
Forum > General discussions > Other manufacturers > Your reason for disliking Nokia?

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Author Your reason for disliking Nokia?
Joined: Apr 20, 2002
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Posted: 2003-03-28 13:06
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Well i hae 2 reasons:
firstly the LCD contacts problem in the nokia 8210 and 3210 phones. basically this problem occurred after i had the phone for a year and had lost the reciept. Nokia, even after admitting it was a manufacturing fault refused to fix it.
secondly, that they charge an unnecessary premium for their phones since they are the market leader.

[ This Message was edited by: KasaR on 2003-03-28 14:02 ]
Joined: Oct 02, 2002
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From: South Buckinghamshire
Posted: 2003-03-28 13:11
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I dont really hate Nokia come on lets face it most of the people on this site (including me) have owned a Nokia before but products are way better and technologically advanced then the Nokia's but the biggest drawback for Nokia is that its too common (its for the masses) and is for the classes
But must say Nokia are trying harder with products like the 8910i and 3650 video phone the future is bright for Nokia

[ This Message was edited by: Anuj on 2003-03-28 12:19 ]
Joined: Dec 08, 2002
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Posted: 2003-03-28 13:18
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But despite of all the bad things you said about nokia, it is the only manufacturer that produces user friendly phones. I bought a nokia 5100 and 7650. Both are doing well. My Nokia 5100 has a good lcd. It is not like the 7210, 6610, and 6100. It's very bright that even under the sun, you can notice it. 7650 has everything in it, the only problem is that its memory is not that big like of P800.
Sony Xperia P
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Posted: 2003-03-28 13:23
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2 reasons:

1) Over-priced
2) Technologically inferior... I could get better results with 2 cans and a string.
T68 gold
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From: Derby, UK
Posted: 2003-03-28 13:25
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I dont hate nokia as such, some of the handsets are pretty fly for the time (3210, 6210). But like Anuj said, they are too common, thats what gets to me.

With the p800, i know i have a phone that is the dogs and will be the flagship fone from for some time.

If i purchased a nokia, i know that it will be replaced within 6 months by a newer (+camera?) version. Such as the 7210 > 7250
Joined: Apr 20, 2002
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Posted: 2003-03-28 13:56
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hmm...ok maybe hate is a strong word, how about we settle for immense dislike.

i agree that phones like the 5110, 3210 and the 8210 were far ahead of their time, but it seems over the past few years nokia has an annoying habit of making one "real" phone and making the rest of their models based on it. for example 8210/8250/8310/8850 are ALL essentially the same internals, with minor differences on the outside and inside eg. diferent coloured leds and gprs for the 8310. The 8310 which went on sale only last year was using 4 year old battery technology.
Nokia purposely leave out technology until they absolutely MUST start using it.
And whats the deal with their new phones 7210 and the 3650? their designers must be on crack!
Joined: Feb 10, 2003
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From: Philippines
Posted: 2003-03-28 17:36
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Though its not bad to have a profit motive pitce business is business. Nokia's penchant for withholding technology so customers would buy phone after phone smacks of opportunism that is plain disgusting. The t68i is already quite old but its features are still competitive with the best nokia has to offer.

This message was posted from a T68i

Joined: Oct 02, 2002
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From: South Buckinghamshire
Posted: 2003-03-28 17:46
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Has anyone thought that maybe Nokia thinks that their EASY MENU's are their main selling point and thats why they dont mess around too much with their new phones?
Alot of Nokia users that i know find my T68i toooooo complex and difficult to operate...maybe thats why Nokia hardly make any changes coz they know wht sells ! [addsig]
P900 no flip
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From: Poland
Posted: 2003-03-28 18:28
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Basically i don't hate nokia, and i never start conversations like "my phone is better than ur nokia". But if someone tells me that SE is crap and shows me his latest nokia to prove it (where i see same menu and almost same functions like in nokias 5 years ago), then i'm getting a little irritated. Hopefully my IQ allows me to operate something more complicated (i hope )

My friend is a good example: he bought 7650, as he always liked nokias, and now he is carrying that large brick in his pocket without even knowing how to install any piece of software. (im not joking, sad but true) I'm not even talking of anything more complicated. [addsig]
Joined: Jun 30, 2002
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From: M'sia
Posted: 2003-03-28 19:20
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I have never hated Nokia nor condemn their future.....but certainly at some point in time when i got my T68i, i had thought that users who chooses Nokia over SE is very narrow minded...but now nokia certainly had done something to their new handsets
The 6610,6100 and 7210 and all the other earlier models are craps, same menu all the way and not much of a features to offer! Also unreasonable prices.....geez...

