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Author Foro Dominicano!
W810 white
Joined: Apr 04, 2007
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From: Sto Domingo Orienta, Rep Dom
Posted: 2010-04-02 02:32
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en bayahibe vía claro 3g y un e71 con joikuspot
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Apple iPhone 4
Joined: Jan 23, 2010
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From: Santiago. Rep. Dom.
Posted: 2010-04-02 04:45
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Dios mio KIN ke mujer ke ta buena coniooooo
iPhone 5 White - ClaroRD 3G
Nexus 4 Black
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Xperia X10 Mini Black
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From: Santo Domingo, wonDeRland
Posted: 2010-04-02 04:47
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señores hoy es jueves santo!!! [addsig]
Apple iPhone 4
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From: Santiago. Rep. Dom.
Posted: 2010-04-02 04:59
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E verda lo ke dice jay cojanlo easy...

Yo voy hacer el sacrificio de mi vida nada de aparatos electronicos manana vierne santo
-no ipod
-no iphone
-no blackberry
-no pc
-no psp
Nada de eso, me kedare trankilo en casa, e duro no punchar pero lo voy hacer
iPhone 5 White - ClaroRD 3G
Nexus 4 Black
Instagram: RichardKastillo
T68 gold
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Posted: 2010-04-02 05:15
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Si me dan a Kim Kardashian tambien suelto to'los efectos electronicos. Aunque me gustaria una camara.

Apple iPhone 4
Joined: Jan 23, 2010
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From: Santiago. Rep. Dom.
Posted: 2010-04-02 05:20
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On 2010-04-02 05:15:45, mkng wrote:
Si me dan a Kim Kardashian tambien suelto to'los efectos electronicos. Aunque me gustaria una camara.


Jaja cualkiera suelta to, pero na usa la camara del bb de ella lol
iPhone 5 White - ClaroRD 3G
Nexus 4 Black
Instagram: RichardKastillo
Nokia 808 PureView
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From: London, UK
Posted: 2010-04-02 05:21
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`que jumo....
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Apple iPhone 4
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From: Santiago. Rep. Dom.
Posted: 2010-04-02 05:28
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On 2010-04-02 05:21:48, fbloise wrote:
`que jumo....

Dale palla bebe por boca y nariz pero no te mueva mucho ni manejes

Cuidese y disfrute
iPhone 5 White - ClaroRD 3G
Nexus 4 Black
Instagram: RichardKastillo
C905 Silver
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From: iForo.DO
Posted: 2010-04-02 05:58
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llegando.... buenas noches ppl!

On 2010-04-01 22:44:26, sotam wrote:

me gusto esta foto de ke puso sotam...


tres(3) ultima foto para dar tregua por el Viernes Santo :


T68 gold
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Posted: 2010-04-02 06:12
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lo que se pide es que se postee fotos de amiguitas que uno conoce. No de fotos de modelos de internet.

W810 white
Joined: Apr 04, 2007
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From: Sto Domingo Orienta, Rep Dom
Posted: 2010-04-02 06:18
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este foro se convirtio en un sitio muy pechonal !!!! y mi compadre hamtaro ALIAS palyboy se puso a vale en pal de foto atra
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C905 Silver
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From: iForo.DO
Posted: 2010-04-02 06:52
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Dies Veneris Sancti : La Pasion y Crucifixión de JesúsCristo

El Viernes Santo es uno de las principales celebraciones del catolicismo. Este día se conmemora la Muerte de Jesús de Nazaret, crucificado en el siglo I. La Semana Santa llega a uno de sus días más trascendentales, en el que son numerosas las manifestaciones tradicionales de devoción popular por parte de los católicos.

Liturgia de Viernes Santo
[Oficio: Isaías 52, 13-53, 12 / Salmo 30 / Hebreos 4, 14-16; 5, 7-9 Juan 18, 1-19, 42]

En la religion catolica siguiendo una antiquísima tradición en este día no se celebra la eucaristía y se adora la cruz. En los oficios del día se conmemora de una manera sobria y solemne la Pasión de Cristo. Se lee el relato completo de la Pasión según San Juan, en cuya lectura participan varias personas. Luego tienen lugar las peticiones, hechas hoy de manera solemne por la Iglesia, el Papa, los clérigos, fieles, gobernantes e incluso por los no católicos, los judíos y los ateos.

Junto a las ceremonias que tienen lugar en los templos, en muchos lugares se conmemora el Viernes Santo con el rezo del Vía crucis literalmente el camino de la cruz,donde a traves de catorce estaciones se rememoran los pasos de Jesus camino a su muerte.

