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Author The New 3G iPhone ! Is this the begining of the end for the SE P AND X series?
Joined: Dec 11, 2003
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From: Coimbra, Portugal
Posted: 2008-12-10 12:45
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• Bluetooth profiles - don't have them, never used them.

An interesting and ‘reasonable’ statement from a (power ?) user late 2008

SE w880 + Iphone 4 16gb
Apple iPhone 4S
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Posted: 2008-12-10 19:15
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On 2008-12-10 11:16:25, myth® wrote:
So it’s simplicity that counts, not quality..

No, it's simplicity which differentiates the iPod line from the competition, since quality cannot - most of the devices we're comparing here are perfectly competent music players. The iPod (and by extension the iPhone) are excellent music players, but it's the overall user experience that marks them out against the competition.

In fact, looking at the iphone (no matter which gen) and using it for a while one can easily understand that this is the main philosophy behind it (except for the build quality).

Presumably this is some thinly veiled dig at the sound quality of ipods, and I'm supposed get dragged into some pointless argument about "which is better" between x and y audio device, when any such judgment can only ever be entirely subjective and personal, and in all likelihood you'd never tell the difference between any of them in a darkened room anyway. Frankly, I think I'll leave you to it

No keys, no feedback, yet faster and more accurate…
Having used the iphone [2G] myself, all I can say is:
“What are you talking about ?”

The iPhone keyboard I've been using for the last couple of months. Why, what are you talking about?

• Bluetooth profiles - don't have them, never used them.

An interesting and ‘reasonable’ statement from a (power ?) user late 2008

Reasonable? Well I think so, truthful certainly. I must have missed the memo which stated every "power" user must have a pair of A2DP headphones and a bluetooth car kit.


Aren’t we talking about a ‘smartphone’ ?
Or is that only the illusion of x million deluded people ?

We're not back to the 90% are we? I can't help thinking you'd have to be a bit "deluded" to be asking an iPhone user in late 2008 whether their phone had copy and paste, but still you seemed to think it worthwhile, and again I've given you an honest answer. The clipboard doesn't make or break a smartphone, the power and flexibility do that (otherwise my wife's W910 would be a smartphone).

Crap, in other words..

No more or less crap than any other camera I've used on a phone, and that's the real point. If you want the best cameraphone you buy a Cybershot (or that's the theory at least) - and if you want a camera that's really worth using, you use an actual camera. The rest is just snaps, and the iPhone's snaps are as good as any other.

Yeah, sure, you would..

Well yes, I would. What kind of answer is that? I don't even care enough about recording video to jailbreak, let alone choose a different (and generally inferior) phone.

You seem to be the first one to claim such a thing

The first to claim that the GPS is fast? I doubt that. Getting a lock on the Tytn II was like waiting for the world to end; a few seconds is all Googlemaps takes on the iPhone.

So which navigation apps do you use ?

Googlemaps, obviously.

How’s your turn-by-turn experience ?

TomTom works okay. Only on the old Tytn II, mind (and only after waiting 10 minutes for it to lock on). Looking forward to whatever solution Apple clearly have in the works.

* Non-replaceable battery - top scores here

Oh really ? How ? Via screwdriver ? Any additional tools required ?
Can it be safely done by the user ? How long does it take and what happens after swapping your battery for, say, 40-50 times ?

You've lost me here. You asked about the non-replaceable battery, and I confirmed it had one - who said anything about removing it? Why would I be doing that? Maybe in 18 months if and when the battery starts to fade I might try one of those DIY kits I suppose, but I'll probably have a new phone by then anyway (and the Apple cost for replacing it isn't too bad compared to other authentic battery prices).

Oups.. Still rumour ? That’s sad…

Sad? But the iPhone doesn't have MMS, the world and his monkey know that, so why should anyone be sad about it now? If it comes, and it's free (or very very cheap) I might install it, but I'm not holding my breath and neither is anyone else.

What I meant is multitasking ‘between’ 3rd party apps, not the built in music player, mail or phone application.

Why? What third party apps were you hoping to multitask?

So you need a 3rd party app even for that ? Interesting…

I think you meant to say "so there is a third party app to do that? Bugger..."

