
Forum > General discussions > General > Samsung ordered to pay Apple more than $1Billion after jury says they Stole patented iPhone designs

Author Samsung ordered to pay Apple more than $1Billion after jury says they Stole patented iPhone designs
Joined: Apr 13, 2008
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Posted: 2012-08-27 00:10
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@hardened I'm sure you an Apple employee.
Phone?? What phone??
Sony Xperia Z
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Posted: 2012-08-27 00:48
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even the old dinosaurs Xperia X1 & X2 / Satio / Aino / P1 could multitask, the original iphone couldnt even do that lol
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Posted: 2012-08-27 02:20
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I'm bored now on Apple v The World. Not commenting anymore.
Phone?? What phone??
Sony Xperia Z
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Posted: 2012-08-27 09:15
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I agree bono mate it's boring and im happy to still have my superior xperia anyway! my next jump will be the next true Sony, theres still the Ericsson influence in the handsets of this year. I'll just wait and see!
[ This Message was edited by: chunkybeats on 2012-08-27 08:16 ]
Sony Xperia P
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Posted: 2012-08-27 10:17
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On 2012-08-27 00:48:32, chunkybeats wrote:
even the old dinosaurs Xperia X1 & X2 / Satio / Aino / P1 could multitask, the original iphone couldnt even do that lol

Don't forget Steve Job's own smartphone of choice pre-iPhone... the SonyEricsson P800.

And the original one the Ericsson R380 and Quartz prototype had quite original designs that I wouldn't mind seeing in an Android today (Sans the antenna of course, unless they can make a tiny stub antenna for satellite service)
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Posted: 2012-08-27 20:00
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Nokia N8
Joined: Jan 23, 2004
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Posted: 2012-08-27 22:34
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@ Prom1 / Hardened - you're very good at flooding a forum with lots of call-peoples-bluffs and links to what you call evidence, but to most unbiased or sane people your facts, no matter how factual you think they are and have been accepted by certain groups are still nonesense to me. I certainly dont need to post any links to prove anything to you because i have my opinions and you have yours. I know what i know, you know what you know. Sadly, i will always find trying to make someone like you see sense near to impossible.

Which is why you'll find people much less wanting to reply to you.

As far as im concerned, Apple dont deserve any credit, customers, or imo should be forced out of specific markets for their bad business decisions.

- 2007 - Apple release the iPhone and claim its a smartphone. It was not. It was basic, boring, limited beyond belief and not worth its huge financial commitment.

that annoyed the hell out of me. The N95 8gb i owned was so much more capable than the iPhone but yet people lapped it up, forked out hundreds of UK pounds for a phone on stupidly over priced tarrifs for something which was about as advanced as a £5 pocket calculator

- 2008 & 2009 - Apple bolted on small upgrades to their basic product to make it only slightly less basic. It was still terrible by its poor specifications and total lack of fundamental features you'd expect in a smartphone.

again, Apple wound me up by blatantly cashing in on their number one actual worthwhile asset worth buying their phone for - their UI. Also Apple's brand identity grew so strong in fashion circles it became a must have fashion accessory

- 2010 - Now heres when it all kicked off for me with Apple. First off Apple released the iPhone 4 with a huge defect which forced the phone to drop calls and internet connections simply by how it was held. Clearly, Apple's design team were not the uber-cool minimalist geniuses everyone all thought they were

Apple well and truly burnt their bridges with me that year. At the back end of 2009 i was tempted to buy a 3GS but went for a Satio. Oh boy how glad i was that i chose SE's bad version of a Symbian phone. The 3GS was poor by comparion of even the Satio apart from its app ecosystem.

When Apple then blatantly lied and tried to tell the whole world that there was not a problem and it was the users fault, i exploded in my head - literally. Apple's brand identity was so strong the owners of the iPhones believed them even though the media rejected every excuse Apple tried to spin.

That was the one single most biggest attempt at a con-job Apple tried to throw over the entire worlds publice. Steve Jobs was a clever man, but i dont think his Junior Bumper Box Of Magic Tricks For Kids turned him into a David Copperfield. They tried, lied, failed, backtracked and bullcrapped their way out of a sticky mess. One of which i think entire governments should have got involved to close them down.

- 2011 & 2012 -

This past 18 months since around the start of last year Apple have done nothing but attempt to shove everyone else out of the smartphone market. Now this is not where i post links to facts, i merely work from my memory of things which p*ss me off about Apple.

- They've tried to ban competitors devices from release for pathetic reasons and in some cases succeeded

Basically, they dont want any competition. Apple wants a future which in their megalomaniac imagination we all have iPhones, iPads, iPods etc. Theres no choice of what phone to buy - has to be an iPhone

- They've attempted to claim they invented things they simply did not. Like Rectangle phones, multitasking (which no iPhone can even do yet !!) and stupid things like having a one button design

Last year, Apple tried to patent their devices as being able to play music and do other things at the same time. I remember ranting on Esato about it, i remember in 2004 my K700i could play music in the background whilst i send texts. Somehow, Apple think they invented it. Also, i had HTC built pocked PDAs running Windows in the same year with single button minimalist designs.

- They've kept the prices of their devices stupidly high when their cost to produce them is a tiny fraction of their retail price

Apple certainly have milked the market for all they can. They've built a massive brand identity which is now as strong as designers of clothing, perfumes and jewelry.

And here comes the Apple drones, the robots who're more Android in fashion than Android. The followers, the charmed snakes, the rats following the piper. The uneducated, the ignorant and naive dull people who will buy any iPhone no matter how much it comes with patents as weapons to stifle and constrict the market, dull and under developed features and lower performance.

