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WM tricks

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Posted by occupied
One reason I prefer Windows Mobile over other OSes is its tweakability, besides the possibilities offered by registry. I personally think WM's tweakability is just one degree below the now-forgotten Motorola EzX.
Anyway, enough talkin'. Onto the practical stuff..

Hopping between so many files/folders within a folder using File Explorer on a WM device can be so frustrating, especially when you rely on scrolling.
Fortunately there's one easy way to do that. How? Just use (virtual) keyboard or qwerty keypad to type the first letter of the file/folder's name. For instance, if you want a file named index.htm to be selected instantly, just tap (or press) "I".
It is as if all files/folders are labeled accesskey="first-letter". Thumps up for Redmond guys for the feature!

By default, Windows Mobile's scrollbar is 13px wide (I'm undecided whether it's pixel or point, as in fonts these guys use point.) What if we want that ugly scrollbar to be narrow but still easy to use for navigation?


In the above registry entry we tell the device to make both the horizontal (cxVscr) and vertical (cyVscr) scrollbars 8px - of course you can always put smaller values, but experience tells us a value smaller than 8 is too tiny, unless you're a liliput. Don't forget to perform a soft reset for the setting to take effect.

How do you make use of fonts other than the default one on, for example, Symbian devices? Grab an app called Font Router; if not already done, sign it; send to the phone and install it; choose a typeface to your heart's content and -again- send it to the phone; assign the font from Font Router. Or, you can pack a typeface to the Symbian Installer (SIS) file, and install it on the phone. Bleh. No offence intended, but that's too much for such a trifle job.
On WM, you just send a typeface to the phone, and place it on the default font folder (usually \Windows\Fonts or just \Windows), and, tada, the font is ready to serve you right away.
But we won't stop there. We want, like any other techies, to personalize our device by changing its default font. Here you go.
This should be self-desripshun 'nuff. However, for the sake of clarity, the rules are respectively: BarFnt, font of the menu; PopFnt, font of the popup windows eg. script alerts, notifications etc.; and SYSFNT, font of the system - that is, anything not defined by the first two rules; Nm, the name of the truetype font (TTF), *not* the file name; Ht, glyph height in hex. 320 = 800, 384 = 900; HtInPts, whether or not to use point. According to HTML4 spec, 1pt = 1/72 inch. However, I can't barely spot its difference with pixel which tends to be bigger (or smaller?); CS, dunno what is it for; Wt, glyph weight in hex. 2bc = 700 (bold), 190 = 400 (normal); It, whether or not it's cursive, slanted (italic).




That's all there is to it, and you're done.

[ This Message was edited by: occupied on 2009-10-08 12:57 ]

Posted by occupied
(1) tap and hold the clock on the titlebar (the upper right taskbar), and there should be an option to switch to digital or analog clock.
(2) WM2005+: double tap on the upper right corner of taskbar, and there should be a popup showing Time and Next Appointment, and battery status.

on HTC and its derivatives that running windows mobile, keep pressing camera button while soft resetting the device brings up a page containing infos about IPL, SPL, OS ROM and Radio ROM version. this is handy if you're about to upgrade firmware. (source: XDA Dev's wiki)

Please keep this thread clean by posting *only* tips. when the tips posted here amounted 100+ we could compile them into a book: Esato's Dummy Guide to Registry Malarkey and sell it. we could be rich, no?!
if you found me helpful, you might consider donating something. a yacht maybe, or a resort at ibiza or malibu would be nice. please don't be hesitate, i'm always open to any possibility, and will always make sure that your donation is in the right hand. please use this email to reach me anytime. thanks.

Posted by occupied
MSIE 6 (and up) MOBILE
a bunch of shortcuts helping you to deal with the browser more easily.
(1) use spacebar to scroll page (source: WMExperts.) EDIT: use up and down arrows to scroll per line, or Tab to hop between user input boxes and clickable things on a page.
(2) use Ctrl-A to select all text, and Ctrl-C to copy the selected text, or Ctrl-X to cut the text in user input boxes, and Ctrl-V to paste the clipboard into user input boxes or elsewhere.
(3) use Ctrl-Q to exit the browser

okay, it's time to show anyone who's in charge, because you're over lord of ... nothing.
after a successful installation of a softwear, things gone weird: when you click on Messaging icon, there goes File Explorer instead of Messaging, for instance. WOT HAP'NIN?
it seemes that something messed up with this entry - but i'm willing to bet that you won't encounter such a problem in real life:


analoguosly, you can always set a program as the default one to handle some file types or programs. just make sure the key string "1" is always pointing to the right corresponding executable. good news is, it supports command line! EDIT: so, the folwing:

"1"="\Program Files\Joey\joey.exe" /ahem

will cause Joey to cough, AHEM, before launching the browser each time you click on MSPIE. ain't that nice to know?

