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Author The All New Sony Ericsson Portfolio for 2011
Joined: Mar 20, 2004
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From: Sweden
Posted: 2011-12-13 15:41
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On 2011-12-13 15:36:37, NightBlade wrote:
If it's got a xenon flash in it, I'm all in for the bulge.

So am I!

My only concern is, two completely different design languages ?
We have the LT26i's new brick style design and then the Camel which is very old Sony style, looks a bit like playstation, nothing like the new walkman for example.
[ This Message was edited by: Ravager on 2011-12-13 15:01 ]
The tiny rabbit from outer space
Ricky D
Sony Xperia Z3
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Posted: 2011-12-13 16:09
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Actually, one thing about the Arc is that when it sits in my hand, in portrait, and I reach down for the menu button, the centre of gravity is just off the top of my index finger so it feels like it will fall. I dropped it the first day I had it because of this. I've since learnt to stretch my fingers wider but it's slightly awkward and most of my friends have dropped my phone in their first instance of holding it. It's like a slippery fish.

It's also not easy to hold in one hand rotate to landscape and use the shutter button to take a photo because of the tiny frame at the bottom and the weight distribution.

This bulge on this supposed new Sony device will go some way to fixing the problems above. I'm a taker for the bulge with or without xenon.

There was no actual jizz, that bit was a joke, just excitement outside the pantal area.
I have a dig bick
You read that wrong
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Posted: 2011-12-13 16:17
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[ This Message was edited by: smclion102 on 2011-12-13 15:18 ]
Sony Xperia Z
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From: Bulgaria
Posted: 2011-12-13 16:23
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On 2011-12-13 15:36:37, NightBlade wrote:
If it's got a xenon flash in it, I'm all in for the bulge.

I doubt it! The device is so thin at the top (maybe around 7,5mm) so that bulge is needed for the camera lenses to f it without xenon. But xenon or not, the real question is how the hell someone will take picture in portrait mode when camera lens is covered by his hand..? It`s the same odd placement with Arc lens at the top edge and the tumbs but now on the bottom side. Even though it`s strange I think it will be comfortble to hold, and more stable in hand than RAZR opposite bulge.
Xperia Ray
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Posted: 2011-12-13 16:27
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These are 11 days old

"SONY LT22i" is probably just a concept too:[....]elative-xperia-arc-big-bottom/
[ This Message was edited by: sunrise_ on 2011-12-13 15:27 ]
Sony Xperia Z
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From: Bulgaria
Posted: 2011-12-13 16:27
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On 2011-12-13 15:41:12, Ravager wrote:

My only concern is, two completely different design languages ?
We have the LT26i's new brick style design and then the Camel which is very old Sony style, looks a bit like playstation, nothing like the new walkman for example.
[ This Message was edited by: Ravager on 2011-12-13 15:01 ]

I agree and may suggest that this is just Sony prototype phone that will never see real life. I hope I`m wrong, cause it look interesting.
Model not set
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Posted: 2011-12-13 17:13
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On 2011-12-13 10:46:21, admad wrote:
Are You serious? Try going to a pub for example, and take a good pic there, it's impossible whether it's SUPER HIPER ULTRA Exmor sensor, it may have 30 MPx, it still will need some exposure time to take the pic, in which time the hand will shake this thing like crazy. At best backlit sensor in low light areas can do 1/30s IMO. Xenon flash gives us like 1/250s and even more. With xenon I can take as many pics I wish and I'm sure they will come out fine. With low power LED I have to steady myself, and hope that photo will come out only a little blurry. Xenon is a must. It's funny how I may have the best phone with best camera, but still take worse pics than good old k800i...

I'm absolutely serious. You keep forgetting about another attribute of photography, which would be the film/sensor sensitivity. A well-engineered CMOS sensor can go to higher ISO with less noise and more dynamic range; this is the primary feature of Sony's Exmor and Exmor R sensors. By not using as flash, you can actually SEE the pub you're in and not just completely washed out images of people's faces. An LED flash is actually superior to a xenon flash due to its lower power output, supplying enough light to the foreground without causing the background to disappear. I'm far more pleased with my XRay's camera than I was with my old C905 to the point where I've stopped bothering to find a point-and-shoot because I really don't need one anymore (whereas the C905's pictures were noisy at low ISOs and the xenon flash was absolutely horrendous to the point where I still felt I needed another camera for when I didn't want to lug around an SLR).

Here's one of two examples I just took. Low amounts of ambient lighting less than what you'd find in a typical bar. ISO4000 (I'd avoid ISO4000 even on an APS-C SLR, let alone a 1/3.2" sensor), f2.4, and 1/15th. I added +2.0EV because I couldn't get the camera to expose the way I wanted it to, which, since it was destructive editing, added quite a bit of terrible noise grain.

