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Author Nokia N90 Success in Doubt?
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
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From: Liverpool City Centre
Posted: 2005-08-17 02:28
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Is this not marketted as a mobile phone and more of a leisure device? Is Blokia trying to create a new niche for itself - the Corderphone?

This message was posted from a S700

X1 Silver
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Posted: 2005-08-17 04:46
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Hi, this is my first post to Esato and i'm already expecting a backlash well here goes

Many people have said in not so many words that the possible demise of the Nokia N90 is due to the aesthetics of the N90 the superiority of the SE K750 this could be true, I just don’t think it is. Lets face it the K750 is just a tarted up K700 there is nothing special about it, when describing a future SE phone or a phone by any manufacturer the sentence “ … like the SE K750 introduced” will never be mentioned why because it is just another phone it’s technical advances were expected after X amount of time. Don’t get me wrong the K750 is impressive I’m just trying to point out that the K750 will always be seen as an update of the K700.
As for the N90s lackluster sales being down to its lack of aesthetic appeal, the S700 P800 P900 were all large yet were all generally popular and does anyone remember the SE Z600 I don’t know if it’s possible to make this phone more unappealing, Nokia’s communicator range is equally unsightly it but sells because of it practicality and functionality.

Could the real reason for reported disappointing sales for the N90 be just around the corner, Nokia’s flagship S60 phone the N91; I’m glad at least one manufacturer has at least made an attempt at giving a real entertainment device to match the MP3 players offering 4Gigs Memory standard and made an attempt to add many latest technologies like 3G and Wi-Fi, because at the end of the day that’s what it comes down to, which manufacturer decided to take a chance. I am convinced this phone will affect all future phones, even if it has technical limitations like short battery life this is the phone future phones by all manufacturers will be compared to.

Let me just end this rant on this note, I honestly would not be slightly surprised if a similar story appears in a few months reporting on the weak sales of the SE W800 relative to the Nokia’s N91.

[ This Message was edited by: Safwaan on 2005-08-17 03:55 ]
T68 gold
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Posted: 2005-08-17 06:53
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W800 is also a souped up K750 (99% the same) . N91 is totally in different league - a 3G smartphone, wifi, huge storage, generic USB drive support, big screen, music player etc.

The only saving grace of K750/W800 is the camera. Its technology is no more advance than a 6230i.
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From: The planet Snibertron!
Posted: 2005-08-17 07:04
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All phones are just upgrades on previous models. I don't see how this introduces anything new.

The post reminds me of the SE's lack of innovation thread, where by you could glean that no one is innovative now anyhow since all we get are new upgrades on existing models.

K750 is a nice phone, sure it's not a revolution but then neither is the N90.

It should be troubling to see that a phone with so much hyped optics is out performed by a smaller, lighter unit that doesn't have a famed lense.

As for the N91, you don't think making it a mini ipod isn't a direct response to starting to market music based phones? Or motorolla being in bed with apple for itunes?

Will it come packaged with decent headphones, will the mp3 audio be on par, sub par or better than the W800/k750 ? Packing every feature in under the sun is great, but will the battery last past sending a text message to make use of it all? how durable will the harddrive be? Lots of questions about it but until they make it tangible then who knows.

Is the N91 revolutionary? not really, its just another upgrade from a W800 to be realistic. (But then comparing them is stupid as well, they're worlds apart, but they no doubt will be compared to each other.)
Joined: Mar 13, 2002
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Posted: 2005-08-17 08:07
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Wow!! Sudddenly all the SE fanatics are in the "Other manufacturers" -section discussioning about Nokia phone. If it gets this much intrest from SE fanboys, there must be something in it. Otherwise noboby wouldn't bother. There's also one word that describes the SE fanboy posts in this thread pretty good, denial.
W995 Red
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From: S. Africa - JOZI
Posted: 2005-08-17 09:25
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I guess the revolution of this phone is that it doesnt vibrate!!!

A non-vibrating phone is as useful as a camera phone with no screen!!
Its a necessity ... just my opinion
Super G
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Posted: 2005-08-17 09:51
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On 2005-08-17 07:04:57, Gigs wrote:
As for the N91, you don't think making it a mini ipod isn't a direct response to starting to market music based phones? Or motorolla being in bed with apple for itunes?

I dont think we can call that *response*.
Dont forget it takes a lot of time to design a new phone (esp. now it includes a hard drive). It just highlights similar strategies between these companies to focus on music capabilities, and ultimately provide convergence. With one difference: one company provides massive storage and a music-oriented phone. The other is merely putting a walkman logo on its phones... I could put a walkman logo on my 9300 or older S60 phones and get the same results (if you omit the jack)...

But then this comes down once again to comparing iPods vs flash players... Who's the winner? (for me, personally, it's iPod)

Having said this, coming back to N90, I have to say the thing is really big, and the mechanics are annoying me (to fully open the phone requires two openings: 1st time, the screen ends up perpendicular to the keyboard, 2nd time, it's finally fully open... Annoying I said). Not to mention the too-many moving parts make me skeptical about its durability. Reminds me of those transformers toys...
But anyway, that thing will sell among tech geeks.

[ This Message was edited by: Super G on 2005-08-17 08:56 ]
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
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From: Liverpool City Centre
Posted: 2005-08-17 11:02
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Comparing the technical abilities of the N90 and K750 is easy. On paper there is a definite winner.

However, they have bestowed upon us a device which should be the be-all-and-end-all multi-media device, but how they could have imagined that huge size would transfer to huge sales I don't know. I mean look at the size of the thing! I certainly wouldn't like to drop one of those on my big toe!