[ This Message was edited by: occupied on 2009-10-14 06:10 ]

Posted by occupied
if privacy is concerned, then this will do you a great favor:


looks like a paltry thing to do, eh? no, if you find out that this guy dedicated a program whose sole purpose is to remove exif tags from photos taken mostly by mobile phone cameras in the hope to hide the info. you, htc running WM devices users, are in fact one step ahead - not only hide the info, but also mislead bad guys who are trying to track you down using exif info. cheers.

xdadev guys have a tip that makes 4, instead of 3, program icons in a row on a WM6 packet pc which here i reproduce:


Posted by occupied
informs when and where script errors occur, include anything it don't kno about. however, it don't blame somebody else for errors it does. doesn't do anything astually.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Posted by occupied
this kinda url would've returned the modification time in normal life, but in MSIE Mobile it returns the access time instead, even for local files. how tremenjisly thoughtful the browser has become. or is it just me?

Posted by occupied
try associating a script or a CSS file which is used by and linked from an HTML file -either by using a third party program like Total Commander or Resco Explorer, or via registry setting (more on that, please see below)- with another program, and open the HTML file using MSIE Mobile.
the browser will refuse to use the file! sort of coup d'etat? shots: scr01.png, scr02.png
(1) Total Commander (version 2.51 is used here): tap and hold a file to bring up a context menu; choose "Properties"; choose tab "Associate"; tap "Associate.." button; do the 'takeover' from the succeeding page: "Command", path to the executable; "Parameter", usually %1; "Icon file", usually the same as "Command"; "Index", in case there are more than one icons.
(2) Resco Explorer (version 7.05 is used here): tap and hold a file to bring up a context menu; choose "Open", and then "Open With"; select a program on the list, or if not listed, tap "Browse", and check the "Always use this program to open this file type" box; tap "Done".
(3) Registry: for example, if we want css files to be associated with Notepad, we do:


@="CSS File"


@="\\Path\\to\\Notepad.exe %1"

Solution? Don't associate files being used by and linked from an HTML file *if* you use MSIE Mobile. Thanks, any question?

Posted by occupied
i think this is funny.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Internet Explorer\User Agent
"Custom"="Microscoft PacketPC"

Posted by occupied
how do you tell the ppc not to save msgs that already sent?


is the same way as saying:


but why riskin out ur life you egrejus ass with editing registry if you can do it from Messaging's setting?

d0uthiNKucaneasILyreAdanDunderstandasentenCEwith0utPUNctuati0nswith0utevensPaCeinitthx4WaStInGuRtImE0nthISn0nSenselmfa0.. wew nice try, bruv!

Posted by occupied
proxytute is a human being who makes love and gets paid afterwards - that is, after the love they had made.
to be able to enable or disable the feature on MSPIE, we usually say:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

Posted by krlosRD
To change the HOME BUTTONS in MANILA


Ex: for Right soft button-->


Posted by occupied
In the spirit of "put the kibosh on Google" (el reg mobile), i found this to be usewful. It'd simply prevent executable things from Google.com, GoogleAdServices.com and Google-Analytics.com to be executed in MSPIE.
Thanks. Oh, no, thank the original author - it's always different "learning from other's ideas," which may lead you to true originality and "manipulating someone else's ideas for your own good," which makes you merely a imitator. Bootnote: according to the author, SAGA means Script of Anti Google's Adsie. Bootnote 2: in case you can't take the cab, here's the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\google.com

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\google-analytics.com

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\googleadservices.com


clikcable elements like hyperlinks or input boxes on MSPIE are by default given 1 pixel border. how to get rid of it? if we're to remove the outline from an anchor for example, we could define in our css: "a { x-focus-border:none; }". however, users might not know where to click on. so we need to deploy another rule: "a:focus { color: white; background: blue }". thanks. you're welcome. bootnote: please don't underestimate the theory as we wasted 20ys of our life for theories in school. without theories we'd have to learn by trial and error, a idiot's method to learn something.

Posted by occupied
i've been just messed up with:



notice that cmcc.bombing? it fits el queida's cyber bully branch, not me.

the culprit could either be (allegedly) leo enforcement officers or Counter Strike fanbois. Bang! Bang! Killafoo: "Fire in the hole! Need backup!" Sergeant Crocodile: "Affirmative. Call 911."

WARNING: that wasn't a tip nor a trick.

