
Forum > General discussions > Garbage threads > bluetooth against bush

Author bluetooth against bush
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-07-30 18:13
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On 2004-07-29 16:31:36, Patrick-in-CA wrote:
And ... I almost forgot.

Yes Axxxr ... You (who "you" are is still a little fuzzy - who are you hired to be the spokesman for?) might be more in touch with the opinions and feelings of the rest of the world. So? Just because a whole bunch, heck even the vast majority, of people feel some way about something doesn't make it right. I look for each issue to stand on its own merit. I'll judge it independent of what others think. That's right ... I don't let others (including the majority) make up my mind for me on an issue. I do my best to gather the facts and make an informed decision all on my own.

Yes Patrick!..YOU!!...Let me tell "YOU" something!!for your information I am speak on the behalf the vast majority of people in the U.K and europe who who absolutely Hate bush and his Genocidal policys against the free world.why don't make a trip over to europe to find out what we europeans really think of your pathetic president..We all hope he is humiliated out of office in the election year.I will air opinions against him and as loud as i can and run a vigorous campaign against him to discredit him as much as possible,..And trust me it is the absolute must that we all unite against this Tyrant and getting him removed a.s.a.p.There are enough facts about this madman to have him voted out. [addsig]
T68i mineral
Joined: Jul 21, 2004
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From: Sourhern Oregon, USA
Posted: 2004-07-30 19:17
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On 2004-07-30 18:13:27, axxxr wrote:
Yes Patrick!..YOU!!...Let me tell "YOU" something!!for your information I am speak on the behalf the vast majority of people in the U.K and europe who who absolutely Hate bush and his Genocidal policys against the free world.

Would you mind posting the documentation as to where you see "the vast majority" as having the exact same view as you? Maybe an opinion pole conducted by some credible news agency in Europe, perhaps? For all we know, you might be correct. Oh, and would you mind clarifying what "vast majority" means exactly - just so we remain objective.

why don't make a trip over to europe to find out what we europeans really think of your pathetic president..

Why don't you take a trip over here and see what our country thinks of what your country thinks?

We all hope he is humiliated out of office in the election year.

We all ... You are rather presumptuous to speak for everyone when there are several examples of people in this forum alone that disagree with you? Won't you please reconsider being the self appointed spokesperson for everyone?

I will air opinions against him and as loud as i can and run a vigorous campaign against him to discredit him as much as possible

Sounds good to me. But may I suggest you use facts and maybe provide a credible link or two to back up your views?

And trust me it is the absolute must that we all unite against this Tyrant and getting him removed a.s.a.p.

A wise person once told me that as soon as someone says, "trust me," that is the moment when you need to stop trusting and start verifying.

Unfortunately ... when you say it is a must that (once again with this "WE" thing) we all unite against Bush to remove him ... then I'm afraid you'll loose. There are way too many people to ever get everyone to unite behind you're views. But I'll mention that you have a chance to convince some people out there of your point of view - and if you back up your opinions with credible facts - you might even convince a decent size group. Good luck.

There are enough facts about this madman to have him voted out.

I'd be happy to hear them. Where are they?

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

[ This Message was edited by: Patrick-in-CA on 2004-07-30 22:28 ]
T68i mineral
Joined: Jul 21, 2004
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From: Sourhern Oregon, USA
Posted: 2004-07-30 23:50
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Well folks - I did a little (and I do mean little) research and unfortunately I was unable to find polls to objectively tell just what percentage of Brits/Europeans hate Bush. I'd like to mention, once again, that even if most (or even the "vast majority" as has been claimed) Europeans want to see Bush loose the upcoming election, it will not make much difference in the US. Frankly, and I know it sounds rather stuck up and arrogant, many US Citizens resent Europeans trying to campaign for a US presidential election - as Axxxr has said he is trying to do. One of the lesser problems John Kerry is facing over here is the claim he made that many unnamed European leaders back his candidacy. It didn't go over well with the common folk and he hasn't repeated it and hasn't hinted toward European support any more.

It is also interesting to note that of what I can find shows that while Europeans want John Kerry elected, they tend not to know anything about him and only want him because they hate Bush. Be careful what you wish for people - you just might get it. And if any of you saw the speech he gave at the DNC Convention last night you might have heard his very hawkish words about how he would continue the war on terror full blast. Anyway - here's what I could find. (Hint to Axxxr - you might want to try the technique of posting your opinion and then a supporting piece of journalism like this to convince more people of the correctness of your arguments)

Many Europeans Rooting for Kerry
July 30, 2004 03:22 PM EDT

A poster for the movie "The World According To Bush" hangs behind two French soldiers waiting for the start of the Bastille Day military parade in Paris in this July 14, 2004, file photo. Europe's deep disdain for President Bush seems to be the engine behind John Kerry's growing appeal on the "old" side of the Atlantic despite the fact that he is still an unknown quantity in Paris, London and Berlin. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon, File)

PARIS - Europe's deep disdain for President Bush seems to be the engine behind John Kerry's growing appeal here, even though he is still an unknown quantity in Paris, London and Berlin.

