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Author On the Couch with scotsboyuk
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
Posts: > 500
From: UK
Posted: 2005-01-31 20:42
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My second guest on the couch this evening is a rather newer member of Esato, but also a very popular one. Within a short space of time he has managed to make himself a firm favourite with his fellow Esatonians who respect him, not only for the advice he provides, but for his sense of fun. Please join me in welcoming voda_jon.

What is the best thing about Esato?

voda_jon says:
The whole community feel... Mainly the feeling that your not alone in any problem you have (apart from my self destructing v800's) and that someone somewhere will help you solve the problem...

Who is your favourite member of Esato?

voda_jon says:
I havent been here that long but i have had some good banter between me and gbrooks, but i respect everyone on here and think they r all equal on ma list of favourites...

Who is your favourite moderator?

voda_jon says:
They r all great people doing a job that needs to be done with great accuracy but themarques sticks in my mind as he/she (please delete as appropiate) keeps me in line coz i can go off topic or a bit off the planet some times and he/she (same as above) tells me an i sort it out...

What is your favourite Esato moment?

voda_jon says:
The bit after i had confirmed my email address then searched for my problem and found loads of answers for it . And finding the garbage thread and realising it was very very interesting and then sittin and readin it all night coz i found it dead interestin...

What is your least favourite Esato moment?

voda_jon says:
Finding that i have posted a topic in the wrong thread but then being confused wen i go back to find it gone.... My mind cant cope with things that complicated and i sit starin at the screen for a good hour or so.... and when i have to click the x at the top of the screen coz i am fallin asleep its soooooo late

Many may be aware that you work for Vodafone, but what is it exactly that you do?

voda_jon says:
Well many would say that my job is the easiest job in the world... I sit at a desk (more like a table coz i dont deserve a real desk apparently!) and get given new un-released handsets and then test them and do reports on them and play with them an generally sit on my arse doin nothin all day! Let me tell u its hard work! I could tell u the exact name for my job but if i do that i will b found and hunted down until they kill me... which is easy coz i am very squishy and not made of metal!

Can you give us any previews of upcoming mobiles or services, to be released by Vodafone, that we don't know about yet?

voda_jon says:
Yes i can....
Oh you want me to tell you???? LOL well most of the handsets we test have already been announced so nothin special there.... we r testing the Nokia 7710 which is ok.... no SE's and some new SENDOS! which have cool names like Tobi, Oddjob and Bono.... the oddjob phone is amazin and could b a real threat to everyone....

no new services apart from the Vodafone Live! TV service but most people on here know about that anyway...

Do the UK networks run a cartel in your opinion, or is there real competition?

voda_jon says:
Its a little known fact that all the networks are basically one big company.... To stop people thinkin they r like microsoft they are broken into little companies... very clever and yet to be un-earthed by anyone!!! ooh bugger! forget what i just said! i was only jokin! lol.

nah they r jus like every company in the world... out to make a lot of money and provide a service... although if anyone asks i didnt say that!

What do you enjoy doing when you are not online?

voda_jon says:
Well... apart from the usual guy things *wink wink nudge nudge* and i like killin phones (in particular the V800 but i have been known to kill other peoples phones if i dont like the person!) and i like bluejackin ppl an watchin them freak out, but then telling them it was me and showing them how to do it.... apart from that give me a drink some food and esato an i'm happy to b online 24/7

What would you do if you were modertaor for the day?

voda_jon says:
moderate things!?! errrr i might try to moderate my drinking of the special stuff.... but yeh main thing i would do is moderate things.... i really cant think of anythin else to

Which mobile are you currently using?

voda_jon says:
Well if u can call it using a White V800 and for work my P910i....

Which mobile are you most looking forward to?

voda_jon says:
The one which has no keypad and u jus shout thigs at it and it does what u want it to do! without movin! In the near future theres nothin really apart from an update to the V800, the full Japanese version of the Sharp 902Sh (it has a bow-lingual translator which converts dog barks into english!!!) and the Sendo Oddjob (trust me its foookin amazin!!! but i really CANT tell ne1 coz i would b found out as we r the first ppl to test the fone so easily traced! but as soon as i can i will get the info u all crave!)