El Viernes y el Sábado Santos son los únicos días del calendario litúrgico católico donde no se celebra la Misa, como luto por la muerte del Señor.

--- La Pasion de Cristo(Relato en ingles, fue la unica ke encontre simple y corta pa postiarla aki) (Children's Version)

Very early in the morning, the soldiers brought Jesus to Pilate, the governor at the time. Pilate asked Jesus, "Are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus replied, "Yes, I am." This upset the chief priests because they were jealous of him and the friends He had made with the Jews.

Pilate listened to the complaints of the people that brought Jesus, but he couldn't find any reason to punish Him. Pilate questioned Jesus, but Jesus didn't stick up for himself (He knew that they wouldn't listen anyway). He had done nothing wrong.

Pilate called together the chief priests, the rulers, and the people and said to them, "I have talked to Jesus, and I find no reason to kill Him."

After they heard that all the people shouted, "We want Jesus! Release Barabbas instead!" Barabbas had been in jail because he had killed someone, and the people wanted him to be free, and Jesus to be punished. ( It sounds strange but it was like peer pressure. The chief priests went around telling people lies about Jesus, so that they would be afraid of Him, and want to kill Him).

Pilate didn't like this one bit. He wanted to let Jesus go, so he tried to talk to the people but they didn't let him. They just kept shouting, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"

Pilate tried again, yelling, "What has Jesus done wrong? I can punish Him but then I must let Him go, He doesn't deserve to die!" But the people just shouted louder to crucify Jesus and Pilate wanted to please the crowd so he freed Barabbas and sent Jesus to die.

The soldiers led Jesus into the palace and made Him put on an old royal robe and they twisted together a crown of thorns to put on His head. Then they made fun of Him and said, "Hail, king of the Jews." They didn't understand that He was a king, that's why they made fun of Him.

Next the soldiers led Jesus toward a hill called Golgotha. They made Him carry the cross on His back, but Jesus couldn't carry it the whole way, he fell down. The soldiers had whipped His back and it hurt so much that Jesus couldn't handle the weight of the cross on His shoulders.

A man named Simon happened to be near Jesus when He fell, and the soldiers grabbed him, and made him carry the cross the rest of the way. The soldiers offered Jesus wine mixed with myrrh. This was supposed to help make it less painful, but Jesus refused to have any.

When they reached the top of the hill they nailed Jesus to the cross. There were three crosses, Jesus was in the middle and there was a criminal on His right and on His left. Pilate made a sign to be put on the cross. It read what He was being punished for: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

The soldiers watched Jesus and made fun of him, they even divided up his clothes to be even more mean. And some people walked by and shouted, "You saved others, why can't you save Yourself?" Jesus could have saved himself, but he chose not to, He wanted to save us instead.

Jesus ignored the people, but He did see his mother, his aunt, and some other women he knew. Jesus felt bad for His mother, she was so sad to see her son die (just like your parents feel when you get hurt).

Then Jesus saw one of his disciples close to his mother, and he said, "Mother here is your son, and friend here is your mother." Jesus couldn't say to much, he was very weak. But he wanted his friend, the disciple to be like a son to his mother, and take care of her. And from that day on he did.

Later, Jesus could not handle the pain any longer and He said, "It is finished." That is when Jesus bowed His head and went to Heaven.

Suddenly, a huge curtain that hung at the temple was torn in half, from top to bottom. And a man that had wanted Jesus to die saw all of this and he said, "Surely this man was the Son of God!" He realized he had been wrong about Jesus.
[ This Message was edited by: adhgklk on 2010-04-02 05:59 ]

Nokia 808 PureView
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Posted: 2010-04-02 09:14
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po ahí en ningún lado dice que hoy no se puede comer carne... Entonces fue un invento de la iglesia católica pa promover la venta de pescado o cuando dicen comer carne se refieren a "comer de la carne" es decir, hacer el amor o echar un polvo ocasional? Pa mi que es la última. Y como la gente sigue todo literalmente, dejan de comer carne pero se van a la playa a beber o a fornicar...
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LG Nexus 4
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From: Santo Domingo, wonDeRland
Posted: 2010-04-02 13:28
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Buen dia!
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Nokia 808 PureView
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Posted: 2010-04-02 13:52
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buenos dias,

aun con el mismo jumo de anoche,... ufffff

muy bonito los viacrucis en la calle y la pila de gente en el medio buscando de Dios...

"Algo, algo, algo grande viene a la tierra, predica, que todavia hay luz..."

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