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Author On the Couch with scotsboyuk
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
Posts: > 500
From: UK
Posted: 2004-11-13 19:15
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Good evening once again my fellow Esatonians. On the couch with me tonight is the second member of Team Esato to sit on the couch. He might not be as visible in the forums as masseur or tranquil, but he is no less interesting or respected; I am of course speaking of GOwin.

What is the best thing about Esato?

GOwin says:
- SE, not being as popular as that brand-who-must-not-be-named, has this underdog image. Esato has turned into a refuge of sorts for those people who feel left-out and has nowhere to go because all the places they've been in only cater to the brand-who-must-not-be-named.

I guess that's the main reason why this community is popular - it encourages members to help each other more - there's no other place as good as esato when it comes to anything about peer to peer support for their "precious".

Who is your favourite member of Esato?

GOwin says:
Laffen. Would an explanation be necessary?

Well, I'm not explaining.

Who is your favourite moderator?

GOwin says:
I like Masseur for his omni-presence - it's easier for the rest of us to goof around because most likely, Masseur has taken care of it.

I really appreciate Masseur's attitude and dedication to Esato. Do note that I am not quantifying the contributions made by the other mods - everyone does what he can for esato - all for love. :-*

What is your favourite Esato moment?

GOwin says:
When I discovered the site. I've been hanging around other sites, but there wasn't anything close to what Esato had to offer then - or now.

What is your least favourite Esato moment?

GOwin says:
Getting messages from members when their threads were edited/moved/deleted etc, and telling me how I don't have the right to do so.

Getting messages from members demanding for explanation why such and such was allowed, or why things were handled that way.

When I can't log to Esato because the server is down.

Seeing the same question being posted again, and again, and again, and again...

When a perfect discussion go awry because of off-topic remarks - you can see that branch getting a life of its own.

enough of that.

masseur and tranquil seem to be the most visible faces of Team Esato; how do the other moderators feel about this and aren't the other moderators as active as masseur and tranquil?

GOwin says:
I can't speak for the other mods but all I can say is that there is no competition among us. There would be times when I don't have time to visit the forums, and that is still ok. TeamEsato is neither jealous or demanding.

Sometimes, even that nook of ours is in-active as well - which could mean that everything's doing fine.

Can you give us an insight into how the moderators work with regards to taking decisions; how do the discussions progress and how are issues decided upon?

GOwin says:
They way I see it, Laffen uses the laizzes faire model for the moderators - independent decisions are ok and is not discouraged, issues relating to esato are openly disccussed. A moderator's decision is construed to have been taken for the best interest of Esato, and not for any particular person.

What is a typical moderator's day like?

Gowin says:
Pretty much like the same as any other Esato member except that you are expected not only to abide by the rules, but enforce them too.

Except for the added responsibilities, there really isn't not much difference.

Which mobile do you currently use?

GOwin says:
a t630.

Which mobile are you most looking forward to?

GOwin says:
i am not excited by the current crop of phones from any manufacturer.

i'm looking forward to phones that would powered by the human body, capable of sychrnonizing with my other devices smoothly, does voice commands for all its functions, and still has the all-important "power" button.

Do you have a message for Esato?

GOwin says:
YOU made a difference to this site. Thanks for helping make Esato the way it is today.

(Note: Lest it be misunderstood, all my answers are my personal opinion and as such, does not reflect the official stand or policies of Laffen and Esato)

Please join me again soon for more banter on the couch.

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2006-08-28 03:40 ]
Joined: Jul 30, 2004
Posts: > 500
From: Back home - Cochin
Posted: 2004-11-13 19:24
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Do you think you are too much tied as to have no time on the forums?

This message was posted from a K500

C702 Cyan
Joined: Mar 01, 2003
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From: Den Haag
Posted: 2004-11-13 21:06
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Getting messages from members demanding for explanation why such and such was allowed, or why things were handled that way.

THAT is a 'least favourite' moment?

Sometimes decisions aren't obvious or easy to understand, what on earth could be wrong in asking for the reason instead of just assuming one?
T39 black
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From: .uʍop ǝpısdn s&
Posted: 2004-11-14 02:35
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It's okay to ask, but when the tone of the message demands for an explanation, that's something else.


On 2004-11-13 21:06:25, Vlammetje wrote:
Getting messages from members demanding for explanation why such and such was allowed, or why things were handled that way.

THAT is a 'least favourite' moment?

Sometimes decisions aren't obvious or easy to understand, what on earth could be wrong in asking for the reason instead of just assuming one?

