
Forum > General discussions > Non mobile discussion > German's have invented a beer with nicotine?

Author German's have invented a beer with nicotine?
T66 black
Joined: Feb 13, 2004
Posts: > 500
From: London, UK
Posted: 2005-08-01 12:10
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A German company has a novel way of getting round the increasing tendency to ban smoking in public places. They've launched a beer with nicotine. In their press release the makers claim NicoShot is a smoking-cessation tool, though they make a point of noting just how many countries have made it illegal to light up in pubs.

So now two of the most addictive substances in the world are joined as one. If NicoShot doesn't taste disgusting alcohol will be even harder to quit. Something the makers must know and something which hints at the possibility this has nothing to do with smoking cessation but everything to do with shameless profiteering and a complete disregard for the damage their product could cause.

It is, of course, fully legal.
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