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Author On the Couch with scotsboyuk
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
Posts: > 500
From: UK
Posted: 2004-11-10 03:29
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Joining me the couch is an Esato favourite. He has established a reputation for himself as something of Esato's Mr Nice. He reguarly contributes to threads all over Esato, often offering useful advice to new and old members alike. It is my great pleasure to be chatting with Sammy_boy.

What is the best thing about Esato?

Sammy_boy says:
-The diversity of different people from different parts of the world (although mainly Europe and Asia), all sharing one common interest - and mobiles! And there are some very knowledgeable people here to help on pretty much any subject - I'm still asking for help on some subjects!

Who is your favourite member of Esato?

Sammy_boy says:
-Not sure if I have one in particular - meths, mince, and you can be very funny, JN is fascinating and wonderfully eccentric, vlamm's nice, bobafett wouldn't harm a fly and gets really excited if you have an /// phone , there's some really interesting characters here, too many to mention!

Who is your favourite moderator?

Sammy_boy says:
- hmmm, not sure, Masseur seems firm but fair, but I'm sure they all do a sterling job.

What is your favourite Esato moment?

Sammy_boy says:
- I hate these kinds of questions, never sure what to say! I think whenever I've helped someone with something, and they've posted or pm'd me a thankyou.

What is your least favourite Esato moment?

Sammy_boy says:
- A scary moment when Masseur pm'd me and told me to watch my language after someone complained - but I was relieved when it turned out to be a misunderstanding and the warning was meant for someone else - I don't think I've sworn really yet on Esato!

You seem to have integrated yourself into the Esato community very quickly; do you consider yourself to be a veteran and do you want to be seen in that light?

Sammy_boy says:
- I'm not sure, I don't feel like I've been here long, but have posted rather a lot! I still feel a bit of a newby next to people like Mixin, Bart, boba, etc.

It is perhaps fair to call you the 'quiet man of Esato' as you rarely engage in the more heated threads; how do you feel about such a title and is this a deliberate strategy?

Sammy_boy says:
- It's strange how peoples' personalities come through, even on internet forums - I'm a quiet person in real life! I think it's a fair to call me that - although I have sometimes made the odd post or comment in a flame war - usually a sarcastic on questioning one! No deliberate strategy - but I might post something silly in a flame war to try to 'de-escalate' it.

Which mobile are you currently using?

Sammy_boy says:
- A K700, and also have a couple of other phones, but the k7's the main one. Just bought a P900 off Merc-Man, can't wait to get that, I regret getting rid of my P800!

Which mobile are you most looking forward to?

Sammy_boy says;
- I seem to have been bitten by the smartphone bug, so I'd like to see the replacement to the P900/P910, should be a cracker!!

Do you have a message for Esato?

Sammy_boy says:
- Be nice to each other - there seems to be a lot of flame wars about at the moment - remember there are always two sides to a story, no one's ever 100% in the right, be a bit more tolerant! And don't take yourself too seriously

Oops, waffled a bit, haven't I, sorry!

I'd like to thank my guest for his time and invite you all to join me again when my guests will include Ayush, Asterix and ajack.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC
Evil Eye
Aino White
Joined: Jun 23, 2004
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From: Pune, Maharashtra, India
Posted: 2004-11-10 12:04
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A good work by scotsboyuk.Well done.
P900 no flip
Joined: Jul 07, 2004
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From: Bonnie Scotland
Posted: 2004-11-10 12:09
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Manish, pm him and do an interview!
Hello, Scroto!

U.G.L.Y. You ain't got no alibi, you ugly!
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
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From: UK
Posted: 2004-11-10 15:29
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Although he has been a member of Esato for less than a year, my guest today has very quickly become a regular face in many a thread. Unlike his cartoon namesake he doesn't have a magic potion, but then again he doesn't seem to need it as he continues to become more popular through his friendly manner. Please join me on location, at thirty thousand feet as we recline in first class, with Asterix.

What is the best thing about Esato?

Asterix says:
The comunity itself, I really enjoy being inside this great group of people talking about so many interesting topics and helping each other day by day.

