
Forum > Sony Ericsson / Sony > General > A short K790 and W610 review from a K750 owner!

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Author A short K790 and W610 review from a K750 owner!
T68 gold
Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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Posted: 2007-08-17 18:57
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tyildirim, first of all, thanks for your review of the w610. Do you really think that w610 loudspeaker is high enough? I want to buy it because my k610 died and I gave my girlfriend a k550 for her birthday and its volume was lower than k610's one. I think w610 would be better because of being walkman. Am I right?
Thanks in advance.
Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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Posted: 2007-08-17 19:14
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I think you either got a faulty K790 or there's something wrong with you. The K790 is by no means slow. It's quite fast when compared to a W800/K750, a bit slower than a W610 and it's 50 times faster than any Motorola.

The size I think is up to the user but I don't find the K790's size to be an issue.

The keypad is also superb and so are the navigation keys, way better than the W610's sharp ones, at least.

In the sound department, it beats the K750 in all aspects but the ring volume, wich is still good enough. Music playback through the speaker has acceptable quality and volume (something I can't say for my W800, can't even hear it). The earpiece volume is also way higher than a K750's. The W610 does have a better speaker, I admit.

Just thought I'd chip in and post my opinions.
T68 gold
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Posted: 2007-12-13 22:09
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Hey, I´m planning to buy a W610 and I was doing a lot of "researches" around the in here...

I´ve got a terrible mobile... LG MG320... Gosh..How i wish never thought that was a "beautiful" mobile...

Anyway..each day u guys help me think W610 is the best...I´m serching for not only good cam, but good sound system and above all, a FAST phone... Was watching a movie on youtube of W610 multitasking... Just PERFECT...3net apps minimized,with walkman on second plan, and taking pictures... all on highly speed...Away impressive...

Think im just getting it...

Thanks again...and sorry for my basics english...
Xperia X8 White
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Posted: 2007-12-15 15:08
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go ahead guyz ....w610i is good..really good ! im usin problems

go for plush orange colour.....really sexy
V640 Black
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Posted: 2007-12-16 10:07
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K790: + screen not bad but not good as a samsung

I thought the same thing when I compared my V630i with my wifes Samsung Z400v but when viewing pictures and mobile TV I discovered the Samsung has a harsh contrast rate which makes all dark colours appear black. Mobile TV was almost impossible to watch. I'd have 's less bright screen any day.
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From: IRAN.
Posted: 2007-12-16 10:27
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it is mentioned that the K790 flash lights up to 60-70cm only....
60 - 70 cm?

i had a K800 and it's flash could light up a room with distances bigger than 4 meters in complete darkness..

i think you are the 104th person that i am telling to turn on the (((twillight portrait mode))) when taking a pic in complete darkness with flash.

then you will see the true power of the xenon flash.
Satio Black
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Posted: 2007-12-16 22:38
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I think that the SE k790 is one of the best phones that has thrown SE and what I found
Hlcn Twst
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From: Purgatory, Utah, USA
Posted: 2007-12-17 17:39
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I decided to get a K790a after all (FW R1GB001) and don't find it slow at all. What a great mobile! I'm sticking with "Cybershot" and "Emotional" series devices from now on.
C902 Black
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Posted: 2007-12-20 07:41
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well coming from a man who overkilled his k750 with mods... i wanted something new to play with and i got a w610 at a bargain trade for my k750 w/ 2gig... got it with a 512mb... i would TOTALLY recommend this phone if you listen to music... and like a FAST phone... i hear it goes to 4gb without lag... and a lot of features more than k750...

if your buying it expecting a great se camera...
the cam was horrible when compared to the modded cam drivers i had on my k750...
even the modded w610 cam drivers werent a match for even the k750 stock drivers... maybe in colours the w610 won but in quality... the k750 beat it hands down!

the k790 is actually fast but my friend's joystick or watever...(it isnt the same as a k750 joystick is a ball as you know) is dying.. and that was horrible to use... but if it were up to camera i would say k790...

or why not the k770? i hear it supports flash menus? is this true? lol
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