On the opposite side, the newer models is really mouth watering, for instance the 3650, it runs on symbian 60 with video recording function and is MMC expandable, with tonnes of 3rd party applications for it, of course it looses to the extremely rich feature P800 but feature wise u can just add by installing the 3rd party applications available online. Apart from the absence of touch screen, smaller screen and absurd looking keypad, i see no reason this will not be the target phone for the majority of ppl who's not looking for the extreme high tech features and wans to enjoy a camera recording and symbian phone, most importantly the price is HALF of that of the P800!

SE offers extremely great features and thus the price follows what it offers, but for a normal hp users who do not need touch screen phones, they will simply look for a phone which is not that costly and at the same time offers almost the same features
Another example the already-out-n-the-market 7250- Although not as feature rich as the going-to-be-released-in-June T610(without bluetooth, smaller screen, 4k compared to T610's 65k, but heck the N7250 has an inbuilt memory of 5.1 MB, what happened to T610's memory), it retails at around USD400 now. When the T610 is released the price of the 7250 will probably be USD300 which is a lot cheaper than a T610, so for a not-so tech savy person/ normal female who rather uses her money on make-ups/ adults who are trying to work their heads off to bear the cost of the family/students with only allowance to spend etc etc which actually makes up majority of the population, certainly they will look for a cheaper one (provided that the price is steep enough) despite the lack of bluetooth...

Nokia had and will still be releasing mountains of new models which makes their previous model's value depreciate fast. At a certain angle, it's an advantage to consumers if they buy the models at a later stage, most importantly they make models for all kinda levels of demand (features vs price).

SE tech is great, much better than nokia, but do not forget high tech comes with high price, not everyone is willing to scrap their pocket to get extra features
With the new handsets nokia has a bright future in maintaining the leadership in the mobile industries unless SE starts to make more models available to all levels of demands.

[ This Message was edited by: veon18 on 2003-03-28 18:29 ]
Miss UK
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Posted: 2003-03-28 19:23
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I don't hate Nokia either, there reliable phones most of the time, ive only had 1 faulty Nokia which was a 7110 it died suddenly, I got a nother free from Nokia! Im using a 8310 right now cos my SIEMENS S55 is broke :-( siemens have loadsa faults with there phones ive had 2 of emm GRRR

This message was posted from a Nokia

K800 Black
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From: the rotten oasis
Posted: 2003-03-28 19:26
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Nokia are alright tbh.......for 10year-olds and middle-aged mothers! Every phone Nokia make seems to be design with technologically backward people in mind. Also, wtf goes on with their features, the 7210 & 7250 dont have BT and the 7650 doesn't have fully compliant BT ffs! Even when i take out my T68i (rarely now that i'm a P800er), Nokia-freaks' jaws drop in amazement at all the stuff that it can do compared to theirs! I'd rather have a year-old T68i with MCA20 than the brand-new 7250 or even 7650.

Anyway, this thread has been done many times b4!
P800 no flip
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From: for rent Mobile SoundSystem, j
Posted: 2003-03-28 19:36
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Lack of features

This message was posted from a Nokia 7650

Joined: Jun 03, 2002
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Posted: 2003-03-28 19:37
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1. Overpriced for the poor features

2. New models are all the same phone with different casings

3. Lack of innovation (they don't really add features, and often remove them, like BT for example)

4. Some of their phones (2100, 3650, 7210) are PUG-UGLY

5. Last GOOD Nokia phones: 6150 and 6310i
Joined: Jun 30, 2002
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From: M'sia
Posted: 2003-03-28 19:47
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One thing i dun understand...why does this topic have to come up once/twice every week with a new thread of why u hate Nokia or something similar?
Is it a way to make us more satisfied with SE products or to convince ourselves that we made the right choice or simply gossiping how nokia users are foolish at the back of them is fun?
If u really wan to know why members here hate Nokia, for goodness sake, use the 'search' function! No need to start a debate or flame a war again...seen too much of these
If u are happy with ur phone, then good, dun rub it on others, there's a war going on at least make peace here in esato
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