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Posted by news
@fotix @hackerghost....marhba bikoum f le forum

Posted by fotix
@news merci khouya @superhack dakchi li gal mycode 3la lmochkil dial XXXXXXXXXX Shih mais machi hit lversion dial wap 9dima mais plutot hit jdida jerebt la puce diali f un SE T630 o khedmat mais sur mon nokia n95 makhedamch

[ This Message was edited by: fotix on 2008-05-22 01:57 ]

Posted by mycode
@fotix....Ila ktabti www.imps.Ma:@... Sans http:// mataydirch conexion o taygol adresse invalid..n est ce pas?

This message was posted from a 6600

Posted by med
Salut les amis, awal mara kayfoutouni bazaf dyal les posts, men 9bila wana tan9ra:-D:-D@mycode, nn makhdamch liya l proxy, en fait bazaf dles sites bhalou jarabthoum men 9bel. Machi mouchkil, l mouhim kantelecharge wka naviger:-D.@fotix,@hackerghost..marahba bikoum, wkha t3atalt:-D. Aji ba3da chkoun li galikoum 3la esato w3la trucs?!i!.@mycode, wach khadam b truc Mo-bil-ezo-ne wla b. Mm-si-am.f 6600?Ra had li kan khadmou machi l wap rah l full GPRS, ya3ni l'internet@superhack wach makatakhdam lekch jar?

This message was posted from a T630

Posted by med
@fotix, oui hit l version jdida dakchi 3lach. Hta f wahad motorola, mabghatch takhdam google, wl mouchkil houwa hada hit google, na9dar ngoul rah 1 point de plus f had le truc. Hit chi sitat makaykhadmouch directement bhad le truc, khas tan dakhlou lihoum men google.Houwa koul makanet l firmware jdida koul ma kanet les activité illigal f l portable difficil..

This message was posted from a T630

Posted by hackerghost
à vrai dire cmt jé atteri ici et bien je connais esato depuis le mois 12/2007 yamat 3ad tlansa iam msgr et pour la cnx nhar 3raft kayna cnx dial https mms mchit tan9alab 3la dé proxy c ke déja 3arf fonctionnement dialhom. Et had sujet dialkom sur esato kont kan9alab fla board ota7t fih par hazard voili voilou .

Posted by superhack
@med....fo9ach kan installer chi application man pc->portable, darori 2 fichier jar + jad, 3ad kansifto l tel. Jar bohdo makayt instalich.

This message was posted from a SGH-E250

Posted by mycode
@med...Ana khadam b m_m-s.I._am

This message was posted from a 6600

Posted by mycode
Drari sara7a khas had le forum itbloka wala chi haja.Rah chi nhar radi ichofo chi wahd o ifdahkom.7amdo llah mli had drari 3arfin ach kayn...Had l forum rah tous les truks li l9ito.Khasna n7alo chi wa7d jdid.N est c pa?

This message was posted from a 6600

Posted by superhack
@mycode....Bonne ideé , khas had lforum ytabloka onfatho wahad akhor manbayno fih walo tout avec les symbol btari9a li kona kandiro (m.ms_i a.m me@di.te.l), o 7ta le titre dyal topic,makhasoch ikonfih i_a.m awla m.di.te,l obtali n7afdo 3la les truck bach ma takhrajch man hna... ;-)

This message was posted from a SGH-E250

Posted by hackerghost
oui très bonne idée khaskom tbadlo lforum déja esato wla ma3rouf et aussi jé verifié sur google whad topic katbane fih ila daro les bon mots à rechercher. 3la dikr google rani khadam biha bl cnx mms wkhadam com sur pc okaytfatho tous lé sites man google. L9alab khaskom opera navigator, ana khadam b opera 3adia v8.65 sur N70 opera mini mochkil fiha anaha katkonikta fserveur dialha donc tadir probleme dial cnx fdemarage. Mohim lé navigateur par defaut dial tél rahom zero. li 3ando opera 3adia obgha yafta7 google voici la methode (ps: makhadamach m3a :@) donc f cnx mms et avec opera fat7o had proxy https://www.goofycake.com/dahr.php ou 2hide.net ensuite douk lé option dial proxy selectioniw seulement la 3eme, 4eme et la derniere, lba9i deselectioniwh. Man ba3d diro google.fr/m et go fach tcharja nazlo lta7t wklikiw 3la classic ghay3tikom google dial pc. Iwa tbar3o bonne chance.

Just me and my guitar away from this world.