Posted by occupied
some do's and don'ts when using opera mini (i was once a heavy user of this browser for three years, so please, this is not a hearsay nor a tale):

1) don't use opera mini if you can. I was living a peaceful, calm online life until I used the browser. good news is, today's smartphones are smart enough to have a decent built-in browser.
2) use the alternative: choices are good, aren't they? if the idea that your data goes through servers run by folks you're unfamiliar with doesn't scare you, here are things that might be interesting: teashark (a java-based proxied mobile browser), skyfire (a proxied mobile browser, "faster" nuff they say), ucweb (a proxied mobile browser), toonel (not a browser, compresses web pages. if that wasn't the address just search for "toonel" or check out this site), google wireless transcoder and bing (not actually browsers. dunno the urls just search something and the returned pages will be formatted to fit your phone. note: bing needs a special treatment - poor baby), skweezer (squeezes web pages, paginates them if necessary. no need a special browser), mowser (ditto with skweezer), vxUtil (sends GET command to servers and returns the first 29.1kb for each html page, suitable for mobile site that's small), PocketPuTTY (PuTTY client for WM box), netcat (yupe, _that_ netcat on WM box).
3) use separate ones, if you have to use opera mini anyway, which different from your daily device and don't keep confidentially sensitive data (that's including PIM, office documents or multimeeja files) on the device in which opera mini is installed.
4) never expose any personal data while using opera mini. consider having a separate email, social meeja, whatever accounts - one for
"real life" use, and one for opera mini. of course, that other device must not easily detectable like some silly spook would've thought. i hate pigheaded foes who ain't utilizing their brains properly as they only waste both their and their subjects' time. what the hell they think we are? idiop like them?
5) since web pages are formatted by opera mini's server before delivered to your device, don't believe in what you're seeing. check them again with another browser in another device.
6) disable front camera (if any) if not frequently used. don't ask me why, just do it!
7) I don't have to be affiliated with mozilla nor another competitors, despite popular belief, to DISLIKE opera. free the (mobile) web!

that's all there's to it. hope it helps not to make your life hard like mine. ahem..

EDITED: I painstakingkly wrote this and have checked for gramaar and speeling, but never make it through bad gus' hands to this thread. sorry.

[ This Message was edited by: occupied on 2010-01-04 07:10 ]

Posted by doministry
Lol but what happened and made so negative towards OperaMini??

Something specific happened??

Posted by occupied
BUG. IE Mobile incorrectly resizes text whose font size has 7 or more digits eg. 1.2345678px which is made bigger, or 12.3456789px which is made smaller. not a big deal until you encunter sites making use of tag clouds. i've posted screenshots to mobango.com file share, just search for a user 'occupied' - all lives in this user's locker .

disclaimer: i'm on about IE Mobile 6.8 on WM5. any discrepancy with reality is entirely readers' fault. if the version looks like a prehistoric one for you then please consider the facts that i couldn't afford for newer versions/devices, and i'm using windows mobile only because somebody kicked me out of iphone camp's milist without evar knowing what i've done wrong - just wanna show the world that i can have so much fun with WM too. what's more, i'm a problem finder, not a troubleshooter.

Posted by krlosRD
@Occupied: are you using a Smartphone or a PocketPC Phone [TouchScreen]?

If you are using a PPC Phone then OperaMini is not for you, Try using Opera Mobile instead.

Posted by doministry

On 2010-02-04 20:16:49, krlosRD wrote:
@Occupied: are you using a Smartphone or a PocketPC Phone [TouchScreen]?

If you are using a PPC Phone then OperaMini is not for you, Try using Opera Mobile instead.

Hmm, why Opera Mini not
I use it on mine's X1 and no problems like that.

Posted by krlosRD
@Doministry: if you feel confortable using MINI it's fine!!! But the experience with Opera Mobile on a PPC and touchscreen is more desktop feeling.


After much searching and tinkering I finally found a simple way to disable the annoying balance notification message that arrives after every data connection on the AT&T Pay As You Go service with a data package. This fix involves adding a single registry entry and it suppresses all USSD messages that originate from the carrier, even those that you might request manually.

Here is the registry change:

New value: SuppressUSSD := DWORD(1)

Add this value and (probably after a soft-reset) you will not be bothered with the $0.00 change notification messages...

Posted by doministry

However Opera Mobile is still a half baked beta....

Posted by occupied
To prevent any program from being downloaded and installed on PocketPC, simply go to HKLM\ControlPanel\AdminPassword and rename the string key "Redirect" to "xRedirect". If all goes as planned, shortly afterwards you'll find a new menu called "Policy" under "System" in Settings. To activate it, enter a password twice, and you're done, and your device is now secured, yes? No, not so fast, Billy kid. Apparently the mouse trap only works for Windows Mobile 2003 and nothing more. Maybe it's kept there as an easter egg?

Still from the subkey ControlPanel, you can personalize Settings to your heart's content. Each key underneath ControlPanel corresponds to menus within Settings, with DWORD entry Group's value tells in which tab that menu resides: 0 in Personal tab, 1 in System tab, and 2 in Connections tab. The change is effective after soft reset.

To hide a menu, if not already done, create a DWORD entry called "Hide" and assign "1" (0x00000001) as the value in the subkey you want not to show off. For instance, for added security measure just in case someone's got physical access to the device, you may want to hide "Lock", just go to HKLM\ControlPanel\AdminPassword and create a DWORD entry called Hide and assign 1 as its value. Change takes effect after soft reset - business as usual!

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