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Author Is Sony Ericsson doomed?
C702 Speed Black
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Posted: 2008-07-23 12:37
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Saaad that SE is not doing well - i think they need to beef up their product line and after service with softwares which have been rather shitty with recent units...
Joined: Nov 29, 2007
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Posted: 2008-07-23 12:41
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I tend to agree with Eldar. I think he means well. He just fed up with the SE people, quoted

P.S. If some of you think that I’m being harsh in this write-up – you are spot on. I just can’t stand what they have done to one of the market’s finest line-up in no time after 5 years of development and hard work. They had a wake-up call back in 2007. Apparently, they didn’t hear it.

The reason of SE is in this sorry state is exactly, because people like this:

Sony Ericsson thinks the criticism is unfair and says that, in fact, it already has a wide portfolio that isn't too reliant on the Walkman and Cyber-shot line, according to Nordic public-relations manager Gustaf Brusewitz.

They are on denial, thinking too highly of themselves and not listening to their very own customers.

Sony are playing along till Ericsson becomes weak by its own stupidness and later gobles it up 100%.

[ This Message was edited by: islandprd on 2008-07-23 11:43 ]
Sony α
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Posted: 2008-07-23 13:11
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You make a good point - at this point, Sony will see the damage being done to their brands, and Sir Howard will 'acquire' Sony Ericsson - deserved if you ask me.

Perfectly put dude, 'till Ericsson becomes weak by its own stupidness'.

Sony Alpha.

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[SEMCJ informer]

[ This Message was edited by: Sony α on 2008-07-23 12:12 ]
V640 Black
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Posted: 2008-07-24 06:17
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I don't think are far away from market success at all, thier designs lately have been outstanding both in terms of styling & advanced packaging. Use of quality materials is good but could improve as the compitition are using alot of metals, glass and generally larger screens than

Where let themselves down IMO is in the area of connectivity, they need more feature-phones with Wifi, wider compatibility of media (ie: Micro SD card + M2 card + MSDP compatibility) and less proprietary features. This IMO is where they need to change policy, not in recreating past favourites like w810.

Mobile Internet browsing is an important feature moving forward and have acknowledged this with models like Z770/Z780 and the G-series and yet Wifi has been left out of almost all these models. Even Apple recognises the importance of Wifi in a internet focused handset. Blackberry - Wifi. N95 - Wifi. Laptop computers - Wifi. By leaving out Wifi, SE is handcapping it's future marketability and losing credibility among the 'geekisphere' (as someone else called it) those early adopters and customers who act as 'go to guys' for thier friends and family. Wifi is common at universities and is missing out on a big market who will eventually form a large part of the future corporate world.

tie us in to the Sony range of memory cards and these cards seem to perform well, but in the current market needs to recognise that they can't expect owners of other brands to just dump thier old cards and 'see the light'. People also want the card from thier PSP to work in thier phone, laptop, camera, printer etc without file format issues or physical restrictions. If can overcome this then it'll remove a significant barrier to sales in the very tight Western markets that are entering a recession as we speak.

This is also the reason for reducing proprietary features such as fastport, lack of 3.5mm headphone jack, platform compatibility, file types etc.
Again I'll use Apple as an example; they learned from the mistake of the recessed headphone jack, and using Intel chips in thier Mac computers has given them more compatibility with the established market leader and is resulting in increased sales. Macs are still different but importantly, it's less painful to move to the Mac platform and it should also be painless for long time Nokia users to move to a model. I hope gets up to its neck in this new Symbian Foundation and learns a thing or two about open-source concepts as it's former 'we know better' policy is rapidly turning from obselete to down right carcinogenic!

Yeah, it'd be nice to have A/F on all phones and Walkman 3.0 in all C and G-series, but at the end of the day these guys know how to make phones and I'm sure they have stuff on the drawing board that'll blow our minds. The best manufacturer is one that creates markets where none existed before ie: 5110, T68i, V3, K750, W800, P800, W900, N95, iPhone are all examples of devices that weren't nagged into existance by geeks but where manufaturers took customers to new niches. Today's niche is tomorrows mass market and I'm willing to leave it up to to show us the way forward, once they work it out themselves.