Here's the same setting but with the LED flash on. ISO1600 (still high but more manageable), f/2.4, and 1/25th. First off, it's not very blurry and I honestly don't have very steady hands. Second of all, the it provides enough lighting to cover the area without blowing out the area. There are no harshly bright spots on the glossy surface of the guitar (imagine not-completely-dry skin with a higher-output flash, and you'll see another reason why xenon flashes really aren't that great), and you can still see the surroundings.

On 2011-12-13 13:18:48, disiz wrote:
Xenon flash is really great for night photos. Today every phones make good day picts, but inside or by night, the picts are really noisy, then for now we need xenon flash because as you said manufacturers prefers growth MPixels capacity than sensor or lens itself... A friend has a Xperia Arc, and my satio results are much better. For red-eyes you're right that's a problem, but I prefer red eyes with a good focus, than normal eyes and noisy pict And for dark background, I always apply some settings, because as all automatic mode on digital camera isn't great
That's why we're wainting hard for a Sony mobile with xenon flash, because the Motorola XT720 isn't very good

Here's a picture taken at night (6:50AM local time). 1/50, f/2.4, ISO640. The noise levels are actually pretty low and the exposure is excellent; in fact, a good amount of dynamic range is preserved. In fact, Sony's 8MP Exmor R module performs well on a technical level; however, Sony has a tendency to go overboard with noise reduction, which kills reduces detail.
Sony Xperia T
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Posted: 2011-12-13 17:28
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Here's the same setting but with the LED flash on. ISO1600 (still high but more manageable), f/2.4, and 1/25th. First off, it's not very blurry and I honestly don't have very steady hands. Second of all, the it provides enough lighting to cover the area without blowing out the area. There are no harshly bright spots on the glossy surface of the guitar (imagine not-completely-dry skin with a higher-output flash, and you'll see another reason why xenon flashes really aren't that great), and you can still see the surroundings.

Ok this one isn't bad, but look at the distance, it's very close, when LED flash still has some power, beyond 1,5m it's useless, so will be the photos. And 1/25th isn't that great either...

Don't get me wrong all things have pros and cons. I would just love to see a phone with xenon flash and LED, perfect combination I was hoping it would be next SE flagship, but looking at how things are going, it's even worse than before (non-removable battery, no SD slot, microSIM(well with this one I can live... but still)
[ This Message was edited by: admad on 2011-12-13 16:29 ]
Joined: Jun 03, 2009
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Posted: 2011-12-13 17:42
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Xperiablog says the sony-phone is a concept made of clay or something[....]entified-sony-xperia-surfaces/
[ This Message was edited by: motvikt on 2011-12-13 16:43 ]
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From: California
Posted: 2011-12-13 19:11
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On 2011-12-13 17:28:12, admad wrote:
Ok this one isn't bad, but look at the distance, it's very close, when LED flash still has some power, beyond 1,5m it's useless, so will be the photos. And 1/25th isn't that great either...

My point in terms of the LED's power output is it'll be powerful to illuminate what's near you without causing the background to need to become pitch black so as to not let the foreground overexpose. In a setting such as a bar, the ISO will adjust itself. Furthermore, if you can't hold an object steady at 1/25th........ I'll abstain from commenting further on that.
Sony Xperia Z
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From: Bulgaria
Posted: 2011-12-13 19:46
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On 2011-12-13 17:42:12, motvikt wrote:
Xperiablog says the sony-phone is a concept made of clay or something[....]entified-sony-xperia-surfaces/
[ This Message was edited by: motvikt on 2011-12-13 16:43 ]

If true it`s too bad for cause I like prototype with silver-like side more than device shown on GSMArena pics.
Xperia X10 White
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Posted: 2011-12-13 20:00
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On 2011-12-13 04:06:14, Karun wrote:
Love your little tidbits of info. But is the non removable battery and microsim confirmed?

I wouldn't call it non-removable. Maybe not-so-easy-removable is more appropriate
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Posted: 2011-12-13 20:39
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Phone?? What phone??
SE cz
Sony Xperia Ion LT28at
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Posted: 2011-12-13 22:27
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Use ur brain bro, clear Photoshop job just got U
[ This Message was edited by: SE cz on 2011-12-13 22:34 ]
Xperia Arc Black
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Posted: 2011-12-13 23:16
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Yes clearly a concept, check out Xperia Blog. The specs GSM list are ones similar to the arc, so if this was the specs to be found on this phone why would it need such a large 'bulge' at the bottom, when the same technology was able to be fit in the thin arc.

Also might just me, but that sony logo looks really stupid in my opinion, It is far too small hopefully when they do do the brand change they will manage to fit their logo of the actual size...

Also hey there SE CZ, I am from Prague
[ This Message was edited by: adsada on 2011-12-13 22:19 ]
Xperia S
Long live the legacy of the Xperia arc
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