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Author Star Wars Episode 3 Viewers Opinions
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
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From: UK
Posted: 2005-05-22 17:59
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What a fantastic film! The acting was a little wooden in places, especially from Christensen, but otherwise it really was top notch.

The lightsaber duels were stunning; the sace battles were magnificent; the backdrops breathtaking.

I think Lucas has given us a film that really live sup to the original three with Revenge of the Sith. It is difficult to say whether it is the best of all the Star Wars films; in terms of special effects it is by far the best of course, but I think I would still have to say that Episode IV just pips it to the post, but not by much.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC
Joined: Sep 28, 2004
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Posted: 2005-05-22 19:10
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I saw it yesterday, and GREAT movie!

However, I DO have a minor bone to pick.


In the scene where Vader/Anakin throws the force storm after he learns of Padme's death, the "NOOOO" seemed VERY cheesy. I would have liked him to fall to his prosthetic knees, look up to the ceiling and raise his hands THEN throw the force storm. As it is it was just an annoying, almost pathetic, slight bend of the knees and "nooo".

Meh, as an aspiring 3d artist I really appreciated all the effects and, of course, Yoda.

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Posted: 2005-05-22 20:29
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I agree, that scene could have been better. The shout itself felt a little muted (pardon the pun) and I would have thought that James Earl Jones could have summoned up a deep rumble to shake us in our seats with!

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2005-05-22 21:32 ]
C510 Black
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Posted: 2005-05-22 20:43
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An excellent film, a bit better than the first two films (which I didn't think were too bad!)

I did think at times that things were inserted very deliberately to lead on to Episode 4, perhaps some things were a little too forced (no pun intended) imho.

A lot certainly gets packed into two hours, the amount that goes off in it plotwise feels almost like a 3-hour film, which is something I feel is a mark of a good film, certainly in this case
"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

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From: The planet Snibertron!
Posted: 2005-05-23 01:09
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** Spoilers - just don't read this thread if I even have to type this K? This is not the thread you're looking for. (/wave) **

Certainly better than 1 & 2, though I still prefer the originals. The space battles in jedi I think were better, but this bought some of his directorial magic back that was sorely missing in 1 and 2. It just shows when he makes for the target audience that appreciate it more, he makes a better film.

I have a few bones and most of them have been echoed here, it seemed to really push towards epi 4.

yoda and chewy aparently had a great relationship, but you'd never know from the film really. Something expanding this would have been good imo.

Does absolutely EVERYTHING lead to the darkside? (sorry caps lead to the darkside)

How could you not tell as a jedi something was wrong with Anakin, and agreed scots, his acting was more wooden than the entirity of Team America. (derka derka darkside)

I was bloody enthralled to see obi wan finally kick some ass. Though grevious did die too easily imo, but at least there was some time involved in doing it. Didn't that clone feel like a right plonker giving him back his lightsabre not 2 minutes before the order was given

I wish darth had been "made" a little earlier and that he had goen out to hunt some of the jedi.. it just seemed so much of a let down for the clones to do it and none of them really sensing it. Him executing jedi as a result of padme's death and subsequent lack of hairstyles would have been far more thrilling.

It took over 20 years to finish the death star, yet ahalf of jedi to make 3/4's of one? man, contractors sucked in the old republic more than contractors today!

I see why they blew up olderan, what a boring place

Like nick, I too cringed at the Noooooooooo thing, ugh... Though on seeing the movie a second time i couldn't help thinking about the scene form the comic convention in chasing amy.. "They all trying to tell us that deep inside.. we's all want to be white!" - Darth, now with white guy inside.

The award for dumbest jedi duo goes to: obi wan and yoda..

Why? They could have both taken palpatine, then anakin and restored balance to the force.
This would have negated the last 3 movies, but hey

Anyone else think Samuel l jackson was a little wooden too? I think the only thing that would have helped improved him woudl have been if he pointed at the emperor saying "You're one bad mutha f.."

Still an enjoyable movie and i may see it once more as well with other mates.. I'm glad it showed a little of the wide eye enjoyment (the opening scenes especially) of the original "last" 3 movies. This one didn't feel like he was setting up a franchise so much as telling a story.
T68 grey
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Posted: 2005-05-23 04:16
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Just a thought here. As I was watching CNN about last week, they made a special feature by interviewing George Lucas, the man behind the film. I was just so shocked to know that this fella is a SUPER rich individual now The merchandise sold by the Star Wars episodes raked the brilliant man some - US$ 6 Billion [addsig]
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From: The planet Snibertron!
Posted: 2005-05-23 04:58
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Isn't SW something like an 18-23 Billion dollar franchise already?
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Posted: 2005-05-23 05:29
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Spoliers Ahead!


Apparently the second Death Sar was already under construction before the the first three films (IV, V & VI), along with various other super weapons e.g. the Galaxy Gun.

It would have been quite amusing for Jackson to have uttered the words "I wills trike you down with ..."

Christensen's acting was really rather atrocious at certain points, making one wonder more about Lucas' competence as a director in allowing it. The line Anakin says when helping Obi-Wan after killing Count Dooku would have been better delivered by an arthritic postman with severe gout.

The 'lovey dovey' dialogue was back, although not at quite the same nauseating levels as in Episode II.

