

31 August 2004 by axxxr
Time services and tools to help people's flexible lifestyles,lets you know on your mobile when the next bus is due and when your washing is ready.

We all know that rigid clock-based schedules do not accurately reflect the constantly changing nature of services and events. Associate Professor Michael Kieslinger believes that networking technology can be utilized to connect people to real-time information, allowing them to plan and adjust their daily activities in a new, more flexible way.

What if you could find out exactly when your doctor would call you into her office so you wouldn't have to wait in the waiting room? What if you knew just when the repairman was expected so you wouldn't have to stay captive at home, wondering when or if he would arrive? What about knowing the actual time events will occur rather than the scheduled time?

Michael and his team are developing tools and services to provide people with dynamic, personalised real-time data about public services and private appointments. Instead of arranging appointments in reference to the clock, fluidtime users can flexibly arrange and adjust their appointments by coordinating their own schedule with the changing availability of whatever service they are seeking. Fluidtime works with the unpredictable nature of events, constantly updating users with the most recent, most accurate time information about transportation, delivery or health services.

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