
Forum > General discussions > Garbage threads > bluetooth against bush

Author bluetooth against bush
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-07-22 08:07
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Patrick eh!..Why do i suspect that you are someone regular on esato and have just come here with a new nick to have a snipe at me...I'll tell you what i'll make it nice and simple for you since your a republican,,For a start i don't talk to republicans cos i think your all a bunch of stupid and ignorant idiots.and secondly your right!even if bush did do everything i'd like him i would still hate him and would like to see him put away somewhere we can get some help.Do u know why coz he's Too Stupid to be President.anyway. [addsig]
Joined: Aug 21, 2002
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Posted: 2004-07-22 17:12
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If any country can be assigned blame for supplying / training Al Qaeda it would be the USA not Iraq.

USA supplied weapons to the resistance in Afghanistan when the soviets tried to invade. Who do you think got the leftovers when Soviets left. I'm pretty sure they didnt send them back.
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-07-22 17:19
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Liam your absolutely right!..It was the CIA who trained Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan to fight against the soviets..when america needed osama they used him and his people.of course they supplied them with all the lastest weapons which never went back..America created the monsters we have in this world today..and they have not learnt any lessons from the past and continuing with there policys which is creating more terrorism for which we have to pay the price. [addsig]
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Posted: 2004-07-22 17:42
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Just thought you needed a bit of support there, i'm sick of all these neo-conservatives in America trying to play the innocent bystander.

Got to say one of their biggest double standards is over their weapons of mass destruction. Has anybody noticed that Israel is one of the only known nuclear countries in the world which repeatedly refuses to let in the weapons inspectors.

And yet its Iran we keep chasing?
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-07-22 18:06
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Again liam i could'nt agree with you more..thanx for your support..Don't know where to even begin with Israel,that damm country has broken so many U.N resolutions the worlds lost count..and everyone know that they have the most nukes in the middle east yet they continue to deny there exsistence..i mean who are they trying to fool?..Majority of the worlds terrorist problems are due to Israel.If america wants peace in the world the Palestinians must have there occupied lands back period..I just do not trust the intentions of the u.s in dealing with the problems of the world..Like scotsboy said here yesterday that america needs an equal rival to stand against it.and wish the u.k could have its empire back! would'nt that be great! [addsig]
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Posted: 2004-07-22 18:15
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Well so long as that was the British Empire minus 1, i have to admit im Irish though never violently so.

Perhaps a truely United Europe could act as a brake on the US. After all we habe the biggest single market in the world.

Well guess im just dreaming with the rise of UKIP and other groups round Europe it will probably never happen but we can dream.
T68i mineral
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From: Sourhern Oregon, USA
Posted: 2004-07-22 20:08
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On 2004-07-22 08:07:55, axxxr wrote:
Patrick eh!..Why do i suspect that you are someone regular on esato and have just come here with a new nick to have a snipe at me...I'll tell you what i'll make it nice and simple for you since your a republican,,For a start i don't talk to republicans cos i think your all a bunch of stupid and ignorant idiots.and secondly your right!even if bush did do everything i'd like him i would still hate him and would like to see him put away somewhere we can get some help.Do u know why coz he's Too Stupid to be President.anyway.

Where to start ...

Well, let me first say thank you. I appreciate that you took the time to craft your well worded and eloquent response to my post - especially since you make it clear that you don't talk to us stupid and ignorant Republican idiots. (hey - don't take it personal - I'm not an English major and I'll make plenty of grammatical errors too)

Second, I must express a little disappointment. I was hoping that you'd practice what you preach:

On 2004-06-10 19:42:11, axxxr wrote:
But jojo even though i agree with your point.The only way to get rid of ignorance is through knowledge and debate.


On 2004-06-11 18:17:19, axxxr wrote:

I can't agree more with what Gelfen wrote in that same thread:
On 2004-06-11 01:21:10, gelfen wrote:

@axxxr: i'm happy to run with political debate because i don't take any of it personally, and i'm glad you don't either. everyone has a right to express an opinion and i respect that, but equally i have the right to do the same. ...

"I may not agree with a word you say, but I shall defend unto my death your right to say it."
-- Voltaire (1694-1778)

And last, as it is least relevant, my actual identity is of no real consequence to this discussion, is it? Honestly? My name is Patrick. I'm a Senior at a public university in Southern California and I'm a voting Republican. My real e-mail address is in my profile. That's all I can say really.

Now - If you'd like to leave your ego at the login screen and have an intelligent discussion - without the name calling - I'd be happy to oblige. If not, it's okay - life will go on. Despite your blatantly wrong position concerning President Bush - you seem like an intelligent person, worthy of debate. Here's hoping ...

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

[ This Message was edited by: Patrick-in-CA on 2004-07-22 19:24 ]
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-07-23 06:42
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Patric i see that your a big fan of mine..collecting all my Quotes..I'm flattered! I respect your opinion but im no mood for debate with you.Thanx for your very kind offer regardless.


T68i mineral
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From: Sourhern Oregon, USA
Posted: 2004-07-23 06:45
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No? Ah, this isn't what I expected. It seemed like most here wanted a good debate. Hey, you never know, I might not be able to defend my position! But someone should at least challenge me, yes?

It's okay - I'm polite. I don't use vulgarity. And really, one must admit, I'm probably a tad bit better worded than many who post here. Or are the liberals afraid to verbally spar with an educated neo-con?

