
Forum > General discussions > General > Bluejacking Contacts!!!

Author Bluejacking Contacts!!!
W760 Black
Joined: Feb 04, 2004
Posts: > 500
From: California, but now in Plano,
Posted: 2004-02-24 17:12
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I know that we already have a thread where the Bluejacker's name their phones, but now, I'd like to see what people are sending to others.

I'll go first:

My three most popular contacts to use are my "Fatal Error Contact", my "Virus Detected Contact" and my website contact.

Here's a little tip, make a two line contact to freak them out.

For example, my "Fatal Error Contact" (on the name) has "Fatal Error", then I go into the symbols and choose the "New Paragraph symbol, also accessed by pressing "#" twice. Then I have "Reset Phone" on the next line (but still in the Name section). Finally, add another Return symbol, so when it scrolls the name, the title appears on a third line.

Then, for the "Work" number, I put SONY Ericsson's and for the "Other" number, I put AT&T's (my carrier). Under "E-mail", I put my clubsite (a little cheap advertising there), and the "Title" says Virus Detected, and the "Company" says Virus received.

What the return's on the Name section do is let the name scroll on the other person's phone when they receive it. It's funny, cause it seems a little more authentic. It says "Fatal Error", then the words "Reset Phone" scroll onto the screen, and it repeats. This makes it a little more believable, at least to me.

As for my "Virus Detected Contact", eveyrthing is the same, except the name has "Virus Detected, then "Reset Phone". Funny!

Try this method, if you don't already!!!

I also have a "Don't Bluejack Me!!! " so I can send this off when I get Bluejacked!


Don't you hate when people who post after you, post exactly what you said? Also, when someone says something, but doesn't even understand what they are saying?

[ This Message was edited by: rdnymllnsktr on 2004-02-24 16:13 ]
Joined: Nov 11, 2003
Posts: 92
From: Scotland
Posted: 2004-03-02 18:18
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My funniest was in the shopping center whilst waiting for the better half

"You are about to get the best BJ of your life!"

and then

"You have been BlueJacked!"

Well I thought it was funny at the time

O2 get 'free' Internet access
Aino Black
Joined: Jan 13, 2003
Posts: > 500
From: Athens, Greece, Europe, Earth,
Posted: 2004-03-19 10:58
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I usually send "Virus Detected" contact and then "Fatal Error... Phone Reset..." contact. I first did this to a friend of mine... you should see his face. Since then when I have the chance I bluejack!
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