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Author BlackBauers Bible Hour
Xperia X10 Black
Joined: Sep 06, 2004
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From: Philippines
Posted: 2004-11-12 04:26
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I'm a catholic, was brought up that way, and still am. I have to say though that religion should not be a basis of a person's moral standing. IMO, it should only guide you to exercise your free will properly. In the end it's how you live your life and how you affect others that really matters.

What really annoys me is when people start using religion to justify their political or material motives. It's just too messy. I'm not trying to preach either, coz I'm probably the least qualified to do that. I just thought how wise and practical it was when Jesus said "Give to Cesar what is Cesar's and give to God what is God's".
resistance is futile.
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Posted: 2004-11-12 09:47
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Greetings to you all.

A few people have offered views concerning Bush and political leaders in general, and it is fair to say that God does use leaders to fulfil his will regarding the course of world events. However, it is important to stand up for truth, regardless of whether we may feel a leader is being used by God or not. In the OT, Nathan the prophet spoke out against King David for his sin with Bathsheba; Samuel spoke out against Saul when he went to war with the Amalekites and didn't follow God's instructions fully, even though God told him to go to war.

I also agree that the word "God" is used quite a bit by leaders to justify their stance on certain views, whether or not they truly have a relationship with the Lord. I'll have to leave them to sort that out with the Lord themselves. I have to remember that I need to be consistent, honest and dedicated in my relationship with Jesus, even though I offer comment on other issues.

I've been a Christian for over 20 years and came to know Jesus for myself just before my 14th birthday. I was baptised when I fully knew what I was committing myself to, even though I was relatively young. I thank my mother for this as I was never put under any pressure to give my life to Jesus. If I had been, I wouldn't be here now. It has not been any easy time by any means, but I am fully convinced of what Jesus has done in my life and intend to continue until He returns. I'm not perfect and would never claim to be. My "righteousness" lies in Jesus righteousness, not in myself. Each day I overcome, I give Him thanks. When I fail, I ask for His forgiveness, get up, and walk on.

I would like to offer encouragement to those who are Christians to keep holding on. Jesus will never leave us or forsake us.

God bless.

P.S. Thanks to Blackbauer24, who is my close personal friend, for starting this thread. Let's keep brushing the dirt off our shoulders bredrin!!

[ This Message was edited by: Neekos on 2004-11-12 08:49 ]

[ This Message was edited by: neekos on 2004-11-12 08:50 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Neekos on 2004-11-12 15:26 ]
Xperia X10 Mini Black
Joined: Oct 27, 2004
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From: Nigeria
Posted: 2004-11-15 08:56
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Talking of christaian experiences, after I exercised my will to live for the Lord, I had to deal with habits I had built up over 19 years. That took discipline and commitment.

Some of them are thoroughly in my past now. Yet, there are a few I still have to constantly work on - meditating in God's Word and trusting in His ability to change anyone. I am definitely a better person for it.

I live in an environment where almost no-one is bothered with doing the right things, but walking with the Lord has helped me stay on course. Believe me, I have made mistakes - plenty! To an onlooker, I must have looked like someone acting against his faith at the time, but I am consoled that I know it was a slip, and I do not live that way daily.
PS: I used to be known as AYA
X1 Black
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Posted: 2004-11-15 11:28
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Truly Iife presents us with many challenges, but we can try and help each other through, by Gods grace.

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Posted: 2004-11-15 11:45
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Greetings @Aya.

Your testimony and experiences are similar to mine, and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of Christians out there.

One of the issues that has caused problems over the history of Christianity is that Christians (not all) have made themselves out to be "perfect" people and have looked down on non-Christians in a very "holier-than-thou" way, even though they may not actually be living the life. This has caused non-Christians to feel alienated at times, and has also caused other Christians who are struggling with issues to feel they are not able to share their problems and find support and help to overcome. The church was created to be a community where we can find help and support in our deepest problems. One should not have to feel embarassed or feel unsure about being able to share a problem with another brother or sister, or feel they will be looked down upon or scorned if they confess a fault. The Bible encourages us to share our faults and pray for each other. This is the church Jesus wants.

Keep striving my friend. We are able to succeed. One thing I know when looking at the Bible is that all those people who were used by God, were not perfect in themselves. They all had faults and issues in themselves. But they were faithful and allowed God to use them. Remember, the only hero in the Bible is Jesus. Every human fall short. But we succeed through Jesus.

God's blessing to all.

[ This Message was edited by: Neekos on 2004-11-15 10:46 ]
Xperia X10 Mini Black
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From: Nigeria
Posted: 2004-11-15 13:11
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@Neekos & Blackbeaur24. Very well said. Our own attitudes towards other christians with problems, and towards non-christians seem to be our greatest problem in the Church.

We need to deal with that so much. Look at David, Solomon, Elijah, Peter, Paul, John: these were all people with imperfections but firmly trusting in the perfect One, and believing in who they are and what they can be if they continued steadfast.

I am amazed at Jesus. People felt comfortable around him. By 'people', I mean 'sinners'. He loved them so, and did not hold aloof from any. His love was so powerful it changed them. And its changed me too! Glory!! (Hope I don't sound like I'm preaching )
PS: I used to be known as AYA
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Posted: 2004-11-15 16:11
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You're not preaching my friend, you're just giving glory to God. There's nothing wrong with that!!
P800 no flip
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From: currently warsaw
Posted: 2004-11-15 16:42
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Nevertheless giving glory to god in this kind of declamatory way often frightens non-christians..

