme movies would be my last choise in a store of movies. I rent every Swarchenegger film I can since they're so funny. He can really only play one role (but that he's good at) and I think that character is funny since he thinks he's so bloody cool.

Posted by masseur
tough choice, and probably one that changes each time I think about it, but probably my most watched action movie would be 5th element. I can never tire of watching that.

Posted by Universal Exports
Yeah, the fifth element is really great.

Posted by sn3ipen
I agree with mass and UE

Posted by skin
The Wizard Of Oz was full of action when that twister hit Kansas!! ;-)

Posted by *Jojo*
Yeah Bruce Willis' - The 5th Element is a nice one too - indeed very futuristic. One thing that I really liked about Bruce's movies is the DIE HARD series - really great, very realistic at times. Just who can ever forget about Arnie's movie counterpart - Sly Stallone, the 'RAMBO' series were really really great, an army of one against the whole of Russia - quite impossible huh, but he managed to live. LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION !!!

Posted by pachy
@skin, I agree W of O was a turning point, like the T68m it turned a black & white world into full technicolour.

Pelham 123, is a good one.

Leon, is brilliant.

Night of the hunter, must be an action movie.

But does anyyone remember tthe name of that film where some cowboys go to find treasure in an area tthat turns out to be a getto, gang warfare takes off & the film uses up more lead than the roof of the cremlin.

Posted by Ayush
Final run?

Posted by *Jojo*
@pachy - cowboys ??? Do you know at least the actor who starred on it? JohnWayne's/Clint Eastwood's/Charles Bronson's cowboy movie flicks were truly an outstanding success during their eras. But the latest cowboy movie that really made we wonder (because they used computer-generated scenes) time and again was that of Will Smith's - Wild, Wild West. For an oldie - How The West Was Won, was indeed a great one too!

Posted by pachy
@jojo51069, But this wasn't a cowboy flick, it was a Black gangster drug wars getto movie, the strange thing was, it started with 2 cowboys who were checking an old map for an old cowboy/gunslingers stash, when they got there it was a built-up modern black getto.
The fun started when they aaccidently found loads of cash, but it was some craack dealerss sttaash & they were suddenly in a full blown siege for the rest of tthe film. the automatic weapon fiire was almost continuous, but is was a very "Believable" plot.

I cant remember any famous actors but it was made in the nineties i think.

Posted by *Jojo*
@pachy, looks like I can visualize the movie you are talking about, but ' just can't remember the title too - fully ??? Was it Money Train ?, but you did not mention about any train there, and there was no continuous gunfire in that flick. How About the movie HEAT, with Kilmer, Pacino and de Niro ??? I'll just reply here ASAP, when I remember the title OK . . .

Posted by Ayush
Money train was a fine flick. J.lo was in it.

Posted by pachy
yea thanks this is really bugging me now.


[ This Message was edited by: pachy on 2003-12-16 20:52 ]

Posted by Elrond
Don't have a favorite action movie, but have a movie that I mostly seen (9 times) is Matrix 1. I think it was the best of It's trilogy. 2 wasn't so good and 3 is horrible. I like Fast and Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious and Triple xXx too.

Posted by Universal Exports
Total Action was good.

Posted by *Jojo*
@elrond - The movies Matrix and Fast and the Furious were truly good ones - I've watched them in DVD numerous times . . . About movies with fast car fascinations - I guess one of the best ones ever shown in theaters was the movie - Cannonball Run ('80's) it was really a star-studded film, and with no computer-generated scenes- 'ALL REAL'. Predator is still my best choice as the Best Action Film ever made in movies !

Posted by obsixx
The original star wars trilogy, if you can call those action movies. If not t2 by far.

Posted by gelfen
Under Siege anyone?
Lethal Weapon (2, 3 or 4)?

or a classic.....Robin Hood (with Errol Flynn)

Posted by *Jojo*
@gelfen - the movies of Steven Seagal were nice too. Under Siege 1 & 2. For the die hard oriental people here, I think one of your choices is that of the legendary - Bruce Lee! I 've collected about 6 of his movies in DVD, some are quite expensive, 'cause it's already a collector's item.

Posted by rrojas260
Gladiator is the best for me

Posted by gelfen
alright, if we're going real (haha..."reel") classics...Enter the Dragon

i really liked Stargate, Robocop, The Mummy, Batman

i also thought The Transporter (with Jason Statham) was underrated.

Gee, does that beat me? I only got two pair - two aces, and another two.

[ This Message was edited by: gelfen on 2003-12-17 03:38 ]

Posted by *Jojo*
Gladiator was one of my faves - at present too, very informative of our past, though it was outbest by Denzel Washington's - 'Training Day' at the Oscar's years back. I like the story so much, which reminds me of Panchito and Babalu (national artists) during their times. . .

Posted by oxegn
Gotta be the Lord of the Rongs trilogy...though not seeing The Return of the King til tomorrow.

I'm sorry but predator though entertaining isn't very high on my list!

