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K850 Blue
Joined: Dec 29, 2007
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Posted: 2009-10-23 00:42
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Uh uhh…what conspiracy theory!
C901 Black
Joined: Jul 03, 2006
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From: Poland, Hell, Mountains
Posted: 2009-10-23 11:32
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I live in a big city. every day I am attacked by the terrible noise, my lungs and heart are being burdened with huge amounts of the exhaust fumes which I must to breathing in, I can't forget about smoldering chimneys of industrial plants. I also know that my body is being bombed with electromagnetic waves, I must wear clothes and use tools "made in China" and I suppose it's better for me to don't know what kind of chemicals were used in their production. most probably harmful and carcinogenic. best at the end - food and drinks... you think they are healthy and without chemistry? I don't understand half of the list of ingredients! do you know that it is possible to produce the sausage in which there's neither a gram of meat? I'm not kidding

for a few years I hear that something will kill me - Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, bird flu, swine flu. I will die if will not eat vitamins, antibiotics. without milk my body will be defective, etc. and now new position appeared - 'chemtrails', ohh great!

I'm wondering... why I'm still alive?

K850 Blue
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Posted: 2009-10-23 15:37
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He he… you are right, lots of dangers near or far to our houses, we have always realized them. But now they poison us above our houses and all other places, they can put on our tables food with some nanoparticles that we’ll eat, or bombard us with ELF waves. And most of people don’t
But it’s way better to realize their strategies, maybe there would be some solutions for us. Better solutions than act like “sheeps”.
Why are you still alive?Because they want to “kill” you/us slowly.
They want that you don’t realize it, until it’s too much late.
One thing you can realize now: your/our coffin is already prepared.
Ah…obviously an economic and plastic one!
Do you like it?
C901 Black
Joined: Jul 03, 2006
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From: Poland, Hell, Mountains
Posted: 2009-10-23 17:52
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no, I don't like it, I guess they are made in China from ultra carcinogenic plastic happily I live far away from US & A. at first I thought they are too big to be a coffins but then I realized that in fact they are too small! how do you want to put typical US & A citizen into such a small box? come on! this country is kingdom of hamburgers, trashy fastfoods and GMO food! the magic land where small Cola/Pepsi is 1.5L and Marlboro Man was/is great style of life

I could stop here but... if chemtrails are fact then I'm starting to believe that people in government/military (delete as appropriate) are bunch of morons. seriously, they spend money on planes, fuel, chemicals and Chinese plastic coffins to poison people which are sufficiently effective killing themselves with own-very-unhealthy-lifestyle

I see such trails above Poland. do I believe? no, I am individualist entirely torn away from any kind of mass speculations, however I have full respect to other people opinions and I like to hear/read every one
K850 Blue
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Posted: 2009-10-23 19:52
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They are too big because they must hold 3 bodies at once.
Yes, goverment or military are bunch of morons, they use your/our tax to make it.
In this document[....]/file2003_06/alia/A3061701.htm you can clearly read:

“Joint efforts are advancing our understanding of the effects of aerosols on cloud properties and climate forcing and improving our ability to simulate and predict climate variability from the global to the regional scale.”

They want the climatic control, and something else.
All governments make a joint decision to do this without your/our consent.
In the same way they make advertising for H1N1.
So, if i’m not wrong, you “believe” in swine flu lie but not on chemtrails?
Chentrails that you can see in Poland what do they mean for you?
Lot of people didn’t believe in this too:
With all respect: guys, open your eyes!!!
C901 Black
Joined: Jul 03, 2006
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From: Poland, Hell, Mountains
Posted: 2009-10-23 22:10
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swine flu is mass hysteria sponsored by TV, radio and pharmaceutical giants, nevermind. I have opened eyes and I don't see anything except of ridiculous theory talking about very secret plan of annihilation - me, my family and neighbors. major question is: why and what for?

