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Author SE failing in producing good phones?
Nokia Lumia 1020
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From: Pakistan
Posted: 2007-06-06 13:07
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On 2007-06-06 11:17:35, plankgatan wrote:

listen here.

if a "camera""(phone)" have "real" optical lenses like N93 or some other video camera. you of course get better quality of the video recording, (zoom or not).

the lenses dosent just improve the zooming for god sake, they also improve the quality of the whole video recording. how hard can it be.

edit.. did i wrote that ALL Nokia phones have unstable software ! (no i didnt)...

[ This Message was edited by: plankgatan on 2007-06-06 10:34 ]

who is talking about lens? you? certainly not me. dont bring the lens into this. you said optical zoom improves video quality which is wrong, plain and simple.
Can sombody please correct him??
J110 Cream
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Posted: 2007-06-06 14:34
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On 2007-06-06 13:07:10, QVGA wrote:

On 2007-06-06 11:17:35, plankgatan wrote:

listen here.

if a "camera""(phone)" have "real" optical lenses like N93 or some other video camera. you of course get better quality of the video recording, (zoom or not).

the lenses dosent just improve the zooming for god sake, they also improve the quality of the whole video recording. how hard can it be.

edit.. did i wrote that ALL Nokia phones have unstable software ! (no i didnt)...

[ This Message was edited by: plankgatan on 2007-06-06 10:34 ]

who is talking about lens? you? certainly not me. dont bring the lens into this. you said optical zoom improves video quality which is wrong, plain and simple.
Can sombody please correct him??

NO, don't correct him. Let him post. His posts are the funniest and most non-sensical that I have read on here to date. Let's use him as entertainment.
*edited on a Mac of course. Mac: There is no substitute*

N82(YES), iPhone 3G, Shure es530, Nikon D300, more stuff. No more SE stuff, why am I still here?
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Posted: 2007-06-06 15:07
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I bet it's a false-flag mission - plank... Is really a Nokia-plant, making such outrageous claims...
Zzzzzzzzzz, ooops, just fell asleep; this is getting tedious
maggflodd [addsig]
J110 Cream
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Posted: 2007-06-06 16:45
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On 2007-06-06 15:07:38, maggflodd wrote:
I bet it's a false-flag mission - plank... Is really a Nokia-plant, making such outrageous claims...
Zzzzzzzzzz, ooops, just fell asleep; this is getting tedious

Maybe we are giving too much credit. He could simply be inept. Either way, I think this thread is about done. It was a good one though.
*edited on a Mac of course. Mac: There is no substitute*

N82(YES), iPhone 3G, Shure es530, Nikon D300, more stuff. No more SE stuff, why am I still here?
Vivaz Silver
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Posted: 2007-06-06 17:47
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In a way optical zoom (zoomed-in) does increase the detail quality in a picture/movie compared to when zoomed-out.
Of course it happens at the expense of the viewing angle.
Xperia Neo Black
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Posted: 2007-06-09 02:00
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dogman and sapporobaby I have said nothing in my posts that deserves me to be treated like an idiot. I am simply presenting my opinion, just because you don't happen to agree doesn't make you right, it's just a difference of opinion. You both are acting like you have somehow PROOF that your position is correct and any one who argues differently must be blind and stupid. You are also getting irratated with me continually presenting my argument, yet you guys keep arguing your point with emotionalism ("SE betrayed me"??)? All I do is try and give more reasons for my logic. Is that not what a discussion is about? I can't believe you are pissed off with me for just expressing my point of view?