Am I the only one who thinks Lucas wasted a golden opportunity for a stunning piece of cinema in not showing mor eof the attack on the Jedi Temple? Where were the lighsaber duels between Anakin and the Jedi?

It is all too easy to criticise, but there are valid criticisms to be made. Having said that it was an excellent film, the points I mentioned are actually relatively minor when taken in context. The film really was astounding.

Some of the brighter spots that impressed me most were:

Palpatine - Ian McDiarmid was excellent as ever. The fight scenes were extremely well done and it was so good to see Palpatine being given something more to do than sit and cackle or stand and plot. McDiarmid's acting was arguably the best in the film.

Ewan McGregor has actually been rather good as Obi-Wan Kenobi and I very much enjoyed his performance in this film. He was obviously going for the Guinness aspect, a very difficult thing to do. I think McGregor did manage to pull it off, although with some difficulty in certain areas.

Yoda - there is nothing that can be said here except spiffing!

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2005-05-23 11:10 ]
Joined: Jan 19, 2004
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From: The planet Snibertron!
Posted: 2005-05-23 07:00
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ROFL, if there were 2 death stars under construction that meant the emperor and darth were getting their own planet killers.. Thats what I call riding in style.

Yes more on the jedi academy going down would have been good.. I'm sure we'll have to play the game however. lol

Joined: Nov 22, 2003
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From: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: 2005-05-23 10:27
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**spoiler alert**

looks like i'm going to have to clear up some star wars lore:

the wookie planet is Kashyyk, not Rwoorkoo

yoda's relationship was with the wookies and their leadership, not chewie personally. however, it also explains why chewie readily accepted Luke as a Jedi when he and Solo have a history of being far more practical-minded.

"How could you not tell as a jedi something was wrong with Anakin"
same reason they didn't know abaout palpatine - jedi are taught to shield their thoughts from the probing of others. finding someone consumed with the dard side is not as simple as a telepathic probe of an individual (who would know about it anyway), but deducing who they are from their influence on the force and world around them. i also doubt "little Annie" was the first jedi to ever have doubts.

it actually took less than 20 years to build the Death Star, since Luke is still under 20 in A New Hope and it was already complete (if just barely). the second Death Star took more than 6 years to be not fully complete but still operational. construction began during, if not before, A New Hope. the difference in duration is pretty simple - technology advanced and they learned from the mistakes made in developing/constructing the first one.


ok, i loved the film - loved how it tied up the major plot lines, loved all the little references and in-jokes to the original trilogy (both verbal and visual), loved the set piece "money shots".

i have to agree with most of the (minor) gripes, excepting those i explained above. still, corny dialogue is part of the star wars experience. if you really listen to what they're saying in the original trilogy it's not all that much better, but alec guinness and harrison ford can do a lot more with dodgy lines than most.

if there were some things i would have liked it would be the following (some of which others have said):

yoda to not seem quite so unfeeling when instructing Anakin to "let go". i know he has a history of telling people to let their friends die, but it was handled better in Empire. just a little more conventional sentence structure wouldn't have hurt either.

some sort of explanation of palpatine's disfigurement. i already knew what caused it, but the implication has always been long-term use of and exposure to the dark side rather than a short but overwhelming burst of dark energies.

less implied and more overt violence on the part of anakin, just to cement the level of betrayal and outright evil. add to that some butt-kicking and obvious growth in power while in the vader suite - even if it had to be fully CGI'd.

anyway, these are all pretty much small-time quibbles compared to the overall experience. it's the first time watching the tv ads made me want to see a film after already seeing it. lucky for me i promised to take my dad along next weekend!

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[ This Message was edited by: gelfen on 2005-05-23 09:46 ]
K850 Blue
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Posted: 2005-05-23 11:18
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This movie has the most scariest, most evil word i've heard... it sents chills down my spine when the Sith said "Gooooodd....." to Anakin when he accepts the Sith as his master. Scene when Anakin helped to kill Mace Windo.
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Posted: 2005-05-23 12:17
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Spoliers Ahead!


Yoda's advice to Anakin was actually very much in keeping with the philosophies that 'the Force' is based upon e.g. Taoism, Confucism, Buddhism, etc. I thought that scene was rather good in that it showed the extent of Yoda's wisdom and compassion. Yoda offered Anakin compassion by telling him the truth whilst Palpatine offered nothing but cruelty by promising him false hope.

Incidentally, if Anakin had taken Yoda's advice it is likely that Padme would have lived, the visions Anakin had were self-fulfilling once he had turned to the dark side, ironically to prevent those visions from becoming reality.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC
K850 Blue
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Posted: 2005-05-23 13:39
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Lucas taken the world famous quote from the Muslim culture.

"May the force be with you" - Jedi
"May peace be upon you" = Assalamualaikum - Islam

hehe... everytime they say that it just rings in my head.. about the Islam way of greeting.
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Posted: 2005-05-23 13:57
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You may be correct, but I was under the impresison that Taosim and Confucism were the main inspirations behind the Force and the Jedi.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC
K850 Blue
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Posted: 2005-05-23 14:58
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yea that might be true aswell... Lucas might taken abit of everything in the culture we live in..
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