
Forum > Sony Ericsson / Sony > General > Convert a w800i to w810.

Author Convert a w800i to w810.
Joined: Sep 13, 2005
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Posted: 2006-01-19 15:16
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Really... it bothers me... a LOT! I can't stand it!! Why don't they buy a C115 (Motorola), dissasemble it, reassemble it welding and rearranging the components in a w800 case, and everyone will think they own a w800!, although a b&w LCD one...

Sorry, makes me mad!
Joined: Nov 23, 2005
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Posted: 2006-01-19 16:21
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Well... Converting a C115 to a W800 only by changing the housing is lame. But we are not talking about a conversion like that here. Converting a K750 to a W800 as you have mentioned in one of your previous posts or converting a W800 to a W810 is nothing like that, cos in the first case they are basically the same phone (w800 and K750), so there is no deception there; and even when talking of the W810 there aren't that many differences in features.

What I mean is that it is not like trying to show off or anything, cos in my opinion W800 and W810 are in the same class and same price range.

For someone already having a K750/W800, buying a W810 is not worth at all, cos it is almost the same phone, therefore if some one likes the look and the d-pad of W810, I don’t see why any one shouldn’t upgrade

[ This Message was edited by: optiplex on 2006-01-19 15:27 ]
Joined: Sep 13, 2005
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Posted: 2006-01-19 16:51
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The differences between the W800 and W810 are a couple; like the EDGE support and the layout of the keys.

Suppose you could use it's firmware, don't you consider lame to have a w810 'looking' phone with no EDGE? It's not the same phone for god's sake; you have the w800 cause it's older; you bought it before. So, as they may be in the same price range as you said, one is older than the other, and as it's in the techie world, the w800 is WORSE; just by being a couple of months older and for the EDGE / keypad.

And consider all this from a guy who own a w800 and love it...
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From: The planet Snibertron!
Posted: 2006-01-19 21:34
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I imagine the W800 -> W810 update available through DVT, SEtool etc will be available about the same time as the Casio Fx Calculator -> Macbook pro update will be available from the apple site.

It's different hardware in the transmitters, quadband and edge.. You might get the software but you'd be, imo, breaking a perfectly good W800i to get it.

Joined: Nov 23, 2005
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Posted: 2006-01-20 04:38
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Yes I know the differences; EDGE , 850MHz Band, 1mm thinner, 0.1’ larger display, D-Pad, Extra button on the keypad, light sensor to adjust backlight, 20MB internal mem, No camera cover, xHTML support and god knows what ever the minor details in the firmware. But none of them are worth enough to buy a W810 for anyone already having a W800.

EDGE is not a big deal, at least not to me, and I guess not to majority of current K750/W800 users either, cos they have already bought a phone without EDGE when there are many EDGE enabled phones out there. So apart from EDGE (which is more like network feature) there are no substantial technological advancements in the phone to make it superior to W800. For me, the W810 is an attempt made by SE to capture EDGE and 850MHz band customers with already existing technology.

Getting back to the topic; unfortunately, we may never be able to install W810 firmware on W800. And since the activity menu button is moved we may not be able to use the original housing either. But if somehow some one comes up with a firmware patch and a W810 look-alike casing with a D-Pad I wouldn’t mind trying it out if the risks are low .
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