The A200 platform is excellent IMO in terms of being easy to look at, intuitive, well structured and extremely functional. Yes, stability issues still need to be worked out but they will be and that leaves in a good position to move forward from here.
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Posted: 2008-07-24 10:52
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@carkitter, where SE is really loosing big time is in the stability and functionality of their phones. Remember that until R5 on P990 there was always the possibility that the phone could restart when receiving a call. This is just not acceptable and eventually word got around. Firmware issues have plagued most SE phones in the past 2 years. Now, if people pay premium amounts for a device - remember SE phones are not cheap at all - they expect it to work with all functions as advertised.
Unlike you, I don't think SE can turn things around soon. They need some time to reorganize properly and start most things from scratch - G900 still has P990 closed flip mode files lurking among its files. If they fail, when SF becomes available they stand no chance against their competitors.
P990i: A mistake, a curse and a disgrace So I lowered my expectations and settled for a P1i. I couldn't keep my expectations so low for a long time so now I have an HTC Touch HD
T39 black
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Posted: 2008-07-24 12:19
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Sorry but despite what you think SE really are not as on track as you say for instance you say

"Mobile Internet browsing is an important feature moving forward and have acknowledged this with models like Z770/Z780 and the G-series and yet Wifi has been left out of almost all these models"

So how come only two of those devices have HSDPA which is today a basic addition for fast browsing and gives an enhanced Web experience to the user. What's even worse is the two smart phones are the ones that are missing it which makes no sense at all. The G series has only attracted new smart phone users from SE dumb phones as most if not all serious smart phone and Web users expect HSDPA in their device mid 2008.

It's really obvious to all that despite what SE and their fans say SE are failing to deliver what most users want. The A2000 platform in the K850 launched just like the P990 in a not fit for sale state. Users where the Beta testers and really didn't appreciate it either many as much as they tried to live with it they gave up and chose another device and not one from SE either. Which is why so many users have had multiple units before many decided to get a N82 instead. All those returned units cost SE big time both by annoying the users and also worse the Networks including the financial cost to. Still 10 months on and there is still problems and people wonder why SE are dropping like a stone. Hardly surprising then that we then see some SE models not being carried by a network the P1 was carried by just one UK network SE's one and only flagship smart phone available from just one Network just how pathetic is that.


I really think you credit Sony with to much brains they are losing what made them great at an alarming rate which was that they sold quality products. Now they are all about branding and charging a premium for their name, i used to buy only Sony if i had a choice now i don't buy anything Sony and only my AV amp and speakers survive as being Sony and when i replace then they won't be Sony either.

Sony joined forces with Ericsson for technical know how and offered their branding and marketing in exchange in what looked liked a marriage made in heaven. Nothing would please me and many others more than SE splitting and a return to less but better quality Ericsson tech leading handsets but currently that's as much of a dream as SE being No:2 anytime soon.

But for to long now every one claims this year will be SE's just when is it going to happen? as so far this is nothing more than pipe dreams and the wishes of Fan boys. Since 2006 it's all been one way and so far there is nothing on the horizon to suggest SE is any closer to sorting itself out far from it in fact it looks like it will still get worse before or if it gets any better.


Nokia E90,8GB SDHC, Seven, Tom Tom 6

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2008-07-24 11:21 ]
Vivaz Black
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Posted: 2008-07-24 12:47
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dogmann said:

"The G series has only attracted new smart phone users from SE dumb phones as most if not all serious smart phone and Web users expect HSDPA in their device mid 2008"

that's a very educated comment

May the be with you!

[ This Message was edited by: >500 on 2008-07-24 11:48 ]
Apple iPhone 4S
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Posted: 2008-07-24 12:49
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Once again, strangely, I find myself agreeing with Marc. At the moment, I just see no reason for optimism about this - SE have been stumbling down a blind alley for far too long, and despite all the very public trip-ups along the way (disastrous product launches, last minute cancellations, nosediving profits, the sudden and inglorious demise of their sole smartphone OS) we're seeing nothing from them but more of the same - no change in direction, nothing new in the pipeline, just the same old same old. It's really not looking good.
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Posted: 2008-07-24 14:01
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it's probably time for sony & ericsson to part ways. the sonyericsson marriage was fun but i guess now it's time for a divorce.
if i had to choose between a sony phone & an ericsson phone my loyalties will always remain with the japs.
just out of curiosity, who do you guys think was a better mobile phone manufacturer sony or ericsson??? [addsig]
Apple iPhone 4S
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Posted: 2008-07-24 14:06
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On 2008-07-24 14:01:28, @ftyk wrote:
it's probably time for sony & ericsson to part ways. the sonyericsson marriage was fun but i guess now it's time for a divorce.
if i had to choose between a sony phone & an ericsson phone my loyalties will always remain with the japs.
just out of curiosity, who do you guys think was a better mobile phone manufacturer sony or ericsson???