Posted by morbodestroys
Does Fight Club count as an Action Film?
My fav film of all time

Posted by *Jojo*
@morbodestroys - Yup, I guess too that the movie Fight Club can be considered and action flick. Is it the one who starred Brad Pitt?, and part of the scenes were taken in the boxing arena?

Posted by chucky_egg
Leon is great, but my all time fav film is True Romance

Posted by *Jojo*
@chucky_egg - 'True Romance', an action flick ??? Sounds like more of an adult movie rather than a drama one . . .
I forgot to make mention of some great actor's/movies too like that of Chuck Norris, the James Bond series (very refined action secenes), X-Men 1 & 2 and the ever popular - W W F series !!!

Posted by gelfen
Showdown in Little Tokyo ???

it was on here over the weekend and i nearly p*ssed myself laughing. it's always good watching Dolph Lundgren trying to act.

Gee, does that beat me? I only got two pair - two aces, and another two.

[ This Message was edited by: gelfen on 2003-12-21 22:25 ]

Posted by *Jojo*
@gelfen - yes, Dolph Lundgren and Governor Arnie Scwarzy makes a good tandem when making/doing a movie together - action one really becomes a comedy and sometimes drama . . .

Posted by gelfen
just a few more that sprang to mind:

Indiana Jones trilogy
The Guns of Navarone
The Great Escape
The Dirty Dozen
any random James Bond film (with the exceptions of Die Another Day and Never Say Never Again)

Posted by *Jojo*
@gelfen -all of the movies you mentioned are great, to the fact, they've made it to the blockbuster category. George Lucas' and Steven Spielberg's movies did it as well to the blockbuster list !

Posted by snap-hiss
I can't believe only one person so far has mentioned Return of the King. I'm not nessessarly saying it's the best, but it's darn close.


Posted by gelfen
well, it's probably more of an adventure than an action flick, but it's also a bit new to be called "the best ever". it will need to stand the test of time after the hyped dies down (much like the original star wars films).

Posted by snap-hiss
What I ment was that I'm not prepaired to make the claim that it's the best, I'm just surprised that with all the current hype no one mentioned it.


Posted by *Jojo*
I am just wondering here . . . has anyone noticed a movie where they made feature of celfones? One of the 'best' I've seen so far is James Bond's - 'Die Another Day" where it featured the SE P800. Any movie else ? ...

Posted by snap-hiss
The Matrix films make a very obvious use of wireless phones.


Posted by gelfen
charlie's angels 2 had a very obvious cameo by a t610 (and the camera in that one was much better than anything on the market now - including digicams). pity the first one was a much better movie though.

Posted by dwin_888
Infernal affairs heheh one of the best movies iv watched heheheh infernal affairs 2 is also nice heheh im gonna watch part 3 later ehheh to you Hongkies out there.... wats ur feedback?? hahaha btw im chinese from the Philippines nd an avid fan of chinese nd english movies

Posted by *Jojo*
@dwin_888, so it's true now that you're really of chinese origin residing in Manila. So how was your trip abroad during the holidays? I am also curious by the way you post your replies, you were always 'laughing' - you just like inhaled a laughing gas or better yet, sounds like a laughing hyena - kidding aside, Internal Affairs (sounds like an adult flick), is a great movie too. Have you watched the latest 'Mano Po' -Filipino movie ? Very chinese in settings and plot as well . . .

Posted by dwin_888
@jojo! lol:D
well i really like to laugh! hahahahhaha um its INFERNAL AFFAIRS hehe its a nice movie man,,, its not an adult flick! um it won best pictures last yr or last last yr i think?? remember the chinese flick hero? heheh it won lots of awards over hero i think? um ive watched the first part of mano po.. i think we're going to watch the second part sometime this week um my vacation.... hmmm.... its nice! hahah bought quite alot of stuffs.....and i think i gain a few pounds coz the food there was great!!! yumyum! heheh so how bout u mate?

Posted by *Jojo*
Last night I was able to watch the movie "Italian Job" in it's entirety, and man, I guess I can consider it as one of the best action-packed flick of last year-2003, the best so far, in it they revived the mini-cooper car - good looking. They also featured luxury cars like - Ferrari, Bimmer 8 series/new, Aston Martin and Cadillacs. Also, the movie Bourne Identity (book novel) was a good one as well

Posted by gelfen
the original italian job was better. the new one was still a good movie but the ending was weak.

Posted by GotFina
I have a few fav. movies.. Lock, stock & two smoking barrels. The bourne ID. Predator is still a great movie- not because of arnie but because the predator is so god damn cool. Can't wait 'till the next movie. Looking 4ward to A vs. P: the movie

Posted by *Jojo*
@gelfen - you mean the Italian Job movie that I just watched is somewhat a remake - Mark Wahlberg and Charlize Theron? Then who starred in the original one? How about the movie 'Seabiscuit' - flick about horse racing. Rumors have it that it will be nominated in the best picture category in this year's Oscar's, also, they say that it was entirely sponsored by 'Oreo' .

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