It seems as if there isn’t much the iphone can do (if at all) right out of the box..

No, nothing, just the calls, texts, email, push contacts and calendar, ipod, video, wifi, high speed mobile data, web surfing, Youtube, Googlemaps with GPS, camera, notes, calculator, weather, stocks, itunes, oh - and access to over 10,000 apps in the Appstore. That's it.

• No memory expansion slot - again, it excels in that department. Well spotted!

Where is it ? I hope you are not referring to the internal storage

I'm sorry if I'm confusing you by answering your very silly questions in an honest manner, but please read the above again. No memory expansion slot? Yes, it has no memory expansion slot. I don't have anything to add to that! It's an iPhone, we both know it doesn't have external memory, only your choice of 8-16gb internal.

as the benefits of having a memory expansion slot is not only to extend the storage space by another 8 or 16 (or soon 32) gigs, but also to have exchangeable storage cards, so that you can store and deal with several 8, 16 (or 32) gigs of media.

That's a theoretical advantage, yes. In practice I (and I'm betting I'm not alone in this) simply buy a card to go in the slot of whatever new phone I buy, and that becomes my internal storage. With the iPhone I didn't need to buy the card separately, it's as simple as that.

I'm sure you'll tell me that to be a real "power user" you have to have ten different SD cards in a sleeve attached to your bluetooth utility belt. Best of luck to you in that.
Sony Xperia Z2
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From: PL
Posted: 2008-12-10 21:20
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this man will answer to his death!
There's no way for this man -
sorry Boinng... -
to get anything what has been written!

Let's face it - iPhone is brilliant,
it's the best,
and as Apple marketing works:
It's fundamental flaws make it even BETTER! Who cares that it lacks this or that - nobody needs that!

It's basic lacks - comparing to ANY smartphone on this planet - does not matter because there's 10000 apps in appstore which can make you forget it.
It's really pointless to discuss it further.
a w a r e
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From: the blue planet
Posted: 2008-12-10 21:38
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you are making everybody nervous because you make arguments better than everybody here, please stop!! ahah lol
When people can´t make up substantiated points anymore they usually appeal to personal attacks, sarcasm or irony because maybe.. if your arguments or yourself get displayed as being ´silly´, maybe your point will look silly too. But in the reality, it just shows how strong your arguments really are.

go boinng! lol
Xperia X10 Black
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From: somewhere nicer than you
Posted: 2008-12-10 22:09
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All this boils down to the fact that one mans meat, is another mans poison, if the iphone has what it takes to satisfy you, then i'm not going to argue with you, but if one feels that it lacks a certain specification to do what you, the individual user needs from a device, then buy something that does
X1 Silver
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Posted: 2008-12-10 22:31
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As you are obviously no longer able to state reasonable arguments and prefer to play with words instead, I'll leave it here.

Have fun with your iphone

HTC HD2 [16 GB] + SE HBH-DS980
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Posted: 2008-12-11 01:51
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Nice answer Boinng... I must admit i had spotted alot of those major flaws in the diatribe

I amazed you've got the patience to answer all that!

I really am tempted with an iPhone now... most of the things my P1i can do I messed with and had fun - but in reality I don't use all the functions that it has

Although I hate to admit it, I expect an iPhone would suit me fine

Cheers mate...
X1 Black
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From: Ohio, USA
Posted: 2008-12-11 05:07
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I have another log for the fire...

Here's a question for both sides of the debate:
Being open to third party app development means there is going to be both garbage software and quality software available for purchase. Given that all mobile platforms have thousands of available apps, which platform has the best quality to garbage ratio?
X1 Black
Joined: Aug 07, 2005
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From: asia
Posted: 2008-12-11 07:39
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What i can say about this is that iphone is different from the P and X series of SE. Iphone is concentrate in multimedia and P-series and X-series concentrate on business with a little multimedia. Yes iphone 3g doesn't have mms,videocall,video recording,high tech camera but it offers a simple GUI,a better music player and one of the best browser. For a simple person who wants to have music,camera and internet on his/her hands, iphone is enough for their needs. Its a smartphone because its a touchscreen and does some hightech stuff but not fully a smartphone. Apple my offer A2DP maybe when they release an apple bluetooth stereo in the future..
macintosh rocks!!!!!
se rocks!!!!
apple rocks!!
win mobile rocks!!!
X1 Black
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From: Ohio, USA
Posted: 2008-12-11 09:11
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On 2008-12-11 07:39:56, spine6 wrote:
...Iphone is concentrate in multimedia and P-series and X-series concentrate on business with a little multimedia.

