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Author Apple iPhone 6 Announced
Joined: Feb 23, 2004
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From: Sweden, USA Los Angeles CA
Posted: 2015-02-03 19:05
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So where is the superiority of iOS iFans are talking about?
All you do are promoting things iOS can do as Jailbroken and those things are elementary things in Android *lol*

I definitely Think the iPhone 6 is one of the most beautiful phone you can get but it's in my opinion too limited for my taste.
[ This Message was edited by: McKinley on 2015-02-03 18:31 ]
GH688, T28, T39 and T68
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X1 Silver
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From: Toronto, Ontario
Posted: 2015-02-04 03:15
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On 2015-02-03 19:05:38, McKinley wrote:
So where is the superiority of iOS iFans are talking about?
All you do are promoting things iOS can do as Jailbroken and those things are elementary things in Android *lol*

I definitely Think the iPhone 6 is one of the most beautiful phone you can get but it's in my opinion too limited for my taste.
[ This Message was edited by: McKinley on 2015-02-03 18:31 ]


Ability to get things done right the first time:
Do Not Disturb (got it right)
Move Emails from one account into another (just my type)
Fitness ... sorry but 1 app created pretty must works on ALL iPhone except the very first 1.
^ no other mobile OS can even blow a fart to a candle on that.
Compatibility - I can play and record from my electric Guitar on my iPhone 5S, my iPad Air or my son's, and he can to on his iPhone 5S - with 1 cable & 1 adapter. And I can do this reliably day after day hours after hours! Yes this is available by the same creators on Android but not even close to reliable.
Health specific apps and accessories ... android failed here regardless of the device sales numbers; accessories for the larger things other than microphones, headphones, cases yeah wateva.

Now .... there is a huge field growing in prosthetics control and now banking wireless and secure that is ACTUALLY DELIVERED (ahem, BlackBerry; pay attention here).
|AppleTV2|iPhone 12Mini 256GB|iPad Pro 256GB| Previously ... K750|Z500|Z520|K700|K790i|K850i, :Ericsson: T18z|T28World|T36m x3|T68m (Ericsson, not the rebranded T68i).
X1 Silver
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From: Toronto, Ontario
Posted: 2015-02-04 03:29
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On 2015-02-03 17:25:46, aussieland1 wrote:
As a user of both iOS and android I fail too see how iOS is a superior product. I use them both daily and both have advantages over the over - but ios most certainly doesn't feel superior.

Apple sells so much because people still perceive the brand as as being superior - if another manufacturer would sell iOS phones I doubt that they would sell any close to these numbers

That's funny because the very SAME thought was done with Mac OS after Steve Jobs was kicked from Apple. Contracts and licensing lasted some 5yrs and Apple did NOT make ANYTHING!

eMacs (yes a company not the iMac for education back in 2003)

^ they're all bankrupt as computing companys for PC's. This was in an era when PC's where as much personal as our cellphones are now to everyone.

The issue with your presumed line of thinking is:
Apple as a company works not just like an ecosystem which MANY fans an repeated sales are attached to ... it's the hype ... it's the status quo.

Status Quo ... you know ... if you're old enough to be an early tween like me to SEE the BRICK Motorola cellphone used for the first time in public TV (Miami Vice) and then SEE it personally used in your hood shown off by an aspiring drug dealer on the downlow ... (I say aspiring because just 13mins of calls back in 1994? costed over $1000 when the economy was hurting, and well no credit/doh and his business was done; happens when you show off and let tweens play with your phone). LMAO! Also you'll recall the early Macbook (non-unibody) commercials featuring coffee/latte cups in white with brown cardboard heat dispensors around it pretending yet never showing that famous USA brand for Coffee ... what was that name again? (rhetorical here of course you know the brand as well as I do). Partnership with said company just mentioned that played iTunes playlists and had a iTunes card allowing you a free track download per week.

To understand the Apple sales and success since 2001 you NEED to really pay attention to ALL their commercials ...
First start with the Marketing of "Think Different"
Charles Barkley
Bruce Lee
(First Female to cross the atlantic; apologies I forget her name)
(Female who began womans rights in america)
Dr Martin Luther King
Malcom X
Spike Lee
Goldblum (The Fly)
etc etc.

Then consider the marketing of Big and Small with Mini-Me and that Chinese NBA Player first to cross over with a HUGE contract to match!

The marketing goes on and on.

Apple does NOT market products themselves. They market YOU ... the person, the ideals, passion to broaden US as people in society, change society, change commonplace old views that limit growth ... etc.

Say what you will about Apple as a business past present etc. but you MUST admit after watching ALL their ads since 2001 (I'm serious make it a research project) ... that they understand one thing.

