
Forum > Sony Ericsson / Sony > Symbian phones > The New 3G iPhone ! Is this the begining of the end for the SE P AND X series?

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Author The New 3G iPhone ! Is this the begining of the end for the SE P AND X series?
Joined: Mar 10, 2003
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From: Aberdeen, Scotland
Posted: 2008-12-08 22:29
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The reason I'm going with the P1i is that I have had a P990i now for a few months and it's been great. I am a power user and all the hacks have been a great benefit, but I really need the multitasking ability of the P1i.


"You shouldnīt get P1i. UIQ is going nowhere and the device is old by now. Its hardware was criticized for being outdated when it came out, can u imagine it now? Poor chip, bad graphics, bad RAM, buggy firmwares and a platform thatīs being abandoned. Do yourself a favor and stay away from it. They should be paying u to get this phone"

I would have probably typed that a year ago, however I owned an original P990i and sold it. I got an original P1i and returned it. Since then I had various phones including the N95-2 but it just didn't cut it compared to UIQ3.

I could buy the xperia, N96 or iphone tomorrow, but my preference is with UIQ and to be honest I have had no restarts on the P990i since I got it. Hopefully this P1i will be as good. I don't like the G700/900, so that leaves only one choice.

Kinda sad, isn't it!

[ This Message was edited by: kradcliffe on 2008-12-08 21:32 ]
Sony Xperia Z2
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From: PL
Posted: 2008-12-08 22:56
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I'm also a poweruser and P1i seems an great companion.
And actually new apps and solutions still appear.
a w a r e
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From: Lisboa, Portugal
Posted: 2008-12-08 23:08
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Well, i've been reading this forum and must say something: i love SE, i had several phones from SE: t68i, t610, p900, p910, p990 and p1! Then iPhone 3G arrived....GOT IT! LOVE IT! It's a phone, a walkman, a PDA, a PSP, it is a wonderful machine!
T39 black
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Posted: 2008-12-08 23:35
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Hi all,

Well personally i find anything that Boinng tries to claim to be hard to be credit worthy as quite frankly he contradicts himself continuously to suit his argument on the day. He changes his opinion dependent on which device he is using and that is of course always the best device and OS.

Here lets remind ourselves of his great claims from the Xperia X1 discussion on Posted: 2008-02-11 08:48

"Personally, I'm impressed so far - as someone that left SE's ailing smartphones for a HTC Tytn II last year, this could well be my next upgrade - a serious piece of WM-powered kit with SE style. Of course, it's all in the timing - SE/HTC need to get this onto the market soon, because it's not so far ahead of the rest that it couldn't just be trumped by HTC and other's own Winmo devices by the time it comes out."

Which is his first claim of how good WM is and how good he expects the X1 to be.

Yet again on 2008-02-11 11:17 he is once more happy to profess just how good WM is with this

"It's pointless for SE to be making business phones with UIQ when they've got Windows Mobile in their own arsenal - WM is simply better for business."

See a pattern beginning to emerge now of how good WM is as this is what Boinng is using at this time.

Now on 2008-02-11 15:41 we have this classic Boinng lesson

"As a total convert to WM, I think more than a few people here are going to be surprised when they overcome their initial bias and actually try one of these out.

UIQ to Windows Mobile involves a little learning curve, but that's all. Contrary to popular opinion, Windows Mobile is just as stable as UIQ if not more so, and many times more powerful in terms of the application support, customisation etc. It's unbeatable for business use, with perfect Exchange integration, and PC synchronisation that makes SE's efforts with UIQ look completely amateur.

The way some talk around here, you'd think UIQ was the holy grail of perfection in an OS, and WM was just an unworkable mess. In reality neither is true - the two UI's are really a lot closer than you'd think. WM could learn some tricks from UIQ/Symbian in terms of power saving, and longer battery life, but UIQ can't hold a candle to WM in many other areas, and it's difficult for me to see just how the UIQ interface is any more useable than WM, now that I've gotten used to both."

So of course we must all bow down to Boinng's supreme knowledge and surly what he says has to be right doesn't it?

Funny that although now he says that WM has problems he was yet again happy to say on 2008-02-12 07:20

"By the way, people are trying to make some issue out of the memory size on this phone - make no mistake, 128mb operating memory is ample for a WM6 phone. Of course you could have more, at the expense of battery life, but it would serve very little purpose. The Tytn II has 128mb (it's one of the first WM6 handsets to go over 64mb) and you won't find anyone complaining about that - it's more than enough to run anything you like with no problems whatsoever"

And then this again on 2008-02-12 08:40

"It's a very sensible move - they're bringing some quality and style to the Winmo market that they can take a lead on, and at the same time Winmo gives them a level of compatibility and OS acceptance that they know UIQ has long since lost. UIQ can still be a good, funky, consumer UI - but WM is best for business, both now and in the future. SE are just being realistic - no variant of Symbian is going to threaten WM in its proven markets now - sad but true."

Now when someone mentions the iPhone on 2008-02-12 12:49 it's hard to believe this answer comes from the same Apple loving WM bashing Boinng.