Do you have a message for Esato?

voda_jon says:
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... The usual really, take it easy... if ur fone breaks jus think of how many times mine has an u will feel better.... If someone stops u in the street askin for directions tell them the wrong way (its there own fault for not buying an A-Z for a few pounds!!!) and If the rain starts to fall towards the sky, your standing on ur head or hanging from your feet!

Peace out people and thanks again for givin me the chance to sit on this sofa.... *whats this???? oooh a shiny penny* i'll put that in ma pocket! u never know when a penny will come in useful! god there i go again with my going off track... Bye

Thank you to my guest, voda_jon, and please do join me again soon for more chatter on the couch.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC
P900 no flip
Joined: Jul 07, 2004
Posts: > 500
From: Bonnie Scotland
Posted: 2005-01-31 20:52
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themarques? favourite mod? Have you been pulling voda_jons plonker?? Good interiews.
Hello, Scroto!

U.G.L.Y. You ain't got no alibi, you ugly!
S500 Green
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Posted: 2005-01-31 20:56
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i dont know who the mods r.... i aint bin here long but he/she always helps me out with stuff an i thought he/she might b so i put that... so i guess they arent a mod then whoops!

if it aint in big neon lights in front of my face shoutin at me i dont notice it 80% of the time lol.

Sorry if i offended anyone.... is there a list of mods anywhere? [addsig]
P900 no flip
Joined: Jul 07, 2004
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From: Bonnie Scotland
Posted: 2005-01-31 21:00
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lol course you havent offended anyone! Theres a list of mods at the top of each forum.
Hello, Scroto!

U.G.L.Y. You ain't got no alibi, you ugly!
S500 Green
Joined: Nov 28, 2004
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Posted: 2005-01-31 22:07
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ah right got yeh... and another thing gets pushed out of ma mind to make room for the new info

goin now c yeh all tomorrow.... [addsig]
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
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From: UK
Posted: 2005-02-01 02:41
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Hello and welcome to the couch. I have one of Esato's rising stars with me, a new face in the Esato list of regulars. So often we focus on the veterans, but I wanted to chat with one of the newer members to find out what he thought of Esato. Please welcome nickorooster.

What is the best thing about Esato?

nickorooster says:
The fact that it is always changing (the forums). I can almost always come in here and find something new I can post about, or if I’m in trouble mobile or even relationship wise (Go the Lonely Hearts Thread!!) I can come and get some advice from great people. (Or people with great post-counts, but I guess it’s almost the same thing)

Who is your favourite member of Esato?

nickorooster says:
Probably Methylated_Spirit or Masseur or someone. I don’t really have favourites. But actually, now that I think about it, Davo_169 is my type of guy, along with djkizlive… Well, to be honest there aren’t any people I DON’T like in Esato, so you are ALL “special” !!

Who is your favourite moderator?

nickorooster says:
To be honest, I don’t even really know who the mods are. So, there are Masseur… And… Who else? Is Axxxr a mod? I know Laffen is a mod (and from what I’ve read, the founder of Esato [Go you good thing!!])

What is your favourite Esato moment?

nickorooster says:
I don’t really have that many moments that stand out above the rest… I guess I like helping people out with things, so when people PM me and ask me for something, I always try to help, and often things turn out to be in my favour too! People have given me ah… Lets say freeware… and other stuff that I find useful .

What is your least favourite Esato moment?

nickooroster says:
Probably the US election. I was choosing the lesser of two evils in going for Kerry… (Not that I voted or anything, but I felt he was the better choice) And that wasn’t even really an Esato moment. There haven’t been many dark times since I arrived.

How well do you think you have integrated into the community here?

nickorooster says:
I hope I’ve integrated fairly well… I’m currently a student at a rather boring school (things are repeated WAY too many times) so I seem to get distracted and find myself on Esato at least once every 10 minutes, with a break for lunch. Sad? Yes. But its better than paying attention .

Do you think that there is a problem between the more established members and the newer members?

nickorooster says:
Well, being a bit of a ||008 myself, I find that there are no barriers to Esato, unless you are a complete twit (Like that Greek War thread you so kindly pointed out to me).