Those that believe they can change the world, actually Do!

they've done this every 10 years regardless if invented or marketed innovations that's an another arguement and not my point ... it's Marketing and with 34'000 iPhones sold every minute every day for 90 days last quarter and profits that can pay the entire USA Food and Drug Administration 4x over with $$ to spare ... YUP they are THE BEST at marketing.
|AppleTV2|iPhone 12Mini 256GB|iPad Pro 256GB| Previously ... K750|Z500|Z520|K700|K790i|K850i, :Ericsson: T18z|T28World|T36m x3|T68m (Ericsson, not the rebranded T68i).
Joined: Feb 23, 2004
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From: Sweden, USA Los Angeles CA
Posted: 2015-02-04 06:31
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Supa_fly, I can't really argue with you on those things. I have never thought of those either to be honest.
GH688, T28, T39 and T68
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Moto V525 and RAZR V3
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LG Nexus 5
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Posted: 2015-02-04 07:36
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Android can do the "do not disturb" and moving from one email account to another just fine. Health apps apple is in front because they started earlier however Samsung already has its own app plus there is another ton of 3rd party apps

That really only leaves accessories and compatibility between iPad and iPhone. As there are things where Android is superior to iOS as well this hardly makes iOS a superior system (accessories has nothing to do with iOS anyway )

And in regards to your second post even though you refer to my post as "issue with my presumed thinking " whatever that means you seem to validate my point that Apple sells through their name not because of how "superior" iOS is. Yes I remember Miami Vice - I am that old - and that is what I meant too - through marketing Apple built this image that their products are superior to everything regardless of price
X1 Silver
Joined: Apr 16, 2002
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From: Toronto, Ontario
Posted: 2015-02-05 01:53
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On 2015-02-04 07:36:44, aussieland1 wrote:

Android can do the "do not disturb" and moving from one email account to another just fine. Health apps apple is in front because they started earlier however Samsung already has its own app plus there is another ton of 3rd party apps

Problem is NONE of those apps share the data between themselves or homogenously relay that information to the user. That is the issue with self created API's from developers vs using core OS API's. You need to use each app for it's specific purpose on Android.

Then there is the issue that one said app does NOT work - irregardless of the same Android OS - on another model phone (even if seemingly the hardware support is there). Take a look.

On 2015-02-04 07:36:44, aussieland1 wrote:
That really only leaves accessories and compatibility between iPad and iPhone. As there are things where Android is superior to iOS as well this hardly makes iOS a superior system (accessories has nothing to do with iOS anyway )

I beg to differ.

historical view:
Ringtones - Nokia created this on S30 or whatever its' mobile softwware was back on the 3390 i think it was? This was core to the codec and the support being part of that software; for almost 2yrs no other phone supported multiple tones to be played back at once and even then could use the plethora of ringtones that quickly spawned. Took :///: some few years to get caught up.

Lanyards - i think this was a Nokia/Samsung thing I cannot recall but in some Asian countries THIS was a deciding factor for choosing a feature phone (yeah you remember those before smartphones ever sold more than a few million per specific model). From simple Lanyard straps to colours, to country bands, to charms to light-show raver type add-ons (antennea quickly followed and died).

MMC/SD/TransFlash (MicroSD):
It's hard to think of these as accessories but truth be told they ARE. Sony first introduced a phone that could play music using their MemoryStick (original) in Japan first then in Europe ... I think it was the SONY CMD J6/Z5! Then this exploded with the K750i/W800i shortly thereafter the TransFlash standard by Motorola (yes it was Motorola) for imbedded storage then transfered over as a standard base for MicroSD after certification. Now MANY Android users SWEAR upon having a MicroSD slot for use and Samsung was more than happy to oblige all this time in 95% of their product lineup of smartphones.

Camera Lenses (external):
This was pretty much a fad the last 3yrs after the iPhone 4S/5 debuted and you'll see these actually improve upon camera quality. Not that long ago (under 10yrs) Ericsson made the first camera accessory for a phone - T68m (which soon after the partnership with Sony became the T68i.

GADS! you do NOT understand how brainless and so much I detest feeling like a half-twit to even think or let alone type that word "Self**" ARRRGH! Well this is the new "Accessory" trend. Of all the ones I've mentioned now ... this is the one that is not too specific to a phone brand or model.

Can you guess which one I've left out thus far?
* BlackBerry had NO CASES beyond the one's THEY made for many of their BB10 phones.
Q10 has about 2 big known brands for after-market cases
Z10 has about 2,
Passport has 4 actually but those sales will be minimal based on how many of those will sell world wide! Make no mistake Cases are a MASS MARKET consumer good (Luxury priced or not).
The Classic still has NONE, and the Z3 and Q5 have none as well.
Based on early hype and interest 2 years ago yesterday, Blackberry 10's Z10/Q10 did NOT sell very well their first 3 months and I'm willing to bet beyond the inital hey wtf sense of minimal apps having no aftermarket cases was a KILLER Deal!