Hey - will any of you defend your position with someone who actually disagrees with you? Even if Axxxr won't - don't worry - maybe we can learn something from each other. Or - If you're absolutely sure you're correct and I'm all wrong - then maybe you'll have the opportunity to change one US citizen's vote from Bush to something more to your liking. I promise I'll consider all points.

Won't someone help this ignorant stupid Republican?
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-07-23 08:27
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Bluetooth Against Bush is a non-profit effort to build anti-Bush support by encouraging people to name their bluetooth devices with the title of the site and then set them on "discoverable" -- thereby allowing likeminded folks to link up during the various intersections of their day. [addsig]
C510 Black
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From: Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posted: 2004-07-23 08:39
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Hi Patrick, welcome!

I'm intrugued to know why you support Bush, as every time me (and most people in countries around the world!) want to punch the TV every time that guy appears on it.

Not wanting to threadjack this thread, I suggest we continue to debate in the 'George W Bush's CV' thread - I don't think @axxxr will be pleased to have us debating in this bluetooth against bush thread!

I warn you though - I have a tendency to type before thinking sometimes, and don't have to time to be quite as well-researched as some do on this subject, but I will give it my best shot to change your mind!

So, bring it on!
"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

Joined: Mar 21, 2003
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From: Londinium
Posted: 2004-07-23 11:46
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Sammy its no prob mate you can continue with your debate here or in the bush c.v thread..both threads are bush related so it don't make a difference...Cheers!!

Another so called land of the free story

Couple Arrested After Wearing Anti-Bush T-Shirts

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- The Charleston City Council has apologized to two protesters jailed for wearing anti-Bush T-shirts to the president's July Fourth rally.

Nicole and Jeff Rank -- of Corpus Christi, Texas -- were removed from the event in restraints.

They were arrested after revealing T-shirts with President Bush's name crossed out on the front and the words "Love America, Hate Bush" on the back.Trespassing charges were dismissed last week.

Monday, the Charleston City Council adopted a resolution to apologize.
The resolution said the two did nothing more than "peaceably exercise their right of free speech."Trespassing charges were dropped after a judge determined that city ordinances do not apply to Statehouse grounds. [addsig]
T68i mineral
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From: Sourhern Oregon, USA
Posted: 2004-07-23 16:16
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On 2004-07-23 08:39:10, Sammy_boy wrote:
Hi Patrick, welcome!

I'm intrugued to know why you support Bush, as every time me (and most people in countries around the world!) want to punch the TV every time that guy appears on it.

Hello Sammy! I deal with things best one at a time so forgive me as I break each item down into digestible parts.

First off I'd like to ask why you want to punch the TV? Don't you think that's a bit of irrational behavior? If not - I'm curious to know why. Also - are you sure that "most people in countries around the world" react the same way you do? If so, how did you learn that fact?

Why do I support Bush? Even as a Republican, I have to admit, it isn't as much support for Bush as it is my support of free-market capitalism and dislike of socialism. As mentioned earlier - I have Libertarian tendencies.

Reasons I'm happy with Bush:

  • He is a Republican
  • He is in favor of reduced taxes
  • He may not be liked, but if he says he will do something, people believe him

Reasons I'm unhappy with Bush:

  • He presides over the largest US Federal deficit and doesn't show signs of curbing spending
  • He has voiced support for amending the US Constitution in order to win a cultural issue
  • He hasn't, in my opinion, effectively communicated the consequences of loosing the "War on Terror"

Please note - these lists are not intended to be exhaustive in any way

I warn you though - I have a tendency to type before thinking sometimes, and don't have to time to be quite as well-researched as some do on this subject, but I will give it my best shot to change your mind!
So, bring it on!

When people of deep religious convictions approach me and attempt to convert me to their faith - I do not resent them. I just look at it from this perspective: If they truly believe what they say they believe then it is perfectly natural and reasonable that they should be out trying to spread the "truth". To do less (not try to tell others) would be a bit selfish, don't you think? So that is why I engage people in conversation. We are all here proselytizing our view. However, Sammy, I will promise you one thing. Unlike the many who seem to only shout their mantra and refuse to even listen to, much less consider, a differing opinion -- I will take your opinion and either disagree (with reasons), agree (with reasons), or tell you I need to learn more about it. I believe we both will grow and learn from this exchange.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

[ This Message was edited by: Patrick-in-CA on 2004-07-23 15:19 ]
T68i mineral
Joined: Jul 21, 2004
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From: Sourhern Oregon, USA
Posted: 2004-07-23 16:23
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On 2004-07-23 11:46:16, axxxr wrote:
Another so called land of the free story

Couple Arrested After Wearing Anti-Bush T-Shirts

Appalling - Unforgivable - Disgusting
I'm glad the people in charge made things right and everything turned out well in the end.

By the way: As a US citizen - I still believe I live in the land of the free. Exactly how does this story show otherwise Axxxr? And what does it have to do with Bush specifically?
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

[ This Message was edited by: Patrick-in-CA on 2004-07-23 15:25 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Patrick-in-CA on 2004-07-23 15:26 ]
Joined: Aug 21, 2002
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Posted: 2004-07-23 16:27
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@Patrick Do you not spot a connection with the cutting taxes and a large deficit?

And what are your views on Americas continued support for Israel despite them continually ignoring the UN?
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