W950 Blue
Joined: May 14, 2004
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From: India
Posted: 2004-11-14 05:27
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Great thread! I only got to read this now as i was facing wap problems for the last 20 odd days. Right now i'm reading the whole thread on wap! A really tiresome job! But worth it! :-D

This message was posted from a T230

Joined: Dec 19, 2003
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From: Abducted by hot blondes to Les
Posted: 2004-11-14 06:12
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one should read carefully before making assumptions [addsig]
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
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From: UK
Posted: 2004-11-14 23:20
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Joining me this evening is one of my own personal favourites. He is an Esatonian of extreme quality and class, not as prolific as some other members, he certainly makes sure that what he does post is of the highest possible quality. One of Esato's overlooked treasures, in my view, I am of course talking about Gigs.

What is the best thing about Esato?

Gigs says:
Like the others before me i'd like to thankyou for having me on your couch. Doctor, I feel that we probably should begin with my parents as of course there is alot of.. Oh.. It's not that sort of couch? (rumagaes around underneath the cushions) Oh a tenner. Cheers.

The best thing about esato is that it gives me somewhere else to be during work. Oh yeah and the whole big community and mobile thing. (Thats becomming the beauty contestant 'World Peace' answer isn't it?)

Who is your favourite Esato member?

Gigs says:
I don't think i've been around long enough to have a favourite over all, there are certainly some I prefer more than others, but Yourself, Vlam, MixiN and of course Axxxr spring to mind.

Who is your favourite moderator?

Gigs says:
The mysterious moderator X. Favourite moderator I guess is a bit subjective, which ever one doesn't ban me in the future, but they all seem to be doing a fairly good job and keeping the peace.

What is your favourite Esato moment?

Gigs says:
With out a doubt the moderators election thread before it got closed. Great fun and there was nothing serious about it, yet still constructively thought out. The Scamm party was fairly strong on the day. (BTW I'd like to thank all those members who rapidly sunk to the level of bribing the media, fom your gifts, your thoughts, and your now charged bank accounts, thank you.)

What is your least favourite Esato moment?

Gigs says:
The closing of said election thread. While i'm still not sure why it was closed, it was.

You have been an Esatonian for some time now, but you post very infrequently, to say the least, yet, in my view, what your posts lack in quantity they more than make up for in quality; why not post more?

Gigs says:
Work, and general lack of empathy with my fellow subjects. I work in a call center so I help people all day long, I guess I tend to gravitate away from helpful posts because of this. I'm picking up the pace a little though.

As one of Esato's few Antipodean members, do you feel 'left out' at all as Esato predominantly operates on Eurasian, and to a lesser extent American, timezones?

Gigs says:
If anyone remembers Krull you'll remember the magician (Ergo I think was his name) who said "Small in stature, big in..." well what ever the quote was it was pertinent in some way here. Whilst there are only at least 2 Kiwis present, I'm sure in a year or two we'll be over running esatos main population.

Which mobile are you currently using?

Gigs says:
P910i and loving it.

Which mobile are you most looking forward to?

Gigs says:
None currently, I'm absolutely wrapped with the P910i. The S700i is a very cool phone though. I'll wait on an unfounded rumours thread with a hopefully pixelated picture before getting excited about a new model.

Do you have a message for Esato?

Gigs says:
If I haven't posted much by now would I have one to give? Of course.
"If you're looking for a new land, look for the land where our leaders only problems are wether we should give back some beaches and how good they are at forging art. No, theres no damned hobbits. - New Zealand."

Thank you to Gigs and please do join me again for more chatter on the couch.
"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC
Joined: Dec 19, 2003
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From: Abducted by hot blondes to Les
Posted: 2004-11-15 06:58
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thank you mods [addsig]
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
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From: UK
Posted: 2004-11-15 22:12
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Joining me on the couch this evening is one of the few Esatonians who can truely be called 'great'. He has been a member of Esato for longer than most of the rest of us and counts some of Esato's most respected amongst his peers. It can only be the ever helpful, the ever informative, wapchimp.

What is the best thing about Esato?

wapchimp says:
Just the ammount of help & support from others.

Who is your favourite member of Esato?

wapchimp says:
Boyi - PS2 online warrior. Ive not spoke to him recently though.
Not been on Esato much either. Baby, work and website is taking over my life.

Who is your favourite moderator?

wapchimp says:
I don't respect authority.

What is your favourite Esato moment?

wapchimp says:
When the server goes down
only joking. I have so many. Most of them include Boyi and winding people up

What is your least favourite Esato moment?

wapchimp says:
not being able to spend a little more time on here.

As many who know you, may already know, you are interested in WAP, why? What would you say to those who say WAP is boring, dull or a pale imitation of the Internet?

wapchimp says:
Well programming my wap site started as a hobby. Now its turned into 4 domains .com .net. info & plus I have nearly finished my web site & online shop! All things retro of course.

Well wap is the internet. Most phones now can render xhtml pages and wap is something the internet can never be - simple.....