I've tried to make my points, but all you do is get defensive and react as if it's a wholly non-sensical idea that anything could compete with s60. I will not be cowed from participating in this thread just because you don't agree with my ideas. I've accepted your points where I think they are valid, for example I accept that SE have poor MAC (and PC) support. Even on PC front, disc2phone is the stupidest piece of shite, almost as bad as OpenMG or SonicStage. I also accept that SE are behind the eightball (Nokia) on wireless connectivity (umts and wifi both). But when I try and mention Nokia lack of support for touchscreen I get laughed down by those who don't use TS and think it irrelevant.

btw, please DON'T use the "we're not the only people who think this way" argument, it is a sign of desparation. I know other people agree with you, but I am by no means alone either. On the issue of reliability do you think I will just agree "oh yeah SE are crap" when I've never had any reliability issues with them? Do you think I will fall over in love with Nokia when you say they are super reliable, when the first Nokia s60 phone I've ever owned is a crash monkey? TBH, I think SE and Nokia BOTH make reliable world beating phones. That's why I continue posting to this thread, because nothing that has been said yet convinces me that SE don't make great phones. I challenge you to prove otherwise to me through argument and not petty judgements of intelligence or sulky stamping of feet.

On JP8 =JP7+1???? wtf are you talking about? JP7 is pretty good, and added multi-tasking is rather an advanced idea for a non-smartphone wouldn't you think? Or is multi-tasking only allowed in a real smartphone? Instead of just telling me how stupid I must be to think that java could possibly add smartphone compteting features to a non-smartphone and actually give some examples of smartphone features that will never be the domain of java? That would be the intelligent, discussion improving response.

File System Tweaks for the K750 K750 Tricks

[ This Message was edited by: max_wedge on 2007-06-09 01:35 ]
Xperia Neo Black
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Posted: 2007-06-09 02:12
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On 2007-06-06 10:16:40, Dogmann wrote:

You now what Max SE are the best most innovative company in the known world they are class leading in everything they do and they always do right by their customers. Oh yes and black is white as I'm afraid logic and reason seem to of completely escaped you now as i said i will not bother repeating myself again and again and your rebuttals are just pointless you believe what ever you want and I'll do like wise.


Nokia E61 2gb Sandisk, Fring, Tom Tom 6, AD-46 with Black Shure EC2g

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2007-06-06 09:19 ]

Dogmann you make a serious mistake here. I NEVER ONCE said anything like "SE are the best most innovative company in the known world they are class leading in everything they do and they always do right " I'm arguing that SE make great phones, NOT that they are better than anybody else or never have any problems.

Nokia have problems too but I am not using those to argue that Nokia make shit phones.

It is not I who am one-eyed about this business. I quite like most Nokia phones these days. But I just don't get why SE is so repugnant to you. And to be honest you haven't made any good argument as to why SE is so bad they deserve the claim that they don't make great phones anymore. Some technologies they don't support as much as YOU would like. Some technologies that are unimportant to YOU they suport more than Nokia do. To me that just means each manufacturer has it's strengths and weaknesses. It doesn't prove any claim that one is better than the other. If you don't like SE phones anymore than why not just use Nokia? Does there have to be this sense of bitterness against SE?
Xperia Neo Black
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Posted: 2007-06-09 02:22
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On 2007-06-06 11:26:07, goldenface wrote:

Great post matey!

Java is under-valued however it is superb that it is being further supported by SE with the JP8 platform - a device can be almost as good as a smartphone but with a big cost saving.

Brilliant! I never looked at it like that.

Thank YOU Goldenface, that is exactly the point I am trying to make. For me, that is leading edge, because it finds a way to give the customer what they want (and affordability with features is more important to many people than the word "smartphone")

The JAVA platform can grow to be better and better, and perhaps soon there will be no discernable difference with JAVA and smartphones other than when it crashes, there is less likelyhood of crashing the entire phone. (since it's hardware independent of the main processor).

Eventually you could have a very minimalist phone os, very stable with no extra's, and a powerful JAVA platform providing all the fancy stuff.
Joined: Aug 20, 2006
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From: Mars
Posted: 2007-06-09 03:48
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On 2007-06-09 02:22:05, max_wedge wrote:

On 2007-06-06 11:26:07, goldenface wrote:

Great post matey!

Java is under-valued however it is superb that it is being further supported by SE with the JP8 platform - a device can be almost as good as a smartphone but with a big cost saving.