Antipathy to Bush has translated into enthusiasm for the Democratic presidential nominee, whose speech Thursday at his party's convention in Boston was broadcast in much of Europe.

Daniel Thouw of Berlin, who has been observing the U.S. election campaign on Web sites and television, said he does not know where Kerry stands on many issues, but still thinks he would make a better president than Bush.

"I know, for example, that Ronald Reagan's son spoke for him, and so did Bill Clinton," said the 28-year-old graphic designer. "Everyone is better than Bush."

Alfred Gusenbauer, the chairman of Austria's opposition Socialist Party, said Friday he thinks a Kerry victory "would lead America back into the international community of nations."

Gusenbauer said he considers Kerry "a very respectable presidential candidate," reflecting broad support for the senator in Austria, which scorned the United States for going to war in Iraq despite the grave misgivings of many European countries, especially France and Germany.

Some analysts cautioned against viewing Kerry as a magic candidate with the power to heal the trans-Atlantic alliance.

Bruno Tertrais, a senior research fellow at the Foundation for Strategic Research in Paris, said Kerry's rhetoric - such as his convention pledge to continue the "global war on terror" - was uncomfortably similar to Bush's.

Many Europeans believe Bush has made terrorism an even greater threat by expanding the war against al-Qaida into a "global" one that included enemies like Saddam Hussein, Tertrais said.

"The French and the Europeans should not expect a Kerry president to change everything," said Tertrais. "I would caution about expectations on both sides."

In Britain, some commentators think Kerry has one main asset - he's not George W. Bush.

"It is not just a narrow majority of American voters who, according to current polls, want Mr. Bush to be defeated in November," The Guardian said in an editorial on the convention. "It is an overwhelming majority of the citizens of other lands, those of this country very much included."

Sorry ... had to interrupt here. Wouldn't this be a great place to put a statistical poll showing objective research data to back up the claim that "an overwhelming majority of the citizens of other lands" want Bush out? And note the bold where it shows that only a narrow majority of American voters want Bush out ... More on that later. Now back to the "news" clip.

Some note that a Kerry victory could be awkward for Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bush's staunchest supporter on the war in Iraq.

All major British newspapers and TV networks gave the Democratic convention heavy coverage. And some commentators said Kerry's failings are beside the point.

"He lacks vision, he inspires nobody - and let's face it, it doesn't matter," ran the headline on an op-ed piece about Kerry in The Times.

See? They like Kerry only because they Hate Bush ... not because they think Kerry is any good.

Doris Bartel, a physical therapist from the eastern German city of Strausberg, said she was impressed by Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry.

Heinz Kerry "seems very resolute and strong. In Germany, it's very different," Bartel said. "The wife doesn't step out into the public. It's an American mentality."


Associated Press writers Matt Surman and Jill Lawless contributed to this report from Berlin and London.

[ This Message was edited by: Patrick-in-CA on 2004-07-30 22:57 ]
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-08-30 14:44
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Guy behind that SMS-printing protest bike arrested at the RNC

Joshua Kinberg, the man behind Bikes Against Bush who was planning to use a bike with a wirelessly-enabled printer attached to spray paint protest messages sent via the Internet or text message at this week’s Republican National Convention, managed to get himself arrested on Sunday morning. The printer on the bike is only supposed to spray non-permanent chalk rather than paint, but he’s being charged with vandalism anyway.

+Remember that the more u know the less u fear+
+Become someones hero+

[ This Message was edited by: axxxr on 2004-08-30 13:49 ]
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-08-30 19:04
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Guide to the Republican National Convention protests

This year’s Republican National Convention is expected to attract over a quarter of a million protesters, with some estimates as high as 400,000. So far there’ve been a few notable arrests, including that bicycling SMS guy.

In the age of a cellphone in every hand, and either a cameraphone or digital camera in every pocket, we’re bound to get some amazing coverage of this historic event. That said, we’ve rounded up some of the links and going ons for the folks out there who either plan to get involved or just watch from the comfort and safety of their protective cubicles. Feel free to add your own links to additional sites and resources in the comments.

Looking up who gives what..

Before we start, it’s a good idea to know who your boss or muckity-mucks where you work support. Over on there’s a database of all the contributers to based on records filed with the FEC of contributions by all individuals totalling more than $200 to a Republican or Democratic between January 1, 2003 and July 31, 2004. For example, Bill Gates gave Bush $2,000, along with what a few other Microsoft folks gave...

Protest Guides
The day by day happenings and event coordination can be found at and

SMSing at the RNC

One of the main tools of protesters will be the humble cell phone, being able to message thousands of people instantly and coordinate demonstrations has certainly changed the landscape for protests. Unlike our poster-hanging hippie forefathers, flashmobs can instantly appear and new directives given out with the punch of a few buttons.

From what we’ve been able to grok from various protest sites, the service of choice for mass SMSing during the protest is

Also, is quickly becoming the repository for a minute-by-minute pictorial record of the protests.


Each night of the RNC, Screensavers, in association with the Thing, will present the RNC Redux Open Doc Tour, a real-time performance created by pulling a broad selection of the day’s blog text, photos, audio, and video to mix it into a narrative of the day’s events. Live video can be viewed Here (QuickTime).