Just think about your existing phone ... if no cases or decals it could sway your decision depending on the original design or build of your phone. I chose NOT to buy the iPhone 6 specifically due to the BEND issue and lack of 5S' plethora of case designs as I think the iPhone 6 looks horrible past that screen and TouchID.

On 2015-02-04 07:36:44, aussieland1 wrote:
And in regards to your second post even though you refer to my post as "issue with my presumed thinking " whatever that means you seem to validate my point that Apple sells through their name not because of how "superior" iOS is. Yes I remember Miami Vice - I am that old - and that is what I meant too - through marketing Apple built this image that their products are superior to everything regardless of price

now at least somebody was paying attention ... I'm grateful.

ok I didn't exactly challenge the superiority well enough but I'll try:

1. Largest offering of music in various genres (probably the most of any store front).
- I'll presume you also like ownership of your music vs renting it (streaming). I'll stream to get new tracks like back in FM radio days of the 80's but I HATED waiting for a track I liked and discovered to be rotated again to hear it again. No thanks - but things change.

2. BEND ... the iPhone 6/6+ has been rumored and and so many occasions even by die-hard fans pretty much proven that they BEND WAY too easily. What nobody noticed is that the screen did NOT crack, chip, or shatter during the manual bends shown off. I'd say this makes their screens quick superior. I'm half-hazarding on this one.

3. Best Audio quality. Control-Talk
- I'm sorry but without Apple Android has STILL had issues figuring this out with their manufacturers across the board. I don't drive a car often so I use public transit to commute within the city. The fact I can control my music playback and playlist exclusively from my headphones has kept me coming back since the iPhone 3G. There is no universal support on any other platform. Sound quality even when amplified remains clear .. again very few Androids can do this, even the HTC One M7/M8 using Beats Studio or any other amplified headphones (Bose, Sure, Seinhauser, etc).

4. Accessories. The simple FACT that Apple has the most accessories support in various fields for various walks of life makes this, a VERY personal device, simply superior. Because it is personal and should be able to adapt to my needs, your needs, and everyone elses needs because at the end of the day it IS a mass market product! It was never designed for a specific target market or market segment.
|AppleTV2|iPhone 12Mini 256GB|iPad Pro 256GB| Previously ... K750|Z500|Z520|K700|K790i|K850i, :Ericsson: T18z|T28World|T36m x3|T68m (Ericsson, not the rebranded T68i).
LG Nexus 5
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Posted: 2015-02-05 08:04
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- largest collection of music - to be honest with you so far I have been able to find the same songs on both google play and iTunes
- audio quality - based on the the latest models it doesn't seem like iPhone has the beat sound quality anymore

However like I already said accessories wise iPhone is in front (not IOS related though ) .

As I said though I am not disputing that iOS has some advantages but then so does android over ios which is why I said that I fail to see how ios is superior
Joined: Mar 15, 2009
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From: Netherlands
Posted: 2015-02-05 08:37
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Didn't we have this discussion before? And before,
And before
And before
And before
Model not set
Joined: May 11, 2014
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Posted: 2015-02-05 09:53
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I think consistency is the key word with apple and iOS. Each year, consistently, apple bring out a solid quality phone with a solidly updated OS and consistent backwards and forwards compatibility across the different hardware, and across the ecosystem. You buy an iPhone or an iPad and you know you're not going to get left behind any time soon, you'll receive consistent support in terms of updates, a consistent and reliable experience when it comes to apps and media etc, and when you come to upgrade your hardware later on, again - the transfer will be seamless, the experience will be consistent, all your apps will still work, everything will be the same but progressively better.

Old hands here will know me from days gone - my first smartphone was the SE P800 in 2002 and I kept that early smartphone dream alive with a number of SE and other devices, but then finally switched to an iPhone 3G in 2008 when the AppStore first launched, back when Android was still vapourware and yet to launch on the very clunky G1. You have to see these things in context; it's very easy to dismiss iOS now as just the same as android, but in 2008 it was thousands of light years ahead of anything else that was out there and while yes, Android has ridden those coat tails and done a lot of catching up, it's still way behind in terms of providing a consistent, reliable, quality experience across the board. iOS had a big early lead and its maintained it with gradual evolution and carefully planned updates; Android feels more like its jerked from one philosophy to another in a reactionary way, jumping between the changing priorities of Google to the differing needs of manufacturers, and the result is a mess - ok it's a mess that the so called "power users" with their endless time to meddle and fiddle can still get a great experience from, but for the vast majority of people iOS is simply better. It's more expensive, because it's based on an entirely different business model where you pay Apple for the hardware and software rather than Google paying you for your data, and that will mean that Android always has the largest market share, but for me iOS will always dominate the quality vs quantity end of the scale. And that's why Apple make all the money at the end of the day.

