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Ringtones that attract you to the opposite sex

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Posted by axxxr
Don't know how real or true this is but i assume its yet another way way for companies to make money from ringtones. "Pherotones"..ringtones which will make you irresistible and help you attract a sexual partner.The site lures you in with the convincing tagline "You've heard of Pheromones, now try Pherotones!"
check out the site: www.pherotones.com

Posted by curmurdar
Can you upload some of them ? For testing purposes

Posted by EastCoastStar
I am talking to the creater now. this is a direct quote from her

" See, it's not the ringtone, it's the inaudible pherotones embedded in the ringtone that stimulates the sacculus in the inner ear, triggering the response."

she also said they will be avaliable soon

Posted by marlonski
If it helps me get my leg over then I'm having one, in fact I've just put el cuddlero on me foooon

Hey axxxr, do us a fav mate and call me at least 20 times tomorrow night between 8 and 10, if that doesn't work then I shall have to result to old faithfull, miss beer goggles between 10 and 12

Posted by Cycovision
"See? It's not the ringtone, it's the ridiculously excessive use of pretentious adjectives embedded in this piss-poor example of a typical corporate style stock answer that created this particular response!"

Honestly, what a load of b******S!

Posted by Gigs
what happens when you play them backwards?

Posted by marlonski

On 2006-01-20 00:10:04, Cycovision wrote:
"See? It's not the ringtone, it's the ridiculously excessive use of pretentious adjectives embedded in this piss-poor example of a typical corporate style stock answer that created this particular response!"

Honestly, what a load of b******S!

funny as fook mate, sounds like you've not just got out of the bed the wrong side but have just fallen out onto you heed

I have to agree though, all joking aside, who in their right mind would have this cr*p on their phone. I find Mint royales 'sexiest man in jamaica' does a much better job for me and it's a propper tune

Posted by max_wedge
What about "I'm too sexy for my shirt"? That works for me...

Posted by marlonski

On 2006-01-20 00:20:55, Gigs wrote:
what happens when you play them backwards?

you pull a bloke mate

@max, your showing you age now mate

Posted by axxxr
Has anyone here ever tried pheromones?

Posted by max_wedge
@marls, I should update to something modern like "candy shop" Will that help me pull younger chicks?

Posted by marlonski
@maxyboy, without a doubt mate , without a doubt

Posted by max_wedge
Whooot!! They call me the Love Doctor.... (I can always dream..)

Posted by methylated_spirit
I love the way that breasts are highlighted as a pheromone sensitive area...what a load of rubbbish!

All i can think when i look at that picturte is... Fire in the disco!

Posted by bbaev
hahah, great names they've given to their phero-shite-tones!
My personal favourite: "The Double Header" Beware, ladies, he carries a monster in his pants!

Posted by methylated_spirit
Looks to me they've thought of a catchy name then tried to design a product round it!

Posted by victorh017

On 2006-01-20 00:20:55, Gigs wrote:
what happens when you play them backwards?

You might get a threesome...

Posted by max_wedge
Or your current girlfriend might leave you...

Posted by victorh017
Or, you might get other guys' attention.

Posted by Pradhika
Tone may attract. Phone owner? Havent they said : ugly men own beautiful women?

Posted by private_ryan
here in us, you dont need the Pherotones to get attracted by women. you only need a very
nice phone and you'll get strong attention not only from beautiful ladies but from the celphone snatchers!!!

Posted by newguy000
The website is fake, created as part of a viral marketing campaign by the ad agency McKinney Silver.

More info on it can be found at

They are also violating copyright by copying forums and websites that post about it. Read the comments section at


Posted by max_wedge
the dirty bastards created a fake entry about it in wikipedia too! How dodgy.

They say the signal of pherotones are outside the range of human hearing. Well a cell phone can't create sounds outside of the range of human hearing, so of course a phone is not a useful device for transmitting a "pherotone" even if such a thing existed.

Posted by methylated_spirit
if anyone thought this was real then they should be shot.

Posted by JK

On 2006-01-20 01:28:08, axxxr wrote:
Has anyone here ever tried pheromones?

Have you?

Posted by methylated_spirit
bought one of them wipe on packets out the johnny machine to see what it smelled like, we all agree it was just a baby wipe.

Posted by jenbones
What if you are not actually attracted to the opposite sex?

Posted by methylated_spirit
New Pheritones! Helps you get laid, and cures gayness!

Bad, i know...its not a disease blah blah blah

Posted by victorh017

On 2006-01-23 14:11:54, jenbones wrote:
What if you are not actually attracted to the opposite sex?

I know, right... there's always that possibility

Posted by JwY
if only it worked like those axe commercials

Posted by axxxr
New York Times reveals that everything about Pheratones is part of an eleborate and carefully planned viral advertising and marketing campaign including fake entries in Wikipedia.

\"Rather than the revolutionary product that Pherotones promised, the ads were the beginning of a buzz marketing campaign under the guise of a fake product (Pherotones) and a fake doctor (Dr. Myra Vanderhood) with a fake Web site (Pherotones.com), all for a real client with less than $250,000 to spend.

The real client is Oasys Mobile , a little-known cellphone content provider who wanted to introduce its brand inexpensively — with a nontraditional campaign that it hoped would grab the attention of its desired 18-to-24-year-old demographic.

... After placing ads on blogs like Gawker and Defamer, Pherotones.com is now averaging 10,000 page views a day.

.. A video featuring a mock wedding ceremony where the ring tone on a male guest's cellphone compels the groom to run from the altar and passionately embrace the stunned guest has been downloaded about 3,000 times.

... Last week on Technorati, Pherotones.com was in the top 10 percent of the most popular blogs worldwide. It has also attracted attention on insider blogs like AdRants, a Web site that closely tracks the advertising industry.

Now Oasys will be able to test the campaign's effect on sales: starting today, the Pherotones Web site is revealing its client by directing visitors to Oasysmobile.com.\"

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