Still and Streaming Video Cameras

From the safety of your cubicle or home you can peer in to the Many traffic Cameras to assertion levels of protest or all out pandemonium. The close circuit television cameras update every one to three seconds and are capable of being repositioned while the wireless web cameras refresh every 15 to 30 seconds and do not change position.

More photos…

Flicker offers up all photos tagged with “RNC” in spot here.

Your rights…

Lastly, if you plan to go to any of these protests, here’s a handy guide on what to do, and how to stay out of trouble. And, if you’re in town, new to NYC, here’s a good run down of what to expect and where the bathrooms are at.

If you happen to spot some gadgets or tech being used in interesting ways during the next few days of the RNC,drop us a line in this thread or in George Bush CV thread. Thanks!!

T68i mineral
Joined: Jul 21, 2004
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From: Sourhern Oregon, USA
Posted: 2004-08-31 01:54
Reply with quoteEdit/Delete This PostPrint this post ... IMPORTANT ... click on "NEWS" an then "NBC News" and scroll down to pick and play "Free speech or graffiti?". It's an awesome and condemning interview between Josh and the Michael Reagan (son of former President Reagan). YOU MUST ACT QUICK as I'm sure the article will expire soon and I can't get a good link to it independant of the video site. HURRY.

And what's more - they impounded his bike. He's out on his own recognisance until his court date but the bike will stay impounded (with the accompanying spraying mecanism, computer and cell phone) until well after the convention which started today! It's a travesty! Not fair at all.

I'm sure he'll get a lot of publicity for this as well as some $$. I hear the ACLU is going after the CIA for targeting protesters. This will definitely be able to be used as fodder for that fire.


On 2004-08-30 14:44:46, axxxr wrote:

Guy behind that SMS-printing protest bike arrested at the RNC

Joshua Kinberg, the man behind Bikes Against Bush who was planning to use a bike with a wirelessly-enabled printer attached to spray paint protest messages sent via the Internet or text message at this week’s Republican National Convention, managed to get himself arrested on Sunday morning. The printer on the bike is only supposed to spray non-permanent chalk rather than paint, but he’s being charged with vandalism anyway.

+Remember that the more u know the less u fear+
+Become someones hero+

[ This Message was edited by: axxxr on 2004-08-30 13:49 ]

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
Check out

[ This Message was edited by: Patrick-in-CA on 2004-08-31 01:10 ]
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-08-31 02:53
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Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-09-02 16:00
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No WiFi at the RNC

There might be WiFi on the bikes outside (or at least there might have been), but the one place you definitely won’t find 802.11a, 802.11b, or 802.11g is inside Madison Square Garden where the Republicans are holding their National Convention. Why? The guy in charge of technology for the convention believes that WiFi’s “unproven technology” carries too many security risks and might also cause too much interference with “remote control technologies” used by television networks covering the event. The interference issue might not be a red herring, but we heard this crazy rumor somewhere that you can add encryption to WiFi.

Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-09-03 18:56
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Mobile/Wearable Computers Used for Security at Republican National Convention

Xybernaut the makers of wearable computers deployed their Mobile Assistant V – MA V to the NYPD in order to provide mobile video surveillance/security at the Republican National Convention.

The MA V used with a simple webcam or even a video camera combined with a Wi-Fi card and Managed Media Services video streaming provide an excellent solution for law enforcement to view live video from their officers.
Joined: Dec 19, 2003
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From: Abducted by hot blondes to Les
Posted: 2004-09-03 19:02
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here's a joke:

intelligent republican! [addsig]
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-09-03 19:05
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Nice one kim! [addsig]
Joined: Dec 19, 2003
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From: Abducted by hot blondes to Les
Posted: 2004-09-03 19:10
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you seriously cannot imagine the amount of BULLSHIT that's come up during election year...

talking about each others' war records when we have Iraq, the economy, job outsourcing, medical care problems, budget deficits, school costs rising, etc...

GW Bush [addsig]
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-09-03 19:19
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George w*nker bush is so full of sh*t....I can't wait till nov when we can all hopefully say good ridence to him and his neo nazi policys!!..Kerry might not be pefect but he is by far a better option than this dumb murdering f*ck bush!!...No doubt thousands of us will still be paying for his crimes long time after he's gone!!. [addsig]
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-09-04 13:28
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T-Mobile blocked TXTmob messages during a portion of the RNC

It seems that wireless carrier T-Mobile blocked SMS messages during a portion of the RNC.

"As many of you are aware, T-Mobile blocked TXTmob messages during a portion of the RNC. While we won't speculate on the reasons for this action, it would be extremely helpful if the hundreds of customers who were unable to receive TXTMob messages called T-Mobile to complain.
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-10-04 13:46
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Debates for your iPod

For this week only Audible and the iTunes Music Store have made the first round of the Bush/Kerry debates available as a free download for your iPod or other supported digital audio players. If you have iTunes you can get it here. And after you’re done listening to the debate check out the debate spotter text analysis tool. [addsig]
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