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Author The Dog- Mans best friend?
S500 Green
Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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From: Scotland
Posted: 2005-09-07 23:05
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@ADT0079 i suppose if you believe in the bible (does it say animals were put here for us in other holy books?) then theres no arguing with you, experience has taught me that!
if you can kill an animal yourself while looking into its eyes and say that its right then you have very strong beliefs that can over come the natural human urge towards compassion and caring. they are not beliefs i want.
( O.o )
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W950 Blue
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Posted: 2005-09-07 23:13
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On 2005-09-07 22:54:44, joebmc wrote: "At the end of the day, the fact is, you have taken a life." So plants (vegetables/fruits) aren’t a form of life then?

For this question, i'd apply the same logic as i've applied earlier for a lion killing a deer or an antelope for food. Its our natural food. And unlike animals who are confined and immobilised and deprived of their free roaming nature. Plants are not. But i do admit its a killing anyway.
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Posted: 2005-09-07 23:22
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On 2005-09-07 23:05:31, peeta wrote:
@ADT0079 i suppose if you believe in the bible (does it say animals were put here for us in other holy books?) then theres no arguing with you, experience has taught me that!
if you can kill an animal yourself while looking into its eyes and say that its right then you have very strong beliefs that can over come the natural human urge towards compassion and caring. they are not beliefs i want.

No i dont beleive in the bible...Fact is i dont need to kill the animale as i have never hunted or really killed any cat,dog,etc etc ......
I eat something to survive you eat something to survive are veiws are different....End of the day the ones who choose to stop eating meat and eat only veggis Are not going to change there habits because of this topic as the people that are still eating meat will not stop because you post meaningless pictures.............This Keeps going in a big circle atleast it has not flammed up Yet........Just so u know i have not or will not even look at the link....Not because it will gross me out but because im sure it's for Shock Value............there Photos of dogs right?????
If so i dont eat dogs as they are PETS but thats there culture and who am i to say it's wrong just like correct me if im wrong india beleives the Cow is Sacred.....ok i wont goto india and eat a Hamburger or steak...but my culture dogs are pets cows are a food sourc pigs are a food source deer and so on ,people that choose to not eat meat does that bother me No Untill that start preaching there veiws on me and telling me whats right and wrong...........

It's Not In My Nature To Be Mystreous,
But I Can't Talk About It,And I Can't Talk About Why........

[ This Message was edited by: ADT0079 on 2005-09-07 22:27 ]

[ This Message was edited by: ADT0079 on 2005-09-07 22:29 ]

[ This Message was edited by: ADT0079 on 2005-09-07 22:31 ]
S500 Green
Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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From: Scotland
Posted: 2005-09-07 23:41
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yes there is a shock value attached to it but sometimes you have to see things before you believe them to be really true. and the truth is shocking.

its not just the animals that suffer in the meat industry. the workers in beef producing factories have high accident rates and weakly enforced safety laws. just read fast food nation for more info. thats a different motivation to become veggie when you realize all the crap (literally) that we eat. profit for the meat industry comes before animal and human cruelty.

anyway, i'd rather know the truth and make a decision than live in ignorance.

and it doesn't matter what animal is being eaten, i am fully aware some animals are eaten in some countries that aren't in others so its beside the point.
as is the point that we depended on meat for survival...we DON"T NOW so why keep mentioning it.

cheap thing no good, good thing no cheap

[ This Message was edited by: peeta on 2005-09-07 22:42 ]
Joined: Oct 08, 2003
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Posted: 2005-09-07 23:44
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YOU DON'T,I Am pretty sure if they took a survey around the world you would be the minority so dont come back saying WE it's YOU...NOT WE...get that right ,and keep going in this big circle....I have to go as im about to eat a steak.......
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Bored=Dont bother me im here to waste yours and my time....
S500 Green
Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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From: Scotland
Posted: 2005-09-08 00:33
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most of the world lives on a vegetarian diet because meat is a luxury still in the poorer parts. only when truly starving do people resort to eating rats and dogs to live.
( O.o )
( > < )
cheap thing no good, good thing no cheap
W950 Blue
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Posted: 2005-09-08 05:17
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Enjoy your steak! Even i did so not very long ago! And as i said, i'm not expecting to change the world or you for that matter...but try to spare a moment for those creatures who are reared and fed just to be killed....if you can.
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W850 black
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From: Hyderabad, india
Posted: 2005-09-08 08:48
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let me tell u all one thing:

killing plants is not unethical at all! plants DO NOT have a central nervous system and thus cant feel pain. Animals on the other hand DO. THus they feel pain
W995 Red
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From: S. Africa - JOZI
Posted: 2005-09-08 08:48
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Did you know Chris Barnard practised heart transplants on animals?
Did you know that CAT scans, MRIs, ultra-sound, pacemakers, artificial joints and organ transplants, all started and used on animals before us!?
Did you also know that testing animals helps other animals with vaccines against rabies, distemper, feline leukemia, tetanus, parvo virus, infectious hepatitus, and anthrax?
Animal research also helps us humans and we are living healthier lives because of them!

Immunizations for polio, mumps, measles and hepatitis
Treatments such as antibiotics, insulin, and chemotherapy.
Medications to treat high blood pressure, mental illness and arthritis.
Surgical procedures such as coronary bypasses, joint replacements, arthroscopic surgery, limb reattachments, and heart, kidney and liver transplants.
All thanks to animals!!

Apart from meat and leather and bones(they use it for something? not sure what). An animal is not wasted every part is used!!! even in your jelly babies or whatever gums your eat!
There are also 100s of people who have made a life of breeding livestock!

See the benefits of an animal!!!!
Now think how just co existing and treating them 'equal' could have impacted the whole world!!