With various prominent members having left in the recent past, do you think Esato is becoming more of a general chat forum rather than a dedicated mobile phone forum?

nickorooster says:
What prominent members have left? There are so many people on the forum that it seems to have an infinite supply of “regulars”. But if I’ve offended anyone by not noticing they are gone, I do have a bit of a memory problem, so don’t feel bad .

You commented recently (very recently) that you didn't know what 'The Greek War' was; will you be looking at more old threads?

nickorooster says:
Well, yes actually. I recently went back over some of the old threads, some were interesting, some weren’t so great . But I think I’ll mostly stick to current discussion!

Why did you move from New Zealand to the UK?

nickorooster says:
I didn’t. I was born in Christchurch, to Kiwi parents, and as soon as I was old enough to fly, I moved to Oman. From there it was the Netherlands, then Buenos Aires (Argentina) then Perth, AU, and now here, in the UK. Perth was really nice, second only to the South Island of NZ… But in answer to your question, it was due to my father’s contract running out in Perth. He got a position here.

What do you like to do when you are not online?

nickorooster says:
I shudder to think of times when I’m not online. I suppose there is sleep, and Basketball, but I have to have an “Online” fix before and after to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms. No, actually, I like to play Basketball, squash, and I like playing with my airsoft guns… I’m going skirmishing in Chobham (UK) this Sunday, anyone coming ?

What would you do if you were moderator for the day?

nickorooster says:
I don’t know, they do a good enough job to mean that I wouldn’t have much to do! I guess I might combine some of the similar threads (like all of these “I have a p800 problem” threads). But aside from that not much.

Which mobile are you currently using?

nickorooster says:
Thankfully, I got my p800 running again, using a screen from Excel Direct (on ebay). Thank a major religious figure (Gotta be PC) for those guys! Yeah, so I’m using my p800 now, and using to the greatest extent I can!

Which mobile are you most looking forward to?

nickorooster says:
The p900. Yes, you heard me right. The p900. I am still impressed with my p800, and I suppose when the price is low enough I’ll go and ebay myself a p900 or (with any luck) a p910. But as for new phones, probably the next in the p series after the p910. But it better have WiFi support. That feature is SERIOUSLY needed in the p series.

Do you have a message for Esato?

nickorooster says:
Help others like you would expect to be helped. Also, refreshing the page will not make someone reply (a tactic that I still seem to use too much )

Thank you very much to my guest, nickorooster, and please do join me again soon for more banter on the couch.

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2006-08-28 05:06 ]
T68 grey
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Posted: 2005-02-01 02:45
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@scotsboyuk - Nice one mate ! Try interviewing more of the 'newbies' I might just find my username voted as their favorite - 'mod' ! [addsig]
T650 Gold
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From: perth/thredbo
Posted: 2005-02-01 06:34
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T39 black
Joined: May 07, 2002
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From: The Philippine Islands
Posted: 2005-02-01 07:55
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[ This Message was edited by: arnoldc on 2005-02-02 08:26 ]
T68 grey
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Posted: 2005-02-01 13:26
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[ This Message was edited by: arnoldc on 2005-02-02 08:26 ]
T39 black
Joined: May 07, 2002
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From: The Philippine Islands
Posted: 2005-02-01 17:29
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[ This Message was edited by: arnoldc on 2005-02-02 08:27 ]
Joined: Sep 28, 2004
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From: UK (Originally NZ)
Posted: 2005-02-01 19:47
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My god that was a harsh post.

Edit: The post I made a comment on was removed. But it was harsh. You'll have to trust me on this one .

[ This Message was edited by: nickorooster on 2005-02-02 20:25 ]
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
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From: UK
Posted: 2005-02-02 00:11
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@jojo & bonito

No fighting in here please, take it outside.

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2005-02-02 00:27 ]
Xperia X10 Black
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Posted: 2005-02-02 01:07
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Have'nt read this thread for a while. Still is going strong. Keep it up mate
I tried sniffing coke once but didnt like it. The bubbles kept going up my nose
Sony Xperia V
Joined: Dec 14, 2001
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From: Philippines
Posted: 2005-02-02 09:28
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JN and Bonito, your comments were not appropriate so I "cleaned" your posts.
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