I read this alot in posts but I don't quite understand what that means in real-world terms
P800 no flip
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Posted: 2008-12-11 10:46
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On 2008-12-11 09:11:35, WhyBe wrote:

On 2008-12-11 07:39:56, spine6 wrote:
...Iphone is concentrate in multimedia and P-series and X-series concentrate on business with a little multimedia.

I read this alot in posts but I don't quite understand what that means in real-world terms

The iPhone excels at media consumption (Music/photos/video/web), while the P & X series handsets strength are in media creation (typing documents, Office work, camera, camcorder, and so on).

eBay: +21, -0
P1i, Nokia N95-2 (backup), Crackberry Curve 8320 (corporate)

[ This Message was edited by: gforce23 on 2008-12-11 09:49 ]
Apple iPhone 4S
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Posted: 2008-12-11 11:38
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The iPhone excels at media delivery with excellent surfing, video, gaming, music etc - but do the P or x series excel at media creation? There are better cameras and camcorder modes on other phones (even other smartphones), right? So again, going back to the point of this thread, if the iPhone has the media experience all sewn up, and other phones are better for media creation, what's the major strength of the X1 for example?
P800 no flip
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From: Atlanta, London, Dubai
Posted: 2008-12-11 12:15
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On 2008-12-11 11:38:59, Boinng wrote:
The iPhone excels at media delivery with excellent surfing, video, gaming, music etc - but do the P or x series excel at media creation? There are better cameras and camcorder modes on other phones (even other smartphones), right? So again, going back to the point of this thread, if the iPhone has the media experience all sewn up, and other phones are better for media creation, what's the major strength of the X1 for example?

None of the current bunch of 8MP shooters are worthy of being branded as media creators. Banging out documents and messages is awfully slow on a T9 keypad. The only 5MP equipped WinMo phone, the Touch HD is trying too hard to be an iPhone, or at least that's what you said. I can't think of a single Blackberry that beats the P1i's camera module. The S60 reps (N95/N96/N82/N85) are awfully slow to type on.
In the current scheme of things, the X1 and P1i fit in perfectly as the one of the best compromises for media creation.
Satio, X1, P1i, HTC Hero, Blokia N900, N97 mini, N95-2, Crackberry Curve 8900 (corporate)
Xperia X10 Black
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From: somewhere nicer than you
Posted: 2008-12-11 12:35
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Gforce, your far to easily dismissive of the HD and the likes of Renoir/Pixon, all of which are very strong in nearly all areas, and nobody buys a BB OR an iphone for their imaging abilities, their considerable strengths lie elsewhere .
P800 no flip
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From: Atlanta, London, Dubai
Posted: 2008-12-11 12:46
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On 2008-12-11 12:35:59, MWEB wrote:
Gforce, your far to easily dismissive of the HD and the likes of Renoir/Pixon, all of which are very strong in nearly all areas,

MWEB, I was merely trying to prove my point of the P & X series being media creators. While I hold the Touch HD in very high regard (heck, it's the best phone out here ATM) but if you back up a few pages, Boinng stated that the Touch HD was trying too much to be an iPhone.
The Renoir and Pixon are brilliant for capturing images but what about document creation, texting and the likes?

On 2008-12-11 12:35:59, MWEB wrote:
and nobody buys a BB OR an iphone for their imaging abilities, their considerable strengths lie elsewhere .

Thanks. You just proved my point that the iPhone is hopeless as a media creator while the BB is amazing for banging out documents but pretty bad at everything else.

To reiterate, the P & X are pretty much the best all-round choice for media creation. The N97 might change all that but it's a good 6 months down the line. Who knows what SE might come up with?
Satio, X1, P1i, HTC Hero, Blokia N900, N97 mini, N95-2, Crackberry Curve 8900 (corporate)
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