Consistency is why I still have an iPhone, and an iPad, and bought a Mac (all after buying that first iPhone in 2008), and why all those devices talk perfectly to each other, and I can make a phone call on my 2009 Mac, and send an SMS from my wifi only iPad. Consistency is why I bought these devices; not marketing.
Nokia 808 PureView
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Posted: 2015-02-05 19:53
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I wasn't talking about iOS alone, but the package as a whole... the only significant thing Andro OEMs had over apple was the screen size, and now that's gone so the reasons to go with android are rather trivial from my perspective.

I would bet you that 8 out of 10 people will chose the iPhone 6 over the best android phone out there if you let them use them for a month.
[ This Message was edited by: cu015170 on 2015-02-05 18:54 ]
LG Nexus 5
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Posted: 2015-02-05 21:04
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^ even in US where people love apple so much the market share is even so personally I doubt very much that 8 out of 10 people would choose iPhone. Don't forget that the last quarter of 2014 didn't have any new flagship for android and wp (except for Note 4) and Nexus 6. Both are phablets though and nexus 6 was very difficult to find. I am not disputing that iPhone is more popular than any android phone I am only saying that your numbers maybe a but too far fetched.

As far as the previous post is concerned yes consistency is vweytrue and iphones certainly do that better than android but again let's not exagerate - android flagships are receiving the updates and transfering the content from the old phone to the new one is not a big deal at all
X1 Silver
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From: Toronto, Ontario
Posted: 2015-02-06 02:16
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On 2015-02-05 21:04:19, aussieland1 wrote:
^ even in US where people love apple so much the market share is even so personally I doubt very much that 8 out of 10 people would choose iPhone. Don't forget that the last quarter of 2014 didn't have any new flagship for android and wp (except for Note 4) and Nexus 6. Both are phablets though and nexus 6 was very difficult to find. I am not disputing that iPhone is more popular than any android phone I am only saying that your numbers maybe a but too far fetched.

As far as the previous post is concerned yes consistency is vweytrue and iphones certainly do that better than android but again let's not exagerate - android flagships are receiving the updates and transfering the content from the old phone to the new one is not a big deal at all

Um Motorola released 1 new flagship besides the Nexus 6 = Moto Maxx (Verizon Droid Maxx label).
LG also released yet another
Samsung S5 and the Note 4 and Note 4 Edge (that is 3 distinct flagship devices alone).
Xaomi - has released 1
shall I continue? you're pulling a false hat here about no flagships in 2014.
|AppleTV2|iPhone 12Mini 256GB|iPad Pro 256GB| Previously ... K750|Z500|Z520|K700|K790i|K850i, :Ericsson: T18z|T28World|T36m x3|T68m (Ericsson, not the rebranded T68i).
LG Nexus 5
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Posted: 2015-02-06 06:05
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On 2015-02-06 02:16:21, Supa_Fly wrote:

Um Motorola released 1 new flagship besides the Nexus 6 = Moto Maxx (Verizon Droid Maxx label).
LG also released yet another
Samsung S5 and the Note 4 and Note 4 Edge (that is 3 distinct flagship devices alone).
Xaomi - has released 1
shall I continue? you're pulling a false hat here about no flagships in 2014.

Actually if you read my post properly (especially the line that you highlighted ) you would have noticed I said last quarter not the entire 2014.

S5 was released in April
LG was released in June
Xiaomi didn't release any flagship in q4
Moto Droid was released on Verizon only

So please don't continue to point out my "false" information until you read my post properly
[ This Message was edited by: aussieland1 on 2015-02-06 05:08 ]
Nokia 808 PureView
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Posted: 2015-02-11 19:33
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Market share doesn't matter if you are not converting it into profits.

Look at how much money apple makes per phone

"The latest numbers from Canaccord Genuity reveal that Apple accounted for 93% of mobile profits during the fourth quarter, leading the financial services company to raise its price target on Apple shares from $135 to $145. The firm also predicted that iPhone adoption could grow to 650 million users through 2018 as more smartphone owners upgrade to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus."

Like I said, its a superior product..
LG Nexus 5
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Posted: 2015-02-11 21:27
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∆ the graph is only showing that Apple makes a lot of money from iPhone ? How is that a proof that iPhone is a superior product? And how is this showing that 8 out if 10 people would prefer an iPhone ?
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