
Forum > General discussions > Garbage threads > The "Ive just been in a fight"thread

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Author The "Ive just been in a fight"thread
P900 no flip
Joined: May 09, 2004
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From: Made in Alnwick living in Scot
Posted: 2004-09-08 21:25
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You've hit the nail on the head - Balls. Men's testosterone fuelled pride rules.
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
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From: UK
Posted: 2004-09-08 21:33
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I detest violence in all forms, but I have to admit that the blighter sounds as if he deserved a damned good thrashing. Of course I'm not advocating violence, although sometimes a chap does get to a point where he is just brimming over with ginger and and has to put a bounder in his place.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC
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From: ELF Pap Cop (Avatar pending)
Posted: 2004-09-08 21:38
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Did i say i love you guys?? I think i did. Cos i do.
I also hate violence in every shape or form, im usually the guy stopping fights and advocating peace. But on this particular occasion, it really was the only option. [addsig]
P900 no flip
Joined: May 09, 2004
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From: Made in Alnwick living in Scot
Posted: 2004-09-08 21:39
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Come on scotsboy, tell us about your last fight, I bet it was over a maiden and the Queensbury rules were involved.
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From: ELF Pap Cop (Avatar pending)
Posted: 2004-09-08 21:53
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Yea, a couple guys slapping each other with their genuine leather gloves! [addsig]
P900 no flip
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From: Made in Alnwick living in Scot
Posted: 2004-09-08 22:03
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With the sleeves rolled up on their white shirts and cravats removed.

Come on scotsboy, surely you've written something by now.

Edit:I suspect he's watching Grand Designs (TV prog on CH4)

Pictures in my head
Worst job ever! v's Dream Job

[ This Message was edited by: mince-inside on 2004-09-08 21:08 ]
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
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From: UK
Posted: 2004-09-08 22:38
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I am watching Will & Grace.


I was involved in a bit of a scuffle once. Gather round for I have a tale to tell:

I was standing a very nice girl dinner one evening; the sort of girl one would crack a nut in one's teeth for. We had just finished our meal when the sommelier came over to take our after dinner drinks order, he was informing us of the choices when a brutish looking man brushed past him in a rather forthright manner. The sommelier obviously wasn't up to much as he wobbled knocking over the lady's glass of dessert wine; any sommelier worth his salt should be able to balance an open bottle wine on his head whilst dancing the Charleston without a drop being spilled.
The spilt dessert wine cascaded towards the girl like a Biblical flood. Throwing ettiquette to the wind I removed my napkin from my lap and through it on the table, depsite the meal not being officially over, in an attempt to stop the wine from staining the lady's dress. Alas I failed, afraid of dropping my Churchill I misplaced my throw. The wine drenched the lady, staining her dress and illiciting a gasp of horror from her.
Whilst my dinner date tried vainly to mop up the wine I leapt to my feet, determined to give the brute who charged past a piece of my mind. He stood their agog as I asked him to look at what he had done. The brute, obviously recognising the steely determination in my voice and noticing my warrior like physique, backed down. He apologised to the lady and the sommelier. I sat back down satisfied that the situation had been resolved. I had been so intimidating that the offending chap promptly sent us over a bottle of champers.
All that was left was for me to apologise to the lady for displaying such brutal anger in public, and then it was a round of huzzahs as the band struck up 'Anything Goes'.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC
P900 no flip
Joined: May 09, 2004
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From: Made in Alnwick living in Scot
Posted: 2004-09-08 22:44
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Well done matey - I was expecting pistols at dawn but overall good show old chap.
Joined: Apr 29, 2003
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From: ELF Pap Cop (Avatar pending)
Posted: 2004-09-08 22:46
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Stop making me laugh man, my lip hurts! [addsig]
P900 no flip
Joined: May 09, 2004
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From: Made in Alnwick living in Scot
Posted: 2004-09-08 22:53
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Where's 7th Dan Kimmy and his Kung-Fu tale - not allowed to fight or I'll go to jail - my arse.
He better turn up and answer my problem otherwise he's sacked!
P900 no flip
Joined: Jul 07, 2004
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From: Bonnie Scotland
Posted: 2004-09-08 22:57
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The last fight i was in was *you guessed it* outside a kebab shop! Tw@ decked my pal, so i decked him, then all hell broke loose and me and my pal legged it! Not quite as eloquent as scotsboys!
Hello, Scroto!

U.G.L.Y. You ain't got no alibi, you ugly!
W850 black
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From: Leeswood
Posted: 2004-09-08 23:48
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Ah the good old revenge beating, cant beat it (pardon the pun)

My gf cheated on me a few months back and I beat the shit out the guy who she'd kissed! he was a right slimey bastard, we knew him from the pub and he pretended to be a mate to me while on the side was tryin it on with my lady! he was a gardener for this rich couple and lived in a caravan on their estate, so one night I paid him a visit! I athletically climbed the gates to the estate and made my way to his caravan where I proceded to break all the windows with my bare hands, him cowering inside! he eventually emerged where upon I beat the crap out of him, he didnt even put up a fight! Job done, i turned and walked away, lighting a ciggy as I went, cool as ya like lol Proper messed my hands though, drove myself to hospital too lol

That was my first fight too Well done switchblade, proud of ya mate
Joined: Mar 12, 2002
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From: Norig/Norway
Posted: 2004-09-08 23:58
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I would have turned his caravan upside down instead. At least pushed it over on the side. Much more elegant, no blood spilled but I would have made my point. [addsig]
W850 black
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From: Leeswood
Posted: 2004-09-09 01:03
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yeah but blood and scars look cool lol
C510 Black
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From: Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posted: 2004-09-09 01:43
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Jeeez, I've OD'd on testosterone reading this thread!!!

If only all life's problems could be solved by twatting someone. I have to say I probably wouldn't go to the lengths that many here have gone to in these situations.....

.....but I have never been in a situation where a girl has cheated on me. In all probability I'd at least go and ask the guy in question what the hell was going on and demand an explanation. I have generally an even temper, but if it goes, it really goes!

I haven't hit anyone at all though now for about 11 years, the last time being at school at the age of about 14 or 15.
"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

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