Which mobile are you currently using?

wapchimp says:
Nokia 6600

Which mobile are you most looking forward to?

wapchimp says:
Nokia 6630 or Z1010. I would really love a series 60

Do you have a message for Esato?

wapchimp says:
I'm selling these fine leather jackets.....

I hope you can join me next time when it will be my honour to have one of Esato's greatest ever members on the couch.

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2004-11-15 21:14 ]

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2004-11-15 21:23 ]

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2005-01-20 07:22 ]
K550 Black
Joined: Dec 26, 2002
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From: Montreal / Beirut
Posted: 2004-11-15 22:19
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nice thread u guys got here
well.. I just got the invitation
whenever u want to interview me go ahead
Nobody is perfect, I am nobody, therefore I am perfect
C702 Cyan
Joined: Mar 01, 2003
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From: Den Haag
Posted: 2004-11-15 22:31
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and the Great Fij is BACK!
P900 no flip
Joined: Jul 07, 2004
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From: Bonnie Scotland
Posted: 2004-11-15 22:34
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I could do with a nice leather jacket...
Hello, Scroto!

U.G.L.Y. You ain't got no alibi, you ugly!
Joined: Jun 02, 2003
Posts: > 500
From: UK
Posted: 2004-11-15 22:46
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On the couch with me this evening is one of Esato's greatest ever members, almost universaly respected my guest is currently in exilio ab Esato. In a rare interview he discusses his reasons for leaving Esato and the possibility that he may one day return.

What is the best thing about Esato?

fijbert says:
well, being gone so long.. I dunno if I'm in a position to really answer that... but I'd hv to say from the time I was there... I'd hv to say the members and the garbage threads.. it will always be my first step in the mobile world, and I'll never forget it

Who is your favourite member of Esato?

fijbert says:
I'll hv to go with cyanx... simply cuz of all the fun flamewars we had together... for all the old members... yall remember the war we had.. with that lizard pachy

Who is your favourite moderator?

fijbert says:
tranquil.. no doubt... with his posting games.. those were fun.. and he was always a fair person and an all around great guy to talk to

What is your favourite Esato moment?

fijbert says:
uhm... when the garbage threads became uber popular

What is your least favourite Esato moment?

fijbert says:
when the garbage threads got closed off that was quite upsetting.. and I'd hv to go with when the whole place got over run with noobs.. that's when I decided it was time to move on

That leads me nicely onto my next question; why did you leave Esato?

fijbert says:
well, I left simply cuz I was finding myself posting more and more on my-symbian (due to my P800)...and I kept seeing the same threads being repeated on esato.. and finally, I ended up buying a nokia. and I had no real reason to post so actively on esato anymore.. found myself on other forums such as *gasp* (hofo) am I allowed to say that here? hofo?

The moderators may edit this post for bad language! Moving on, can you explain what you meant by the Rubbish (Garbage) Forum being closed off, for our more recent members?

fijbert says:
well, before we could create threads in the garbage forums.. and we caused so much bandwidth usage and we postwhored so much that laffen decided we cant create threads there..

How often do you still post on Esato?

fijbert says:
once or twice every couple of months.. altho I'm still in the top 20 posters of all time.. a feat I'm quite proud of

Do you think you will ever return 'in full' to Esato?

fijbert says:
doubtfully... I tried at one point.. but I dont even like Sony Ericsson anymore... I felt kind of screwed over by the P910i.. I resent them now... so I think I'll just get flamed by everyone if I ever come back

As arguably one of the greatest Esatonians, are there any newer members you have spotted potential in?

fijbert says:
well, thanks for the compliment
but I dont know any of the newer members to be able to tell
I'm sure there are some tho

Which mobile are you currently using?

fijbert says:
Nokia 6230, 5140, 9500
Sony Ericsson P900 (x2), P910i, T630
Motorola V3

Which mobile are you most looking forward to?

fijbert says:
well, nothing really. I mean.. what is there to look forward to? the next phone I'm getting is gonna be a Nokia 7280.. jsut for the fun

Do you have a message for Esato?

fijbert says:
well, to all the veterans, I miss chatting with yall
to the n00bs.. dont give the veterans a hard time..
fijbert says:
and to u, thx for the interview

On behalf of Esato I would very much like to extend our thanks to fijbert for agreeing to do this interview. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Please join me again soon when I will be chatting with methylayed_spirit and kimcheeboi about their latest venture.

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2005-01-20 07:27 ]
C905 Silver
Joined: Jun 09, 2002
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From: Land of the chimps
Posted: 2004-11-15 22:47
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fine leather jackets [addsig]
Joined: Jan 19, 2004
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From: The planet Snibertron!
Posted: 2004-11-15 23:19
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look behind you wap, a 3 headed monkey!
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