Even though Iīm happy in my belief, and not liking the 'first world' getting rid of any religious roots because 'thereīs no need for god' I prefer the way of live and let live and not calling anybody a 'sinner'..
(I know nobody around here would offend anybody because of the personal religion, but talking religiously is kind of walking on the razorīs edge).
Pop! Goes The Hamster... And Other Great Microwave Games
Xperia X10 Mini Black
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From: Nigeria
Posted: 2004-11-15 16:56
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@fetzi: Forgive me if my reference to the term 'sinners' offends you. I did not mean it in a derogratory way. Unfortunately, there is no pleasant alternative to that term that Iam aware of. Jesus used the term. All the apostles used it.

Uhm... I am not exactly sure where the lines are drawn in this kind of thread, but since its a christian term I expect that it should be acceptable in a thread that discusses the christian way.

I'd be glad to hear from Tranquil or any other moderator so we can clear that up. I will gladly edit my post to stay within the boundaries guiding the thread. No offence meant, mate
PS: I used to be known as AYA
P800 no flip
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From: currently warsaw
Posted: 2004-11-15 17:03
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Just like I said - neither did I intend to reprehend or advise you!
Itīs really difficult to discuss religiously if one tries not to offend anybody.
Pop! Goes The Hamster... And Other Great Microwave Games
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From: Lagos, Nigeria
Posted: 2004-11-15 17:21
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I'm glad 4 dis thread and I am proud to say that I'm a believer in Jesus and don't have any shame.

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Joined: Feb 11, 2004
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Posted: 2004-11-16 00:21
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Hi all.

I'm just offerring my view on what has been recently said. I don't wish to offend anyone and I'm not offended by what has been said. I enjoy this thread and have been challenged in a positive way by some of the views posted here.

I can see how it may be difficult not to offend when speaking "religiously". I suppose it has to be weighed up against the freedom to express oneself as a Christian in a thread like this. Thanking God for changing your life is a positive thing, even though it could possibly offend. I suppose we need to weigh up how strongly we feel about what we are expressing in such a thread. I try not to use "religious" language because I know it probably doesn't make sense to someone who is not a Christian. But if we explain ourselves it can help to remove any offence that may be taken.

God's blessings to you all.



[ This Message was edited by: Neekos on 2004-11-15 23:26 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Neekos on 2004-11-15 23:27 ]
C510 Black
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From: Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Posted: 2004-11-16 00:38
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On 2004-11-16 00:21:24, Neekos wrote:
I can see how it may be difficult not to offend when speaking "religiously". I suppose it has to be weighed up against the freedom to express oneself as a Christian in a thread like this. Thanking God for changing your life is a positive thing, even though it could possibly offend. I suppose we need to weigh up how strongly we feel about what we are expressing in such a thread. I try not to use "religious" language because I know it probably doesn't make sense to someone who is not a Christian. But if we explain ourselves it can help to remove any offence that may be taken.

God's blessings to you all.

Therein lies the problem with religion. I'd be more for faith than religion - the problem is holy books can be interpreted in many ways. I'm afraid to say I'm not religious, I'm far too cynical a person to belive in one 'perfect' being. I won't go any further as I don't want to start a flame war here.

HOWEVER..... I wish I was more spiritual - I've seen how other countries that are still into their religion - Greek islands and Orthodox catholics, and places like Gozo. People there still have a lot of faith, and the community spirit is great - and people are so much nicer to each other, and the family is still paramount.
"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

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From: Abducted by hot blondes to Les
Posted: 2004-11-16 07:12
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I, too, feel I'm too cynical to believe in a heaven and a God. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I'd like to bring up something that is always on my mind when I'm discussing Christianity.

First of all, we must agree that the Bible is the central pillar of Christianity; it is considered the Word of God on earth, divinely inspired and we should try to abide by it as much as we can. But what if the Bible is unreliable?

What i mean is that the Bible as a document is in itself unreliable. Since the founding of the early church its been continuously edited and changed to suit what the Church thought would suit themselves best.

There are 66 books in the official Bible, but its a fact that there are many many more different books than the 66 we hear of every day. For example: the Dead Sea Scrolls were recently discovered, revealing many books that the early Church left out of the Bible. We are not reading the works of King David, of Solomon, of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John--we are reading what the Pope thought would suit his needs best. I mean, this book has been manipulated so much to political ends that everything it says cannot possibly be trusted.

And honestly, when you read the Bible objectively, what else comes to mind that the Book of Virtues I'm sure we all read as kids? It's almsot like a storybook telling us what should be done and what not; the Bible is not a history book because a history book's purpose is to recount past events without assigning meaning to them (the reader does that).

How am i to trust a biased, unreliable storybook then?

Whew thats it for now, sorry if not totally coherent [addsig]
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Posted: 2004-11-16 07:40
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@kim It's true that's hard to trust it, judging it only by logicall human means. You say 'It's not unreliable' based on you doubts. But what if It's genuine? Of course, man had influence it, yet i know people that sincerely trusted it, and 'the word of GOD' changed their lifes. Yes, these people can be considered. Ignorants, as they weren't interested in whether the bible It's reliable or not. They simply took it as it is, trying to understand it with their heart, not w/ their mind. This is not crazy!

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