there are only two certain things in life of every man: taxes and death. please explain to me why "these" guys from all governments around the whole world prefer our death instead of our taxes? nonsense

from military point of view such technology is very useful. planes, aeorosol, trails - ok, but chemicals, disease, death - good at war not in peacetime
K850 Blue
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Posted: 2009-10-23 23:42
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About swine flu we can say that there are BIG money interest of pharmaceutical giants, you are right, so they sell a lot of vaccines that can lead people to death. Do they worry about us for this? No.
Abot chemtrails, first of all they are real in front of our eyes in all the world, several documents and statements prove them.
Do you think they spray aerosol in the air to make better your health? Probably you think like me“IMPOSSIBLE“. Obviously.
Fist purpose is to control the weather.
Do you know that H.A.A.R.P. can create clouds (or earthquake) on command? It can modify the ionosphere, causing what they want.
Chemtrails work with H.A.A.R.P.
Elements like barium, alluminium, lead, sulphur form chemtrails compund. Can those elements make worse your health breathing them? Yes. Again, do they worry about this? No.
I haven’t all answers, but there are other intersts with chemtrails.
Secret experiment like the link that i have posted above? Maybe.
Depopulation because we are too much and we’ll be 9 billions in 2050? Maybe.
Remember: what we think to see is not what it is in the reality. It’s what they want we see. Like swine flu. Or like what you can call peacetime.
And be sure: all tax we pay get used for this.
K850 Blue
Joined: Dec 29, 2007
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Posted: 2009-10-24 15:22
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Fresh news:

MOSCOW, October 23 (RIA Novosti) - Russian scientists are set to clear up autumn clouds above Moscow using an air ionizer on Friday, said professor Dmitry Rototayev, chief of the Moscow Science and Technology Committee.
The experiment would take place in the downtown Moscow street of Arbat. Scientists will target the clouds with a stream of ions using a device, similar to an air ionizer invented by a Soviet scientist, Alexander Chizhevsky. The stream of ions is expected to lift clouds to upper layers of the atmosphere, where they would disperse due to a temperature change.
Scientists expect the sky to clear up on the area of about five square km (2 square miles) in two or three hours after the experiment.
"I'm not sure if the sun will be visible, but we hope to get blue skies at the very least," Rototayev said.
Other scientists have been skeptical about the experiment, mainly about the power output of the device, which is equal to that of an electric kettle.
"Weather phenomena in the atmosphere, [such as] turbulence, cyclones and anticyclones, are extremely powerful... I wonder how a small device can influence it?" said Lyudmila Krasnokutskaya of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
"What can two kilowatts do to winds, clouds, million tons of water, powerful air currents in the atmosphere? It is unreal simply due to energy factors," said Viktor Savrin, deputy chief of the Research Institute for Nuclear Physics at Moscow State University.
Other scientists say that the impact on weather of much more powerful air ionizers, such as high voltage power lines, has so far been registered.
"In Moscow, in any district of the Moscow Regions there is a plenty of high voltage equipment, which ionize air more effectively than any special device. In this respect, an idea to develop such an ionizer looks quite disputable," a source at the Chair of Physics of Athmosphere of the Moscow State University's Faculty of Physics told RIA Novosti on the condition of anonymity.
He said, however, that air ionization does have an impact on precipitation, but the device should be much more powerful.
"Ion particles serve as nuclei of condensation, which attract molecules of water... In other words, it [air moisture] become condensed more effectively and falls down faster," the source said.


Is this weather control? What surprise!
Can you imagine how much the technology has progressed?
Can you imagine who’s controlling pharmaceutical groups, military groups, banking groups, energy groups?
Each own person in charge?
K850 Blue
Joined: Dec 29, 2007
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Posted: 2009-11-02 19:55
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Panic in Ukraine, Authorities deny aircraft are spraying aerosols over cities, Martial Law expected