Childish is a good word for how i label these people, but only if its used in a bias due to some feeling of loyalty to an opposing brand. I dont thankfully, i can sit back and look at how these people mindlessly follow Apple into whatever they release thinking how great the next Apple product is when really its moved on a snails pace from the previous product and still is totally under equiped to deal with phones running Android or even Symbian and Blackberry !

I think this year could be a major turning point. I dont think Apple has much else up its sleeve where the iPhones are concerned. They've lost Jobs, they're losing major ground to Android globally and cant seem to innovate. I think this could be Apple's final year of profit growth. Id expect if they dont come up with something soon Samsung, HTC, Sony and the rest will all bring so much more to the market whilst Apple will lag behind and their profits wont be as much as the previous year.
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Nokia N8
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Posted: 2012-08-27 22:42
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For me Apple simply cannot get anything right. They're bad business people which is why they came to the brink of bankruptcy before Jobs was reinstated and work began on the iPhones or iPods.

You can tell me till you're blue in the face but not one thing will convince me Apple are the good guys. I accept Samsung and other companies took inspiration from Apple's minimalist designs but thats only flattering imo. Its certainly not theft.

IMO Apple would only deserve compensation from Samsung if they could prove its actually hurt them as a business. Clearly it has not since Apple are now worth more than any other company out there.

So cut the crap will ya.
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Sony Xperia Z
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Posted: 2012-08-27 23:00
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This article pretty much sums it up. I donot see this in anyway a loss for anyone. The thing is samsung with the profits they make can afford to loose 1 billion $ and still be able to have same operational conditions. They aren't trying to and can never kill samsung!

every company has made bad decisions, and done stupid things. Its not all glitter and magic as every company tries to make you believe. If it werent for apple, the competition would have been stale. We would never see google buying android and becoming successful. Microsoft would still be stuck on wm6.1 and symbian would be the king. Heck, samsung would have never been successful to this point if it wern't for android which in turn was something thanks to apple and its iphone. Majority of the people started giving shit about their phones thanks to their iphone, otherwise smartphone was targeted towards business people and stuff like that. I remember the times I would bitch about sonyericsson having only 1-2 smartphone each year when nokia would get out tons of them. But unfortunately it didnt matter to people then..

I would probably never buy an iphone for my self, neither would I ever get an sgs1,2,3(might get 4 tho ). So my views arent biased. Just what I see as someone crazy about phones.
Xperia T + N 96

R.I.P Desire
Nokia N8
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Posted: 2012-08-27 23:17
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Not all companies have made bad decisions or complete madness that Apple have though and thats what sets them out as the enemy.

Apple are liars through and through, they're greedy megalomanic pigs, they're not good competition.

If Apple were to hold the olympics, it would be like the scene from The Dictator movie, where as hes running along the track the guy pulls out a revolver and shoots the competition to stop them winning. Thats what Apple are.

Apple are the business equivelant of Mr Hussein and Mr Gaddafi - tyrants that should be stopped.
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Xperia Arc Black
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Posted: 2012-08-27 23:43
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Apple have their strenght in commercialization and not innovation. Maybe that is why they need to seek all those "patents", just to limit the other, LG, Samsung, Sony etc. . . . .

and yes, Apple are greedy. There is no correlation between price and product
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Posted: 2012-08-28 02:01
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I wasn't going to comment again but anyway. People say nobody gave a stuff about smartphones till Apple came along?? Well,maybe yes maybe no but to me all it was iPod fans saying wow an iPod with a phone attached to it. Because the first and even the second iPhone were both a pile of shit and brought absolutely nothing new or innovative to the market. It was a glorified iPod with a very poor mobile phone attached. It didn't even have 3G. People only flocked to buy it cos it was Apple. It never revolutionized anything. Apart from one or two features I don't see anything that Apple have made that's new or innovative compared to the competition. Every company inspires the next. All i see everyday is other companies inspiring each other. And I don't believe the market would have been stale if it were not for Apple. No no no no. Are Apple trying to dictate to the world now that say if you live in America you can't buy Samsung products or you HAVE to buy Apple because they are going to ban all other competition?? It sure seems that way to me. I would not have any company tell me what I can and can't buy. If I were not allowed to buy Samsung in the US hell I would be pissed if I were a Samsung fanboy. @etaab I see that ya know if Apple ran the Olympics it'd be like you can't watch the Olympics unless you got Apple tv or an iPhone or iPad. I see this type of verdict not happening anywhere else than America.

Material things don't matter,but Rock n Roll does!!!!

HTC Mozart
[ This Message was edited by: Bonovox on 2012-08-28 01:05 ]
Nokia N8
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Posted: 2012-08-28 09:54
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@ rikken - exactly! What innovation other than their ui did Apple bring? Nothing. They didn't even create Siri, they bought it just like their patents.
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X2 White
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Posted: 2012-08-28 11:34
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Apple demands eight Samsung products be pulled from stores... as shares hit record high after copyright court victory

Apple hands judge a list of Samsung products it wants removed from stores following court victory last week
Shares of Apple stock hit record high after judge rules that Samsung 'willfully' copied iPod and iPad designs
Models include Galaxy S 4G, Galaxy S2 AT&T, Galaxy S2 T-Mobile, Galaxy S2 Epic 4G, Galaxy S Showcase, Droid Charge and Galaxy Prevail
Apple filed suit in April 2011 alleging that 28 Samsung smartphones and tablets had 'slavishly copied' the iPhones and iPads

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Posted: 2012-08-28 22:41
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