"On 2008-02-12 13:43:06, Muhummad-Oli wrote:
Yeah, true. I don't think Apple shit their panties over much Microsoft/Windows stuff. More often Id say its the other way round.

I don't think so - you're still talking about an OS which sold 14m units, compared to just 4m for the Iphone last year. It has a mature and well established eco-system, compared to the Iphone which has yet to ship an SDK to my knowledge. Sure, the Iphone UI is fashionable right now, but there's more to life than finger gestures, and a lot to be said for real keyboards and proper connectivity. As flashy as the Iphone is, they're still playing catch-up on a lot of the technology underneath the UI."

Wow what a difference a few months makes in Boinngs world. I really could go further into the thread or other postings and find plenty more quotes as examples. But at least i can prove that these are the things Boinng has himself posted and said and not just what i wanted him to of said or imagined it.

As just today he is happy to claim the Touch HD has problems and is not as good as the iPhone despite it having a bigger screen with better resolution and many getting great results on the 800x480 screen. Has Boinng used one of course not but how can it be better than his choice which is how and why he can say

" No, trust me, it won't (and hasn't). The HD is trying desperately to be an iPhone, but guess what - it's not an iPhone. It doesn't do video or multimedia as well (despite the screen), an it's still plain old sluggish, laggy WM underneath, running on another crappy Qualcomm chip with poor driver support."

So in conclusion just accept that Boinng will always defend his current choice of device and OS as being best and is NEVER wrong of course.


Blackberry Bold, V4.6.0.190, 8GB SDHC, Pin2553F455
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[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-12-08 22:40 ]
Sony Xperia Z2
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From: PL
Posted: 2008-12-08 23:40
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Interesting, interesting....
a w a r e
Sony Xperia Z
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From: The NZ of L
Posted: 2008-12-08 23:54
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On 2008-12-08 23:35:00, Dogmann wrote:

"On 2008-02-12 13:43:06, Muhummad-Oli wrote:
Yeah, true. I don't think Apple shit their panties over much Microsoft/Windows stuff. More often Id say its the other way round.

Hilarious! When I started reading this flaming session today, I didn't think I'd see one of my quotes in here! I don't even remember writing that!
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Posted: 2008-12-09 00:01
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Thanks Marc, tricky to see your point though. You're quoting posts from February, when the X1 seemed like an imminent release, and before the iPhone 3G was announced and the whole platform was opened up for development. I posted here, today, that I didn't even consider the iPhone to be a smartphone until that happened.

In the posts you quote, I'm defending WM against sceptical UIQ fans who couldn't accept that SE might need to move on - probably some of those same people who are here now defending the X1 as the ultimate doodah, probably because it's their first WM phone and they're impressed by it. Well you know what, in February I'd had my first WM phone for about 3 months and I was impressed with it too, coming from a UIQ phone. At that time, when the iPhone was literally a dumbphone with a closed OS and a very high price, and Android was just a far off dream, WM was the best boat to jump to. And if - as I said in that very first quote of mine you posted - SE had got their timing right and released the X1 early enough, they could have had a real winner.

But they didn't. They let themselves lose a race with their own OEM and lose the X1 in a sea of similar WM devices, and by that time the iPhone 3G had come along and changed everything anyway. And that rather brings us back to the point of the thread, doesn't it?
Joined: Apr 18, 2003
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From: Boca Raton
Posted: 2008-12-09 00:28
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I thought too SE was the best thing with symbian OS, then I got tired of waiting for new realeses. Then moved to WM and got tired of their the famous video funtion and their bugs.

I rather have a phone that works with no video camera that one that charges me for one that does not work, and that is just one thing.

Phones change , choices change and people have the right o change their minds after actually owning and trying different devices and choosing the best one for their needs. And believe me I can take more THAN complicated, I can not take unfulfilled promises.
Sony Xperia Z2
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From: PL
Posted: 2008-12-09 00:29
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Oh my.....I don't believe it....

From the professional point of view iPhone didn't change anything besides the huge fashion for touch screen - now every kid talks about it. That's what changed. People want flashy touch, no matter what the phone gives. They stand in the ridiculous lines at 3am to get it. It's the marketing, not the conscious choice of users to get the best device!

Or even made it worse - it lowered the expectations for a smartphone to a better dumb - phone level indeed.
Nobody cares about quality of features, maybe besides how nice accelerometer works in gaming.
Nobody means in this context - mass market.
Boinng, how blind a human must be not to get it?
Anyway, I wasted my time, it was my last comment on that.
Joined: Apr 18, 2003
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From: Boca Raton
Posted: 2008-12-09 00:57
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What about me...I don't get it either!
Joined: Mar 26, 2005
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From: A P1iW [8Gb] in Lancs UK ;-)
Posted: 2008-12-09 01:41
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On 2008-12-08 21:45:49, doministry wrote:

On 2008-12-08 21:44:39, SloopJohnB wrote:
You shouldnīt get P1i. UIQ is going nowhere and the device is old by now. Its hardware was criticized for being outdated when it came out, can u imagine it now? Poor chip, bad graphics, bad RAM, buggy firmwares and a platform thatīs being abandoned. Do yourself a favor and stay away from it. They should be paying u to get this phone.