Who is your favourite member of Esato?

Asterix says:
@bobafett, he's such a nice person and seems to be waiting to help others.

Who is your favourite moderator?

Asterix says:
hehehe....tricky question?, maybe @masseur, we owe him all this, and he's maybe the most equilabrated of all.

What is your favourite Esato moment?

Asterix says:
The day I joined, from that date I haven't stopped posting, I really feel like home (or may I say plane) here.

What is your least favourite Esato moment?

Asterix says:
When discussion goes off topic and people start hurting each others because of opinions, making it a personal confrontation. It really makes me sad because I trully belive that you have to learn how to accept and understand a point of view diferent from yours, by respecting what the other person thinks.

North Americans seem few and far between on Esato in comparison to Europeans and Asians, but South Americans seem even more under-represented; how do you feel about this?

Asterix says:
It's really weird, we have one of the world's lower rates of PC's and mobile phones per home, but can't stop surfing on the net and sending SMS. Everywhere you go you'll find a south american poster. Maybe that's because we are so comunicative and open to information, or just simply because we like to know about everyhting.

Do you feel that Esato is too focused on European and Asian members?

Asterix says:
No, I think this is a really opened forum and everyone can feel confortable, as confortable as this First Class seat.

Which mobile are you currently using?

Asterix says:
I'm using my beloved T610, and I really enjoy it, it's like my soulmate.

Which mobile are you most looking forward to?

Asterix says:
S700, but price maybe so high on peruvian market that I'm considering an upgrade to K700.

Do you have a message for Esato?

Asterix says:
Just thanks to @all for all the help received, and my deepest hope to continue inside this great team, I'm really glad to be a part of esato, see you on the threads!

Thanks scotty, and keep the good work, best wishes!

Next time I shall be back on the ground and have another guest on the couch. I hope you can join me then when my guests will include Manish, Staz081227 and the legendary ajack.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
Posts: > 500
From: UK
Posted: 2004-11-10 21:17
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One of Esato's oldest and most famous members joins me on the couch this evening. He has seen just about every major Esato trend come and go along with many of Esato's members too. Insider information from SE is one of his claims to fame, I chatted about this and other issues with bart.

What is the best thing about Esato?

bart says:
the forum: news about many things, people's opinions, members helping others, spy pics mostly on this site first

Who is your favourite member of Esato?

bart says:
don't really have a favorite, but i like bobafett cause he's an old ericsson fan like me

Who is your favourite moderator?

bart says:
i think there all doing a great job, so i wouldn't know

What is your favourite Esato moment?

bart says:
what do you mean with this? favorite moment ever? or moment/day
ever: would've been arround the time the T68m was out, the good old days
moment/day would be arround 18CET you can find alot of people online then and the news is posted mostly

What is your least favourite Esato moment?

bart says:
the last months, SE isn't doing a great job, and we see alot of people complaining, i myself am complaining aswell, and thats not good

You have stated previously that you don't rate Sony's influence on SE products very highly, why is that?

bart says:
the influence of Sony, i can't know how much real influence they have, but i can somehow feel it, the designing of phones, set back of introduction dates, poor advertising ways and much less inovation

I have read several comments from you regarding the next SE P series smartphone, can you give us any sneak previews or insights?

bart says:
all the info and rumours i get is on my site, unless i must keep it a secret.

How do you get your insider information?

bart says:
from people who know other people, no one directly from SE (the support for SE BeNeLux is just poor).

Which mobile are you currently using?
P910i and a red T61

Which mobile are you most looking forward to?

bart says:
i like the Z1010 alot, would be great to replace my T610. V800 is nice, but i don't like vodaphone. but there's no 3G in Belgium for another 6months, so no 3G phones

Do you have a message for Esato?

bart says:
everybody who has worked on easto, mods and laffen should diserve something: they are the angels that are keeping this site alive. i know SE knows about this place, and i find that all of you should get a nice present from them.
P.S. keep up the good work

Still awaiting their seat on the couch are miss uk, Manish and Staz081227.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC
Joined: Mar 20, 2003
Posts: > 500
From: Wor Newcastle Phone: V600i
Posted: 2004-11-10 21:21
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nice one

but i have to disagree bart - sony pulled ericsson out of the deep! [addsig]
R520 copper
Joined: Jan 06, 2004
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From: Kamino (wish it would be Lund)
Posted: 2004-11-10 22:40
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@scotty this therapy here is getting better day by day!

