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Author wotanserver make EROM updates free!
Satio Silver
Joined: Nov 27, 2004
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From: Malang, Indonesia
Posted: 2007-08-20 13:55
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Sure. Instal USB flash driver, download WotanClient, press Start, hold 2 and 5 button together, plug your DCU-60 and voila..Good luck.
K800 Black
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Posted: 2007-08-20 14:02
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On 2007-08-20 13:43:47, sebesta wrote:
Hi, I got occasionally WSOD on my phone, how I can upgrade my erom, if i have k800i r1ed001 and CID49?
Can I upgrade only the EROM version?

Check your EROM version in software info. If it is still R3A011 then you'd better do update to at least R3A016.
Joined: Jul 03, 2006
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Posted: 2007-08-20 17:09
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hello everyone, i got w880 and EROM is R3A016, is it the latest?? one more thing is that, 2 button is c button of all other SE phones, so which button should i hold?? thanks
Joined: Jul 03, 2006
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Posted: 2007-08-20 17:17
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one more thing, it may be not really related to the topic. i wonder why in software info: customization shown cda sth then 99E0W, what is it?? and memory stick: no file found, i don't know why like that?? could someone help me about this? thanks again
K850 Green
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Posted: 2007-08-20 18:07
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hello, what is the lastest erom for w800i cid49? [addsig]
K800 Black
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Posted: 2007-08-21 14:27
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KKgage & all : Latest confirmed EROM should be R3A022 but no one offer it (it come with newer SE phone directly from SE). Topsony got R3B021 but no one has figure it out whether it is indeed newer than R3A022 as no one in a free world knows how to upload it to the phone. I contacted wotan and kulan and both seems reluctant to offer newer EROM than R3A016.

99E0W is because you put the SIM &/ M2 card after flashing with wotan, etc. You are supposed to boot WITHOUT both SIM&M2 card the first time after you flash firmware. After new firmware is installed then you put SIM and M2 card back and the xxExW will not show!
Satio Silver
Joined: Nov 27, 2004
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From: Malang, Indonesia
Posted: 2007-08-21 15:30
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Exactly, hanugro. I have tested myself to get rid of it some months ago.
K800 Black
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Posted: 2007-08-21 16:04
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On 2007-08-21 15:30:00, aremaboy wrote:
Exactly, hanugro. I have tested myself to get rid of it some months ago.

Yeah, after I saw your post, now I boot without SIM&M2 card the first time after I flash firmware eventhough I use SEUS. It is better to play save.

BTW, I think this is because wotan ppl english is not very good. I remember he said something about SIM&M2 card to you (and all of us) before, but he failed to specifically said that also apply for the first boot after flashing firmware.

I just reflash my wife Z610 to R1KH with XS++1.6.7 for free and the 1E0W is gone. BTW, did you change to K810? I am waiting till next year to get HSDPA and Wifi in one package (and wait until the price come down a bit).
Satio Silver
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From: Malang, Indonesia
Posted: 2007-08-21 16:23
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Yep, I bought the Noble Blue K810i. Just sold my old K800i to a friend...
Here in Malang, there is no HSDPA, just 25% 3G coverage, 5% WiFi network and 100% GPRS. So, my K810 will be with me at least until next year and see how K850i story goes..
Yep, Wotan isn't good at English. Is it Russia-based server?
K800 Black
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Posted: 2007-08-21 16:53
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On 2007-08-21 16:23:00, aremaboy wrote:
Yep, I bought the Noble Blue K810i. Just sold my old K800i to a friend...
Here in Malang, there is no HSDPA, just 25% 3G coverage, 5% WiFi network and 100% GPRS. So, my K810 will be with me at least until next year and see how K850i story goes..
Yep, Wotan isn't good at English. Is it Russia-based server?