Authorities in Kiev, Ukraine, deny spraying of “aerosolized medication” by aircraft over city.
The office of Emergency Response in the district of Desniansko, Kiev, are tonight (30th Oct.) strongly refuting reports that light aircraft were spraying a substance over the city intended to counter a “swine flu pandemic” in Ukraine.
It was reported that light aircraft were seen over the Forest market area of the city (close to the Forest metro station) and they were spraying an aerosol substance intended to “counter swine flu”, this of course would constitute forced medication of the population.
The editors of local newspapers in Kiev received dozens of phone calls from concerned residents and shop owners in the Forest market area of the city reporting they had observed several light airplanes circling in the sky during the day spraying an unidentified aerosol into the atmosphere.
Retailers and local business people reported they were advised to “stay indoors” during the day by local authorities.
Local newspapers contacted government administrators in Kiev and were told that “no permission had been granted today (30th Oct.) for small aviation aircraft to fly within the city limits”. Also local FM radio stations in Kiev were regularly refuting the reports during broadcasts today, apparently under duress from local authorities.
Reports of helicopters and light airplanes spraying aerosols over Kiev, Lviv, Ternopil, and other cities throughout Ukraine are tonight flooding online forums and websites, hundreds of people have verified the reports with their own eye-witness accounts.
On 30th October President Viktor Yushchenko ordered the Ministry of Defense to establish mobile military hospitals throughout Ukraine, to assist and provide “essential medications” to people with swine-flu. Yushchenko has also ordered medical personnel from the reserve defense forces to report for duty.
An order from President Yushchenko is expected soon that will effectively place Ukraine under “martial law”.
“Due to the complex epidemiological situation in the western regions of Ukraine, where tens of thousands of people have become ill, thousands are in hospital, and dozens have died.”
Nine regions of Ukraine have declared a quarantine around the country and public events have been banned (including the elections).The Clergy have been ordered not to hold any Church or religious services on Sundays or to gather a congregation for any reason whatsoever. Police are also enforcing the compulsory wearing of protective face masks, any driver caught not wearing a mask faces harsh legal penalties.
Earlier, health authorities in western Ukraine reported a “severe outbreak of UNIDENTIFIED Influenza, suspected by doctors to be a form of viral pneumonia”. The disease has already claimed a number of lives in the region. In Lviv, schools have been closed and authorities are conducting emergency meetings to determine how to deal with the outbreak.


Beijing gets first snow after meteorologists seed clouds

BEIJING: Beijingers woke up Sunday morning to a city turned white with snow that came far ahead of the winter. It was only in the later part of
the day that one learnt that 186 doses of silver iodide went into persuading the clouds to release snow flakes.
The metrological department said it had started seeding the clouds from 8pm in Saturday to beat down lingering drought in and around Beijing. The department claimed success in producing 16 million tones of snow for the city.
"We wont miss any opportunity of artificial precipitation since Beijing is suffering from the lingering drought," said Zhang Qiang, who is in charge of the Beijing metrological office, said in a statement.
The snow kept falling till mid-afternoon pushing down temperatures to minus 2 Celsius (29 Fahrenheit). Strong winds from the north made aggravated the chill.
Beijing Evening News said it was the earliest case of snow to hit the capital in 10 years, Snow also fell in the northeastern provinces of Liaoning and Jilin, the northern province of Hebei, the eastern port city of Tianjin.
China’s meteorologists routinely make rain by injecting special chemicals into clouds. But they have so far not been able to suppress the spread of drought in the northern part of the country this year. Ap
Those white streaks across our US sky's that we see are the same cloud seeding. The US does this Here also. It is nothing new and has been going on for years. Its just that Americans dont care or want to ask questions about it. Look into Chemtrails and you will learn something.


“Its just that Americans (people) dont care or want to ask questions about it” …here the SHEEPS!
C901 Black
Joined: Jul 03, 2006
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From: Poland, Hell, Mountains
Posted: 2009-11-02 21:29
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sorry but informations spreaded in media about Ukraine are mostly BS. epidemic - that's true but check in how many regions, besides is this really strange for anyone? flu epidemic is NORMAL thing and cyclically repeats in new variants since many years. second, this isn't epidemic of swine flu! they have at least 2 variants of flu, guess how many people died and how many of them died because of swine flu, I mean official reports. now, most important - how many persons is/was infected and how many died?