This message was posted from a T68i

Joined: Jun 02, 2003
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From: UK
Posted: 2004-11-11 05:18
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There have been calls from certain quarters to get my current guest on the couch, this is perhaps surprising when one realises that he isn't a long time member of Esato. It would seem he has become popular within a short space of time and has won himself a few fans; chatting about that and other issues is Manish.

What is the best thing about Esato?

Manish says:
The best thing about esato is that here i can get much information about mobiles and i have a fun chat with other members.Esato is a different world to me.

Who is your favourite member of Esato?

Manish says:
I like girls more but on esato i have no girl friends.My favourite members on esato are vineet_d,creamy,and of course u.

Who is your favourite moderator?

Manish says:
My favouite mod on esato is masseur because he has locked many of my topics.Just joking.

What is your favourite Esato moment?

Manish says:
Of course this is my favourite esato moment.

What is your least favourite Esato moment?

Manish says:
My least favourite esato moment was when masseur pm me and told me that he will delete my account as i had joked him that i had given my friend password of my account.

There has been a spot of interest from some quarters in getting you to do an interview. This level of interest is perhaps surprising considering that you are still a relatively new member; do you feel that you're popular, and what do you think you have done to inspire such interest?

Manish says:
I think i am not much popular on esato.There are miles to go.

Many of Esato's older members have left and newer members, yourself included, are perhaps part of a new breed of future veterans, how do you feel about that responsibility?

Manish says:
Thats a difficult question.

Which mobile are you currently using?

Manish says:
I am currently using a nokia 6600.

Which mobile are you most looking forward to?

Manish says:
Looking forward for an i-mate and ofcourse there are a lot of se mobiles.

Do you have a message for Esato?

Manish says:

Please join me again soon for more chat, my guests will include miss uk, Staz081227 and the legendary ajack.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2006-08-28 03:28 ]
Evil Eye
Aino White
Joined: Jun 23, 2004
Posts: > 500
From: Pune, Maharashtra, India
Posted: 2004-11-11 05:24
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The couch was very beautiful
i-mate K-JAM and Windows Mobile Discussion Thread
Proud owner of Samsung Galaxy Pro, i-mate K-JAM & Nokia N81
Joined: Jan 12, 2004
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From: Cucumberland
Posted: 2004-11-11 09:57
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absolutely brilliant, scotsboyuk! and i hope GOwin's on your list of guests too.

i am the master of useless posts
Ich heisse Superphantastisch!

[ This Message was edited by: soichiro on 2004-11-11 16:57 ]
Joined: Dec 19, 2003
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From: Abducted by hot blondes to Les
Posted: 2004-11-11 10:01
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i hope soichiro and shits are on the list, too! [addsig]
P900 no flip
Joined: Jul 07, 2004
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From: Bonnie Scotland
Posted: 2004-11-11 11:35
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The Manish interview was great! Thanks for that!

I want to see shits on the couch too
Hello, Scroto!

U.G.L.Y. You ain't got no alibi, you ugly!
Joined: Dec 19, 2003
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From: Abducted by hot blondes to Les
Posted: 2004-11-11 11:38
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yay! shit on the couch! [addsig]
P900 no flip
Joined: Jul 07, 2004
Posts: > 500
From: Bonnie Scotland
Posted: 2004-11-11 11:39
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shithappens would be a good guest i reckon
Hello, Scroto!

U.G.L.Y. You ain't got no alibi, you ugly!
T39 black
Joined: Dec 05, 2002
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From: Sunny Portugal! :)
Posted: 2004-11-11 12:01
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On 2004-11-10 02:39:01, scotsboyuk wrote:
anyone who wishes to sit on the couch should pm me.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?
You should PM people who you would like to interview... [addsig]
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