Brilliant! I never looked at it like that.

Thank YOU Goldenface, that is exactly the point I am trying to make. For me, that is leading edge, because it finds a way to give the customer what they want (and affordability with features is more important to many people than the word "smartphone")

The JAVA platform can grow to be better and better, and perhaps soon there will be no discernable difference with JAVA and smartphones other than when it crashes, there is less likelyhood of crashing the entire phone. (since it's hardware independent of the main processor).

Eventually you could have a very minimalist phone os, very stable with no extra's, and a powerful JAVA platform providing all the fancy stuff.

java is a hardware independent platform. thats why all phones have java technologies perhaps it's a ultralow-end phone like nokia 11xx or SE J series(except J300). but SE mostly aquires most of the new technologies offered by java. and JP-8 is the best example of that
10 years at Esato
T39 black
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Posted: 2007-06-09 04:26
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Hi Max,

Examples of bad SE phones K800 with the EROM problems that required being taken to a Service Centre other SE phones also with WSOD and of course not forgetting UIQ3 realeased in a no way ready for public consumption that nearly a year on is still waiting for the next all fixing Firmware and that still leaks 50 % of the available RAM within a week to 10 days and people hoping they get the P1's OS so they can have a decent and functional home screen. Also i have said numerous times that if a touchscreen is important to you that is fair enough it is you that says it is the be all and end of all of smart phone which it most certainly isn't and SE only have 3 of these anyway and what a disaster they have been although they have got better over the course of nearly a Year. Not of course all the problems that people also have with the PC Suite either not working at all or giving multiple duplicate entry's and still awaiting compatibility with Vista and still not being able to successfully use the back up and restore either.

I accept buying leading edge devices carries some risk but to wait as long as it has taken SE to resolve these issues is wholly unacceptable i don't expect to have to use workarounds to get my device to function even at a basic level for a prolonged period of time.

Your ridiculous claim that that Java implementation is a serious challenge to S60, the lack of HSDPA being of very little importance. Which strangely enough is now rumoured to be announced in the next announcement of new SE devices so i suppose all of sudden now SE are finally implementing it in their devices it will have importance and value.

As to SE betrayed me well of this the facts speak for themselves i bought and paid good money for a SE M600 it was not fit for purpose not even close and after 2 firmware upgrades i could see it wasn't going to happen any time soon either which has been vindicated by where it is now nearly a year later and the market has shown just how bad these devices are by their price. Not of course forgetting the wall of silence that came from SE after there release that to me was a betrayal of my trust and faith in them and i can assure you none of these things ever happened when they were Ericsson this is Sony's way of dealing with problems they play Ostrich.

You just keep repeating the same old justifications as proof that we are wrong and i never said SE don't make any good devices or that Nokia make perfect ones either. Only that there are to many SE devices that suffer from serious faults and that the time it takes for them to be resolved is not quick enough. Also your claim of Java giving affordability and being nearly as good as a smart phone is again not backed up by facts the K800 was virtually the same price as a N73 both have excellent camera's one is better at low light pictures due to a Xenon flash but that is all it has the other is a fully fledged smart phone so where is the extended value of Java in that?.

The reason i posted my sarcastic comments was you were not acknowledging that SE is lacking in putting the latest Tech in their handsets and just saying they don't need it and as i said i was bored of repeating the same points and it always be dismissed with the same justifications from you. Well SE are now due to make announcement on the 14th June which includes some HSDPA devices at last lets just hope this next announcement actually brings something exciting to us not like the 8th May which was extremely disappointing IMO.

Also complaining about your N70 which has always been acknowledged as having shortcomings and is a very old device now as it runs S60 2nd Edition is hardly being realistic either is it.