Your idea and perception of inhumane is completely wrong, inhumane wouldv have been a Jet Li wannabe swinging machetes and slicing dogs, coz honestly thats what I expected when I opened that link!!!!

and personally in those pics the 'butchering' looked controlled!!!
Xperia Neo Black
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Posted: 2005-09-08 09:14
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They aren't equal obviously. They themselves aren't capable of showing the same compassion that 'some' humans can. However, they are capable of suffering, and while I believe it is necessary to eat animals (there is not enough land to grow all the food necessary to feed us all), and also to experiment on them, the suffering should be only what is necessary.

For example battery farming of anykind is a gross torture over an animals entire (short) lifetime. Healthy living makes for a healthy animal, for both the animal's comfort while it lives, and our own health (ever wondered what animal steroids and excess anti-biotics are doing to your children?)

Animal experiments should only be conducted to the point where human trials are possible. All realistic avenues should be pursued before experimentation on any living thing is involved. Animal testing for cosmetics is disgusting and completely avoidable.

We MUST place a higher priority on animal welfare, otherwise we are nothing better than animals ourselves. Worse in fact, because we have the knowledge of the suffering we can cause, but do it anyway.

Seriously, would you be able to drag a screaming dog to the chopping board after it has watched it's fellow captives killed and skinned one by one? Or break it's legs so they can be tied behind it's back, then left in agony for hours or days? These things aren't necessary in order to harvest their food value.

There is nothing wrong with eating dogs, or any animal. It is how they are treated that is key.
W995 Red
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From: S. Africa - JOZI
Posted: 2005-09-08 10:34
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There is nothing wrong with eating dogs, or any animal. It is how they are treated that is key.

There IS something wrong with eating dogs!!!

It changes everything

- re __ 'Its a dogs life' changes the meaning!!

- But then again 'Its a dog eat dog world!'

Dont try and flame me..... its just a joke!

[ This Message was edited by: 786KBR on 2005-09-08 09:35 ]
W850 black
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From: Hyderabad, india
Posted: 2005-09-08 10:50
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@786 you are really ruining the mood of this thread.

@max I beleive animals and humans should be treated equally. U say animals dont have compassion? You are wrong. It is the humans that are scheming, never an animal! Ever thought about that?

Animals are defenceless creatures and are more than objects of appetite. Someone said its ok to eat chicken but not dog. wrong! Chickens might look syupid but are very intelligent birds. They live in families, form hierarchies and socially interact.

And anyway..even if an animal doesnt do anything humans dont have a fooking right to put their paws on them!!!

Ok lions eat becoz they dont have the same logic as humansdo.

Humans are the smartest creetures in the world. Use it!!!
W950 Blue
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From: India
Posted: 2005-09-08 11:32
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They aren't equal obviously.

I wonder why? Just because they do not have as much thinking capacity as we?
I'd agree if you had said "they are different"

They themselves aren't capable of showing the same compassion that 'some' humans can.

Since "compassion" is a human quality found in "some" humans! And...because animals are "different"!
However, they are capable of suffering, and while I believe it is necessary to eat animals (there is not enough land to grow all the food necessary to feed us all), and also to experiment on them, the suffering should be only what is necessary.

Yeah i do believe they are capable of suffering just like humans!
And the last time i heard, a country like India which is considered "poor" had a foodgrain surplus. Food doesn't reach the lowest strata of the society only due to the corruption and red tapism which comes in between.I would'nt blink an eyelid if a poor man hungry for days kills and eats an Animal...because there he has no choice...just like a lion in the jungle!

And i being a non vegetarian all my life (till last week) never ate meat thinking it would help someone in Africa.
The truth is, no one except a few eat animals for the reason you mentioned...its just because we like how it tastes and because it has been a part of our culture!

I'd like to bring in some statistics into play here as well..The fact is..Raising animals for food is an extremely inefficient way to feed a growing human population. The U.S. livestock population consumes enough grain and soybeans to feed more than five times the entire U.S. population. One acre of pasture produces an average of 165 pounds of beef; the same acre can produce 20,000 pounds of potatoes. If Americans reduced their meat consumption by only 10 percent, it would free 12 million tons of grain annually for human consumption. That alone would be enough to adequately feed each of the 60 million people who starve to death each year!
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W950 Blue
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From: India
Posted: 2005-09-08 12:10
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As mentioned twice before, by turning veggie i do not find myself to be morally at a higher pedestal than non-veggies!

I turned vegetarian only because i had a choice to be. I saw those pics and first felt how cruel those koreans are!
Then i asked myself the same question. This is the result!

And like Thoreau said "I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals"

@all, i'm sorry once again if some of you felt i was questioning your morality or way of life.
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W995 Red
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From: S. Africa - JOZI
Posted: 2005-09-08 12:28
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These are the disadvantages of being a vegetarian! I still respect your choice and im not trying to change you, its just for you to think about.

inadequate milk production for nursing mothers, as well as retarded physical and mental development in some children who are strictly on a vegan or raw food diet;

slow metabolism leading to a much less robust lifestyle;

a general lack of vitality;

low body temperature (always cold);

a weak, touchy digestive system with a loss of digestive strength (unable to metabolize food quickly, have to be careful what you eat, how much, must practice food combining to be able to digest food, etc.);

food cravings (especially among women);

stalled weight loss because metabolism is too low (predominately in women);

inability to gain weight, resulting in shrunken, cadaverous-looking bodies (predominately in men);

weight gains from overeating on carbohydrates;

amenorrhea (menstrual cycles cease), even in young women;

loss of libido;

hair loss and nail problems;

dental cavities, tooth loss, and gum problems;

joint pain;

inability to conceive
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