I use it every day and believe me - or not - but it's great.

I second that - new apps still appearing all the time... I've got loads of downloads I haven't even had time to try out on my P1i

And why buy an unknown phone with bugs waiting to be ironed out when P1is are so cheap now??? ,
P800 no flip
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Posted: 2008-12-09 05:06
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On 2008-12-08 22:20:02, SloopJohnB wrote:
It may work ok and thereīs always personal preference involved but u have to think ahead. Youīll be putting money on a device thatīs outdated and on a platform thatīs ending. Not to mention the great chances of ending up with a buggy and slow device. This isnīt just me saying, google it or look here in esato and uīll find topics about this.
If you want a īsymbianī device, get a nokia. If u want a touchscreen device u can wait for N97 or get a WM device if thatīs your thing. Even android would be better because itīs a growing platform. Thereīs the iphone too if you feel like trying something new. You gotta think about what you want/need on a device. Honestly, I canīt see anything a P1i can do that a more modern WM or Symbian canīt do in a much better fashion.

Mate, have you actually used any of the phones mentioned in your post? I've been using the P1i for over an year and can honestly say that it hasn't crashed once in the past 2 (or maybe 3) months. Sure there are some missing apps and oft-requested features (flash support, for example) but overall the platform is quite stable, in fact a lot more than my X1. The UIQ (or even S60 for that matter) platform is simple enough for the newbie to get his/her hands dirty while WM (or even the iPhoneOS) certainly require a lot more tweaking or hands-on work to set it up just the way you want.
Don't go blindly by the specs - the N97 might look good on paper but has some SERIOUS flaws that I mentioned in the N97 thread, like the absolutely horrendous (and tiny) space bar button in the corner, for example. It also doesn't look all that great.
You advise potential SymbianOS owners to get a Nokia - the same Nokia that churns out wobbly devices like the N85, a miserable failure called the N96 and the poorly designed S60v5 interface on the 5800XM?
Android is nice and having lived with a friend's G1 for a couple of days, I agree that the platform has a lot of potential. GMail integration is spectacularly good but the G1 is too industrial, too old-fashioned and too clumsy. I wouldn't want to be caught dead with one in front of my friends or at a club. Perhaps the G2 or G3 will fix that.
Satio, X1, P1i, HTC Hero, Blokia N900, N97 mini, N95-2, Crackberry Curve 8900 (corporate)
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From: the blue planet
Posted: 2008-12-09 05:28
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You must be living under a stone or something. People buy iphones just because of the touchscreen? Or the UI? Yeah, itīs the only multitouch device on the market and becase of that itīs the best for viewing office, pdf and isilo files (yes, iīve tryed others, ok?) but what about the app store? The damn thing is getting 2,2 million downloads every day and growing! Thatīs people using a phone to do computer stuff more and more every day. The fact that not only ītechiesī are doing it (read the business satisfaction surveys concerning the iphone please...) but common users too is GREAT. Thatīs what a good concept combined with good design have to provide. They have to make technology more and more popular and relevant in peopleīs lives. Selling many phones is not synonym with quality but being popular doesnīt make it worst. Thatīs a very common but very wrong idea.
If you want to talk about the iphoneīs shortcomings, feel free to do it. We all know its problems and I personally know of a bunch of ways to get around many of them. But letīs be realistic. Empty flamings like īiphone users are hypnotized by appleī is simply ridiculous.
I know this is a forum and I once was a very happy enthusiast. I canīt remember anticipating more for a phone or anything than I did for K750i. But u guys have to get out of this globe. See what else is out there, whatīs new and exciting in todayīs market. Buying an almost 2 year-old phone just because itīs īgoodī and is not offering anything good right now is VERY sad.
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From: the blue planet
Posted: 2008-12-09 05:39
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I mentioned Nokia N97 because to me it seemed like a more īcompleteī device. Iīll explain why. The N series is very rich soft and hardware-wise but because of its lack of a qwerty keyboard itīs more like a teenage phone than anything else to me. The E series is very powerful too but it just doesnt do multimedia very well. The N97 seems to me like a strong combination of both. Iīm not saying itīs perfect. Iīve seen some videos and itīs kinda sllugish now plus nokia went with resistive touch which I think itīs a mistake. Anyway.
Another thing. My comments on P1i were simply based on what Iīve read around but even if itīs got its bugs sorted now I still think we oughta look ahead.

[ This Message was edited by: SloopJohnB on 2008-12-09 07:00 ]
Sony Xperia Z2
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From: PL
Posted: 2008-12-09 09:09
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Please just look at the context of my comments, and you'll see what I mean.
I'm not any super SE fanboy neither a dedicated iPhone hater, that would be funny.
However what I've said about the iPhone's market situation is 100% true and it's sales is absolutely caused because people get hypnotized by Apple or get it for free with contracts.
People who consciously use their devices and their features are 5% not more.
And I also stated - the above facts does not imply the device is bad itself. It's just overhyped.
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