biggest lie is "UNIDENTIFIED Influenza" - they want to make us to believe that something new and very danger attacked Ukrainian people! of course for them it's "UNIDENTIFIED" because those morons (health authorities in western Ukraine) have not even a single professional laboratory for examining composition! in Poland we have them and we are helping Ukrainians to change "UNIDENTIFIED" into IDENTIFIED. I'm just shocked how pathetic media transmissions are

"... aircraft are spraying aerosols over cities ..."
DEAR GOD! (I don't believe in him but it's nice mental shortcut)
aerosols of what? paracetamol? holy water? they even don't have enough protective face masks and basic medicines! of course their government isn't thinking about such things because for them important is only one thing: how to kick the political opponent in the rear end...

current official reports from Ukraine:
255516 - people infected
15810 - all (is/was) in hospitals
67 - died, but...
22 - died because of swine flu
[ This Message was edited by: Raiderski on 2009-11-02 20:41 ]
Joined: Nov 14, 2007
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From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2009-11-02 21:48
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Maybe their just vapour trails from the aviation fuel used in planes. Just like what comes out the exhaust pipe of a car.

Maybe they stay because there's more consistant wind up there (as in the whole thing will move so will not bend or distort). Remember that clouds consist of.. hmm... vapour!

C901 Black
Joined: Jul 03, 2006
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From: Poland, Hell, Mountains
Posted: 2009-11-02 22:02
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other question... plane sprayed aerosol and I can see nice, long "cloud", 30 minutes later this "cloud" is still in place where it was 30 minutes earlier... errr... shouldn't this fall down and kill me? or maybe it's remote control "cloud"?
K850 Blue
Joined: Dec 29, 2007
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Posted: 2009-11-03 01:14
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On 2009-11-02 21:29:13, Raiderski wrote:
aerosols of what?

Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): “Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon”

Today, the MSM are not talking about this case any more. Yesterday, they wanted us to believe that Joseph Moshe was a nutcase and a terrorist, arrested for threatening to bomb the White House. Interesting detail about his arrest (the “Westwood standoff”) was that he seemed to be immune to the 5 cans of tear gas and 5 gallons of law-enforcement grade pepper spray they pumped into his face. He very calmly remained in his car, as the video footage of his arrest shows.
Professor Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott, (explanation of Joseph Moshe’s call at 06:00) broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death.
Sources tell us that Bar-Joseph Moshe made no threat against the President or the White House. He did not mention any bomb or attack. He then proceeded to inform the White House he intended to go public with this information. When he noticed men in suits in front of his house and feared that the FBI was about to detain him, he packed some belongings into his car and, him being a dual Israeli citizen, tried to reach the Israeli consulate located in close proximity to the federal building where the standoff took place. The FBI and the bomb squad prevented him from reaching it. Who is this man? His profile on says he is a plant disease expert with many publications on his name involving the genetic manipulation of virii. Photographic evidence that Moshe is who he says he is can be found here.
Joseph Moshe was soon after his arrest sent or let go to Israel. Nothing has been heard from him since. The Secret Service was not the agency involved in the surveillance of Moshe at his home in California. This was done by the FBI, who had orders to detain or arrest him. Mounted on top of a large black vehicle used in his arrest was a microwave weapon that possibly damaged the electronics in Moshe’s car as well as any communication devices he had which might have been used to contact the media or others who could help him.
Moshe did not suffer the same effects of the gas and pepper spray that others would have because he had built up an immunity to such weapons as a by-product of his Mossad training. Moshe was not handcuffed because he was not placed under arrest.
Does this sound like an insane conspiracy theory? Sure it does. Due to the scarcity and anonimity of the sources we would dismiss it as exactly that, if it weren’t for some uncomfortable facts: Baxter Pharmaceutical has been caught, red-handed, in spreading a live, genetically engineered H5N1 Bird flu vaccine as a lethal biological weapon all over the world, destined to be used for human vaccinations. This happened just a few months ago. And only luck prevented a global catastrophe of epic proportions.
Baxter International Inc. had mixed live, genetically engineered avian flue viruses in vaccine material shipped to 18 countries. Only by sheer luck, a Czech laboratory decided to test the vaccine on a dozen ferrets, #HYPERLINK
",F2400_P1001_PUB_MAIL_ID:10001,76322"which all died in days. The World Health Organization was notified and catastrophe was averted. This was clearly a deliberate act on Baxter’s part, because they adhere to BS3, bio-safety level three. Baxter admitted a “mistake”. Such monumental screwups are totally impossible at that level. Many safety systems would have needed to be sabotaged, many key personell would have needed to be bribed. It simply can’t be done without direction from the inside. They did not send out the wrong vial – they produced dozens of gallons of biological-weapon agent (genetically engineered live H5N1 / Bird flu virus), then sent it out as a “vaccine”.
Baxter knew full well that their vaccine was lethal, because the year before they had tested it on a few hundred homeless Polish people – dozens died as a result.
Where’s the meat? Well – Baxter is now being sued for the deliberate, repeated contamination of vaccines with biological weapons designed – by them – to mass-murder people. Here is the complaint (PDF). By some kook nutcase? Not likely – Jane Burgermeister is an experienced, respected journalist. She is not the only one suing Baxter for planning and executing a plan for global genocide: Others are filing complaints as well. Read a well-researched complaint here (PDF).
Qui bono? We think it may be profit-motivated or even sheer incompetence, but for the conspiracy-minded: The latter complaint alludes to intentional “culling of the herd”. Have you heard of the Georgia Guidestones? An enormous monument loaded with Masonic symbolism costing millions of dollars, it has been erected by unknown, powerful elites (multimillionaires with the clout to erect monuments wherever they please, obviously) around 30 years ago. It gives an “alternative ten commandments”, of which the first is the extermination of six and a half billion people from the face of the Earth. Half a billion will remain. This is the number of people the planet can sustain indefinitely, so that the descendents of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers can live in peace and affluence indefinitely. Slaves are needed to produce that luxury, but 500 million will do just fine. But how does one go about killing off most of the world?
“Vaccinating” the planet with a bioweapon with near-100% mortality would do the trick. Baxter would provide both the bioweapon as well as the vaccine against it to “civilized” Western peoples. Result: We can plunder Africa, we have no more competition from SE Asia, the oil is for our taking and only Western and perhaps Chinese sheeple remain.
Rockefeller said this in 1994 at a U.N. dinner: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.” PNAC said something similar right before 9/11.