Nokia E61 2gb Sandisk, Fring, Tom Tom 6, AD-46 with Black Shure EC2g

[ This Message was edited by: Dogmann on 2007-06-11 01:30 ]
W900 black
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Posted: 2007-06-09 05:03
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I am in agreement that Sony Ericsson needs to sort out many issues which are plauging their phones and disrupting their customer base.

a. Ive used five SE phones regularly and out of the K700i, K750i, W800i, W900i and P910, the K750, W800 and W900 had WSOD and/or EROM problems which were no fault of mine. My W900i is again acting up after I had it flashed and updated not so long ago.

b. I sell phones and have just started offering a repair service the man who does the repair work has his hands full with Sony Ericssons he hardly ever has any Nokias repairing. Sony Ericssons and Motorola phones are his bread and butter.

c. Many SE phones are fitted with housings that are not clasped together or fitted tightly together thus resulting in a lot of dust and dirt getting in between the housing. Two examples of this are the W900i and P800. I often use the edge of new paper to clean the sides of my W900i. Not even Nokia phones with changeable housings are as loose as some of these SE phones.

d. Swivel and flip mechanisms of SE phones are simply not sturdy in many models. Such as the S700i, W900i and Z530, Z600. Z600 with many hinge problems, S700i and W900i with many loose swivel problems and Z530 with the flip mechanism simply breaking.

Some people are going to argue in the case of the software problems its just a case of a simple flash. No its not the case of just a simple flash its an inconvenience to lose numbers etc when a phone is flashed, flashing costs money (even though cheap), some people have no international credit cards to use davinci etc. or are reluctant to use their credit cards online.

I have just posted personal issues that I have observed not to mention the W850 cracked keypad problems, the massive K800i EROM problems and so on.

SE phones are simply not as reliable as Nokia. Nokia in my opinion is miles ahead of the competition (and not not just because the have the N95 under their belt) Nokia consistenly produces and releases reliable and for the most part stable phones on the market. The are not perfect but they are a hell of a lot better than SE.

I believe that if Nokia's phones werent more expensive than SE a lot of people would realize that Nokia is indeed the best of the lot at the moment and should be for some time to come.

In addition, ive found that SE seems to be targetting youth more than any other segment.
If one visits its like your are looking at a few rainbows. The wide range of loud colours in my opinion is getting too far and design wise SE phones are not cutting much dash. In many instances ive seen where people have passed up good on paper SE phones for the offerings of other manufacturers because SE is lacking in the design department. They seem to be milking the W800i and K750i look to death and their new offerings are just revamped W800s and K750s in terms of design and functional specifications.

I wont even bother to mention the W880 which whether we like it or not is simply not the most appealing design.

Nokia seldom milks and milks a design, however, Motorola and SE really need to get more innovative in lots of areas.


[ This Message was edited by: Adi23 on 2007-06-09 04:04 ]
Nokia Lumia 1020
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Posted: 2007-06-09 09:19
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How you can say Java is as good as a smart phone is beyond me, i think thats just taking it too far. Sure in a couple of years Java will be able to do stuff we can only dream off, but by then smartphones would have been evolved.
Bottomline, Java is no way near as good as a smartphone, any would know that
C902 Black
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Posted: 2007-06-09 09:43
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I respect what you say about SE being the most innotive however, there NOT. HOWEVER, NEITHER ARE NOKIA. Buying a phone is like buying cloths. Its all based down to your opinion and what you fancy. Some people want phones with absouloughtly no features. They just want to call and text and thats all based down on what they want, where as theres you and I and every one on esato who want a feature packed phone.

[ This Message was edited by: KingBooker5 on 2007-06-09 09:01 ]
Apple iPhone 5S
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Posted: 2007-06-09 10:05
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im so god dame tired of this smart-phone-bullshit.

N95 software dosent even work properley. big deal to have a smart-phone when you cant use it.
Nokia Lumia 1020
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Posted: 2007-06-09 10:15
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On 2007-06-09 10:05:03, plankgatan wrote:
im so god dame tired of this smart-phone-bullshit.

N95 software dosent even work properley. big deal to have a smart-phone when you cant use it.

if you're tired you can just stop posting here because you've been saying the same old crap you did when you first came here.
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