Ericsson, without a shadow of a doubt. All the technology that was originally good about SE's phones came from Ericsson - I think the only surviving Sony tech was probably the old five-way jog dial on the P800 (and the rubbish Memory Stick of course).

Underneath the borrowed Sony brandnames (Walkman, Cybershot etc) these are all still very much Ericsson phones, just without the cutting edge and spirit of innovation that once made them great.
S500 Green
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Posted: 2008-07-24 15:18
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On 2008-07-24 14:06:29, Boinng wrote:

On 2008-07-24 14:01:28, @ftyk wrote:
it's probably time for sony & ericsson to part ways. the sonyericsson marriage was fun but i guess now it's time for a divorce.
if i had to choose between a sony phone & an ericsson phone my loyalties will always remain with the japs.
just out of curiosity, who do you guys think was a better mobile phone manufacturer sony or ericsson???

Ericsson, without a shadow of a doubt. All the technology that was originally good about SE's phones came from Ericsson - I think the only surviving Sony tech was probably the old five-way jog dial on the P800 (and the rubbish Memory Stick of course).

Underneath the borrowed Sony brandnames (Walkman, Cybershot etc) these are all still very much Ericsson phones, just without the cutting edge and spirit of innovation that once made them great.

quite true. ericsson was innovative, whereas sony is a cheap 'quality' pile of [fill in obvious word here] that couldn't innovate itself out of a paper bag.

[ This Message was edited by: Brightspark on 2008-07-24 14:19 ]
BlackBerry Q10
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Posted: 2008-07-24 15:41
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SE deserves every bit of treatment they get from the consumers! What goes around comes around, they were rude with the 'we couldn't care less' attitude that's come back to bite them in the ... I used to think that they will not split but now it's looking likely, whereas the likelihood before was nil now I would say it is 30 percent. Of course some if not most will disagree, maybe it is wishfull thinking on my part but this situation is going to get worse. As I've always stated before I WILL go with Ericsson as always should there be a split and they decide on making phones separately.
Sony α
T650 Green
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Posted: 2008-07-24 15:44
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Hmmm -

Do I sense Sony Bashing going on here?

Funny you should all rip into the Japanese Electronics Giant like that, because all of the Sony Ericsson handsets you guys use outside of Japan (K850i, W910i etc) are ALL ERICSSON's!

Innovation? I dont think so.

While in Japan, its Sony, the same Sony who you are all tearing apart - who are creating handsets that are in a league of their own...

So who's really innovative here - because its bloody well not Ericsson right now.
Sony Alpha.
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Posted: 2008-07-24 15:58
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I love Sony for everything else they make and the SonyEricsson partnership has been fantastic upto a point. They seem to have gone off the boil lately and i think its a shame. If i were to choose a phone it would be Ericsson. If i were to choose a camera or stereo it would be Sony. Now combine those 2 together and you got a great partnership. Problem is someone at SonyEricsson lately is letting them down their phones are not to me what they once were. Innovation was top with them before now its just the same kind of phones repeated again and again. It seems they take too long releasing top of the range phones then they get scrapped. Then they just concentrate on middle and budget markets with nothing much at the top end. When they do release something at the top of the range it ends up a mess. Its a shame. Other companies are churning out phones quick with new technology much faster and it seems more successfully. I dont think they are doomed i just think they need to pull their socks up and catch up and sack the current management. I have not bought a newer SonyEricsson model for ages cos i seen nothing which stands out or makes me think WOW. Come SE.
Apple iPhone 5S
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Posted: 2008-07-24 16:03
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yeh. they are doomed. (doomed to conquer the cell phone market with their timeless design & awesome & features

I C902, W810 & T29
(t610, t630, k700, k750, k800, k810, k850)

[ This Message was edited by: plankgatan on 2008-07-24 15:05 ]
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