
Textual Liaisons

10 November 2006 by axxxr
New research by Virgin Mobile reveals the way in which your star sign impacts upon the way you use your mobile phones to date and flirt.

Whether you are an Aries man or a Taurus woman, each sign has their own unique way of using their mobile phone, whether it is to simply communicate with friends, or as an integral part of the dating game. This unique research carried out by Virgin Mobile, in conjunction with celebrity astrologist Paul Watson, reveals the personality secrets behind each star sign, including which sign is most likely to cheat on their partner, which sign is more likely to use their mobile to tell their partner they love them via text, and who is the biggest mobile phone flirt.

Virgin Mobile reveals that Libra is the sign allegedly most likely to cheat on their partner via text messages and secret phone calls in a form of ‘mobile phone adultery’. Celebrity Librans include Chris Tarrant, Tommy Lee and Simon Cowell, none of which are strangers to infidelity.

According to the research, Librans love to be in control of situations and often text people they are flirting with rather than calling them…even if they already have a partner. As natural charmers, Librans like to be in control, in all aspects of their lives and at all times. So, texting is just the tool for them. Using their mobile phone is the perfect medium to organise clandestine liaisons without any complications.

The silent and secretive Scorpio is the sign most likely to tell their partner they love them via text as opposed to telling them face to face and Taureans are the biggest culprits of flirting via text message with potential partners, using their mobile as a non-committal way of forging relationships with new partners.

Paul Watson, said: “You can relate astrology to every sphere of life. Technology is no different. The star signs quirks and traits vary wildly in terms of taste and requirements where sex, love and food are concerned well, now you can add mobile phone technology.“ 

Star sign synopsis:

Flash Harrys and flirty WAGs who love a phone with funkiness and will use it to impress a potential partner.

Taureans and technology? Er, no thank you. They keep it simple, and prefer to text to lure in that special someone.

Geminis adore technology. They love to have the `gadget’ phone, and will use all facets of their mobile phone to organise their life.

Cancerians like to keep their life simple, they are faithful in love and will not use their mobile for anything untoward.

Leos love the finer things in life and will go to any lengths to impress their partner, and that includes what mobile they have.

A precise phone, a sleek phone, an efficient phone, a phone that’s uncomplicated and sophisticated – Virgo style.

Librans like to use their phone as a pulling partner, and don’t be surprised to find a few texts on their mobile that really shouldn’t be there!

An air of mystery surrounds most Scorpios and their phones reflect this. Dark, mysterious and difficult to fathom, they like to play their card close to their chest.

Sagittarians are straight talkers and like to communicate verbally, not a lot of texting going on here.

Capricorns are born sensible and so are their phones. Technology? Not interested.

Aquarians are incredibly bright, but technology sometimes overwhelms them. Quirky, funky, simple and play their relationships in the same way.

Any phone that allows you to communicate on a million different levels please, these are born talkers and will embrace new technology.

On 14 Nov 18:25 funtimefrankie wrote
Aquarians are overwhelmed by technology? Hmmmmm maybe working in mobile communications isn't the best job for me then! Ah well back onto the job search web sites.... OH NO... I can't use them as the technology involved would overwhelm me.... Guess it's back to living in a cave and eating nuts and berries then!
On 10 Nov 21:36 IgnyteYou wrote
It Sounds like a pile of Bullshyte to me.
On 10 Nov 17:16 Viking5 wrote
Taureans and technology.....yes please, love computers, gadgets and anything tech :O)
On 10 Nov 17:12 Rajjy wrote
Christ, have people really got nothing better to do?
On 10 Nov 15:13 milmino wrote
I'm a Taurus too and about to get the w950.. love technology..
On 10 Nov 11:23 mish wrote
8800, spc m3100 and k800 - libra
On 10 Nov 10:41 yuunanase wrote
They must be joking... I am Taurus, with a P990i
On 10 Nov 09:35 gwping wrote
Mind is Virgo and I have a K610i...
On 10 Nov 06:32 sefan wrote
RIGHT,i dont think so!my star sign is pisces and have a w900i...

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