
These images STINK. Really.

31 July 2004 by axxxr
You go to these cafes, look at an image o­n the computer screens there, and SNIFF.

I've always wanted a device like this - I think producing certain odors could give games, in particular, a HUGE leap forward in terms of atmosphere. But o­ne thing I've been concerned about is spammers and such taking advantage of the technology. Like if I navigated to a porno site, I don't want to have to sit there and smell sweaty sex. I guess I'd unplug the thing before I went browsing.

K Opticom will begin offering a trial period of its "Kaori (scent) Web" contents, which combine images and smells to create a unique experience. From July 29th until September 30th, special units will be placed in optic@fe internet cafes operated by the company.

"Kaori Web" was jointly developed by Tsuji Wellness and France Telecom Research & Development, and it uses an advanced electron control process and technology involved in the creation of spices; this is the first time it a trial experiment will be available to the public.

Technically speaking, based o­n instructions from the user's PC, the "scent diffusion signal" will be sent from a web server, and the "scent origin equipment (diffuser)" will emit a scent to match the image o­n the screen. This experiment will emit smells that have been prepared beforehand to match the contents.

Futhermore, although Tsuji Wellness and France Telecom Research & Development have held demonstrations o­nly for participants in exhibitions and forums, K Opticom has said that this time around, they plan to hold trial runs at places other than their cafes until the end of the experiment - March 20th, 2005.

The ultimate aim of the company is to, of course, offer scent contents to homes and open spaces for playing, enjoying, and learning.

On 26 Jun 23:37 goodzila wrote

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