Don't know abt wotan but kulan is Poland based. Anyway my house is in HSDPA blackhole. They have 2 HSDPA BST on the left and right of my home but not in my nearest BST. So sometime I got 3G and some don't. Hopefully all of Jakarta area will be 3.5G by the end of the year.
Joined: Jul 03, 2006
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Posted: 2007-08-21 17:03
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Firstly, thanks for your reply. Talking about the EROM, I just noticed that in software info, few lines from top is shown R3A016, but if you scroll to the buttom you will see Update service SW... R3B021, which topsony got one. This seem confusing me.

BTW, I still don't really get your point hanungro, you said if I insert SIM/M2 cards after my phone is flashed new frimware with wotan, it will be shown xExxW. And finally you also said after flashed I should insert them. It seems like both are the same progress, or may be because of my English is limitted which confuse me. However, I didn't use wotan, I use XS++ instead. So???

Thanks all for sharing info,
K800 Black
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Posted: 2007-08-21 17:13
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On 2007-08-21 17:03:04, kk_gage wrote:
Firstly, thanks for your reply. Talking about the EROM, I just noticed that in software info, few lines from top is shown R3A016, but if you scroll to the buttom you will see Update service SW... R3B021, which topsony got one. This seem confusing me.

Yes I said this on the ther post. We really don't know whether topsony's R3B021 is really newer than R3A022 as no one can upload it to the phone yet. Yes at the bottom of software info you will find R3B021 as the loader version. What I know at this point is R3A022 is the most recent EROM that ppl get in their phone from SE. Unless ppl with newer phone can confirm they have R3B021 EROM in their phone.

BTW, I still don't really get your point hanungro, you said if I insert SIM/M2 cards after my phone is flashed new frimware with wotan, it will be shown xExxW. And finally you also said after flashed I should insert them. It seems like both are the same progress, or may be because of my English is limitted which confuse me. However, I didn't use wotan, I use XS++ instead. So???

Thanks all for sharing info,

No after you flash the phone. then take out the cable and turn on the phone (without putting SIM and M2). It will show progress slider and installing your new firmware. After it finished it will shop Normal or flight mode. I usually choose normal and after it show demo video I then turn it off then I put the SIM and M2 back.

So when the phone is installing the firmware (first turn on) it should NOT have SIM and M2 in it!

Edit: I manage to get rid of 1E0W from my wife Z610i that is flashed by wotan with phoneXS++ 1.6.7. I have no idea wheter phoneXS++ need this step but wotan definately need it. So I just play save and do it regardless I use wotan, phoneXS++ or SEUS!

[ This Message was edited by: hanugro on 2007-08-21 16:18 ]
Satio Silver
Joined: Nov 27, 2004
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From: Malang, Indonesia
Posted: 2007-08-21 17:15
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With Wotan:
-take out M2 and SIM Card
-flash with Wotan until it is finished
-take out the battery
-turn on the phone
-you will see Please Wait bar
-wait until you see Normal Mode or Flight Mode
-turn off the phone again
-take out the battery
-insert M2 and SIM card to the slots
-turn on the phone
-voila, no 99E0W

BTW, R3B021 is FOTA/Update Service Agent version..
K800 Black
Joined: Aug 07, 2007
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Posted: 2007-08-24 10:43
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OK, I have upgraded EROM to r3a016 and now wait for change with WSOD. But 3 days later I got this "funny" bug when uploaded files to my phone, through MyPhoneExplorer. USB recharging was turned OFF. MPE lost connection with my phone and then I saw this screen...[....]559/recharging.zip_3.51MB.html

[ This Message was edited by: sebesta on 2007-08-24 09:44 ]
K800 Black
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Posted: 2007-08-24 14:00
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On 2007-08-24 10:43:37, sebesta wrote:
OK, I have upgraded EROM to r3a016 and now wait for change with WSOD. But 3 days later I got this "funny" bug when uploaded files to my phone, through MyPhoneExplorer. USB recharging was turned OFF. MPE lost connection with my phone and then I saw this screen...[....]559/recharging.zip_3.51MB.html

[ This Message was edited by: sebesta on 2007-08-24 09:44 ]

Try updating firmware with XS++ 1.6.x. Now it is free! It will completely rewrite so all data will be lost. It will make sure you completely fix any software problem. Use R1KG from topsony.
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