I can only imagine that this is an exercise to show what can be packed into a (large) mobile device!

No-one can say that this had set the world alight! Not yet anyway. It just doesn't seem to have fired anyones imagination.

The difference with the K750i is that - this is a cameraphone. It is a very good cameraphone. It has been marketed as a cameraphone and hailed as probably the best cameraphone you can buy at the moment.

A success for

I am afraid the N90 might turn out to be a big fat white elephant for Blokia.


[ This Message was edited by: goldenface on 2005-08-17 10:08 ]
Xperia Neo Black
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Posted: 2005-08-17 11:40
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When I can get a smart phone in a small candybar format no bigger than the K750, with the same broad set of features and specifications, that doesn't crash all the time (aka XDA mini), then I will buy it.

Imate too big for no touch screen, mpx200 shitty clam shell and small cam, N91 a truck, etc etc. Most Nokia "smartphones" in the mid range have limited feature sets or limited hardware compared to K750.

Seriously, there is still no decent smartphone in a comprehensively specified small candybar form factor. This is the ONLY reason I don't own a smartphone yet. The N90 is a nightmare as far as I'm concerned.

But I have to admit, the primary consideration for me is to have a phone that can sit in my pocket without giving me hip displacia
So until smartphones get better AND smaller I am biased against them....

That (it's size) is ultimately why I wouldn't consider the N90 myself.
Z530 black
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Posted: 2005-08-17 11:42
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maybe the new samsung smartphones will be a better bet smaller more compact
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
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From: Liverpool City Centre
Posted: 2005-08-17 12:02
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Whatever happened to the quest for smaller phones?

Ahh, they were definitely the halcyon days.

Remember when people wowed over the T68 cos it was so tiny. Then the small nokias came which went down very well.

Then the t600 arrived you thought 'wow, this is as good as it gets' .

Then the t610? All could be lifted to your ear with ease and you had to slap your pocket every 3 minutes just to make sure the phone was still there!!!

Now people are supposed to walk around with this!!

Warra larf?

[ This Message was edited by: goldenface on 2005-08-17 11:10 ]
Joined: Dec 05, 2003
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Posted: 2005-08-17 12:21
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what have you people been smoking?

its not that big

[ This Message was edited by: Dicky Snapples on 2005-08-17 11:25 ]
X1 Silver
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From: Manchester
Posted: 2005-08-17 12:53
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It isn’t my intention to start a N91 v W800 discussion I just need to point out a few things

"you don't think making it a mini ipod isn't a direct response to SE starting to market music based phones?" Gigs

If I checked correctly Samsung released a phone in 2000 that had MP3 Player capabilities,
now that 4 or more years have gone SE thought it was time to introduce the world to an MP3 Player phone but this one had had external memory. Do you seriously think this is advancement? This Phone could have come out 2 years ago and it would have still had exactly the same MP3 Player capabilities, yes the phone has other features similar to the K750 but this phone is being marketed as a walkman phone. The fact is that the N91 has come out at a time when small hard drives are cheap and becoming mainstream i.e., most new mp3 players are hard drive based.

“Will it come packaged with decent headphones, will the mp3 audio be on par, sub par or better than the W800/k750 ? Packing every feature in under the sun is great, but will the battery last past sending a text message to make use of it all? how durable will the harddrive be? Lots of questions about it but until they make it tangible then who knows.” Gigs

All valid questions but I never said the phone would be bug or glitch free actually with amount of times firmware or phone software is updated I would be surprised if the N91 was glitch free, my point was instead of Nokia releasing a phone which has slots for two or three memory cards they went against the trend into uncharted territory;
Why else would you ask these questions?

“but will the battery last past sending a text message to make use of it all? how durable will the harddrive be?”

The fact is nobody knows that’s why this phone is special it’s not the expected.

“Is the N91 revolutionary?” gigs

Yes it is:

Revolution “a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving”

If it were not revolutionary we would have seen it a long time ago like flash memory MP3 player mobile phones.

One last thing I checked on several websites and the W800 is advertised at £330-£380 sim free, on this site[....]=/money/2005/07/17/ixcoms.html
the N91 is advertised at approx £450, to get N91 MP3 player capabilities on the W800 you would have to shell out at least £150 even then you may only get 2Gigs more memory. The N91 is excellent value for money and I know a lot of SE fans hate it for many reasons but there’s one reason that seems to stand out the most is the fact that it has a Nokia logo instead of SE logo on the front.

Xperia Neo Black
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Posted: 2005-08-17 13:13
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personally I don't hate it, and I accept it's good points, but is it really that much better than K750, just because of onboard memory capacity? I don't think so myself. The camera isn't as good as the K750, but the video recorder is better. It's much of a muchness. It's a niche device and will obviously suit some people down to the ground, but it won't be a market killer.

What I think SE fans get frustrated with is being told it is the answer to everything and we must be stupid if we don't like it.

If I absolutely needed a smartphone, I still wouldn't accept 1. a clamshell (my least liked form factor) and 2. the size of the thing. I'd be more inclined towards an xda mini (atleast it's small and candybar-ish). It crashes a lot, but if I needed a smartphone that badly I'd have the xda mini over the massive nokia. The XDA mini atleast has expandable memory and a 1.3 megapixel cam, and a touch screen to boot.
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From: Jeffrey's-Bay ,South Africa
Posted: 2005-08-17 13:13
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You certailly seem to have a point there ! Any news when the N90 arrives to South Africa ? Nokia should increase the production line,because there are whole countries out there waiting for this 'MONSTER'. Greetings from South Africa. Mario ;-)

This message was posted from a Nokia 7650

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