
GSM Helpdesk Netherlands goes Europe

17 October 2006 by axxxr
With the name "Mobile Phone Helpdesk", GSM Helpdesk Netherlands launches a new website for entire Europe.

Several parts of the website were already set up bilingual. GSM Helpdesk Netherlands finishes this with the introduction of international telecom news, an international PDA portal, an international RSS reader for telecom news and eventually even an international Mobile Phone Helpdesk Newsletter, a free newsletter which will be sent monthly to all subscribers.

A mobile phone makes sure everyone can communicate easily. But the fact the “easy" is not self-evident anymore, is something we experience every single day. With the introduction of Mobile Phone Helpdesk, GSM Helpdesk Netherlands wants to uncover its high-quality and, above all, free services for entire Europe. With this, objective and independent help will be available for everyone, everywhere.

“The launch of brings objective and independent support concerning wireless communication and mobile telephony closer to the European mobile phone user.", so says Tim Wijkman, head editor GSM Helpdesk Netherlands. “Daily topicalities at the website will also appeal to retailers in the international market, with which is an ideal intermediary to stay updated about the latest developments in telecom land.

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