On 2009-11-02 21:29:13, Raiderski wrote:
…shouldn't this fall down and kill me?

Needs something else to fall down and “kill” you!
What will need?
C901 Black
Joined: Jul 03, 2006
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From: Poland, Hell, Mountains
Posted: 2009-11-03 13:47
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"Epidemic of swine flu or ordinary? Ukrainian authorities themselves do not know"
read more here:

nothing unusual is happening on Ukraine. people are afraid because of mass hysteria sponsored by media, government and "authorities"

... they had tested it on a few hundred homeless Polish people – dozens died as a result

I know this case, 21 people died but key word is "homeless". is this strange that people with weak immune system (malnutrition, alcohol) are dying? not for me and of course it's not fair to kill people to make profits

what else I can say, I don't care about Baxter, deadly aerosols and weird theories. sooner or later I will die (we all will) no matter of what. I have one life, I'm happy fully healthy person and my mind won't be a slave of ridiculous theories and mass hysteria because both aren't real problems in my life and life of most people. they can become in future? maybe yes, maybe not - who cares? important are things which are happening right now, today, tomorrow. thinking about the future is great thing but not in the context of own unnatural death - it's just sick my attitude is "don't believe in everything"
K850 Blue
Joined: Dec 29, 2007
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Posted: 2009-11-03 15:00
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You say:

of course it's not fair to kill people to make profits

But after you claim:

I don't care about Baxter

There’s something wrong in your point!

This time Baxter has tested the vaccine on homeless polish people, if next time they experiment on fully healthy people like you? Without your consent obviously.
Maybe you could answer again “i don’t care”.
Or maybe:

sooner or later I will die no matter of what

And considering you say:

important are things which are happening right now

You haven’t answered to my question yet:

Chentrails that you can see in Poland what do they mean for you?

Remember that they are happening RIGHT NOW…yesterday…tomorrow….
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