[ This Message was edited by: hackerghost on 2008-05-22 00:23 ]

Posted by mycode
@hackerghost Merci khoya...Mais telechargement ca marche pa yak?O had opera l 3adia fin ghadi nl9awha ntelechargewha?.

This message was posted from a 6600

Posted by med
Oui, c'est vrai anaho ila dar chi wahad chi mots clé kikhroj l forum dyalna houwa lawal,:-D mais wakha ghadi nbadlouh, ghadi yab9a kima houwa, bhal ila tachi haja madarna:-l. Kan khasna falawal manhatoch les trucs hna. Kan khasna nkatbouhoum f les messages privés. Domage.:-)

[ This Message was edited by: Med on 2008-05-22 01:36 ]

Posted by mycode
@med rah ila tbloka had le forum maymkench idkhoul lih chi wa7d hta f l recherche google.Khashom iblokiw lina hada.O n7alo wa7d akhor.

This message was posted from a 6600

Posted by fotix
wahed salamo 3alikom @mycode oui sans le http f XXXXXXX ça passe pa @superhack helit lmochkil dial imps.ma b XXXXXXX 3endi j ai utilisé opera 8.65 et daba khedama mais t9iiiiiiiiila je prefere XXXX @all ila bghito maybanch hadchi li l9ito ma3likom ghir t editiw les posts 3awdo chofo vos poste wahed bwahed li ban lih kteb chi haja mefroucha ibedelha

[ This Message was edited by: fotix on 2008-05-22 01:58 ]

Posted by hackerghost
@mycode telechargement avec param mms est limité à 100ko 7it serveur mms qui gère la cnx. Mé sur imps aucun probleme kantelecharger sans limite.

Posted by fotix
@hackerghost wesseltha hta l 400Ko mais si tu te connecte d un pc portable tu pe tjs utiliser un utilitaire de telechargement genre DAP le configurer o telechargi lia m3a rassek te9te3 la connexion o terje3 ikemel fin khelaha mais c valable que pour les pc avec mms

Posted by med
@fotix, ton idée me plais, maziana, et vous les amis? Koul wahad y editer ler messages dyalou li fihoum chi haja m3ay9a:-D...wa li bgha yabda, yadkhol l :@mobile.esato.com...@superhack, 3andi wahad lien dyal opera mini, ila bghiti telechargiha, mais b russia. Wakha?

This message was posted from a T630

Posted by hackerghost
@fotix oui d fois taywsal 300 wla 400kb mé 1/100 li tatsda9 wlmochkil chi marat 7ta kay9arab yakmal otaydir erreur, katbghi drab tél m3a lard mé m3a imps la7lawa cnx mieux et téléchargement ara bara3. Pour le truc dial tbadlo lforum je vais voir ce ke je peux fare, 3andi wahd site sur free.Fr ndir fih chi dossier pour un petit forum wap wndésactivé le referencement dial lé pages par google. Mé je promet rien.

Posted by superhack
@med....3andi opera mini v3 mais makhdamach avec les truck :-I

This message was posted from a SGH-E250

Posted by mhido_mido
Ha wa7d salam o3alikom ana mehdi ila 39lto 3lia ki dayr @med rah twa7chna ljadid dialk iwa atina ma 3ndk:-D

This message was posted from a S700i

Posted by fotix
@superhack khassek tconnecta bih felewel bchi apn blekhlass bhal imedia apres te9der tbedel les reglage dkhel l reglage men be3d reseaux o khtar http feblasst socket supprimes les cookies o khrej meno 3ad te9der tconnecta bih blehbal dialna @all j ai edité mes post li fhem chi haja fihom 3endo 1000DH

Posted by superhack
@med...n9adro nmodifiew les post walakin 7ta le titre khasso yatbaddal, n'est ce pas ?

This message was posted from a SGH-E250

Posted by mhido_mido
Ki ndir nkhadm dak le truc dial mobile zone 7it 3ndi un grand probléme fach ndir http://www.imps.ma:@... Tayktab lia ereur URL wach kayna chi truc bla :@ w ntmna lfouz lwidad wakha ana rajawi

This message was posted from a S700i

Posted by superhack
@fotix...sba9li jarabt dik tari9a dyal im_edia blaflos, opera mini mazal mrigla 3la http,3andi..kandan dik tari9a sal7a l opera ..hit kayakhtalaf m3a opera mini.

This message was posted from a SGH-E250

Posted by fotix
@superhack achmen version 3endek dial miniopera

Posted by hackerghost
@superhack oui opera 3adia makhtalfa 3la mini bzaf ozayda 3liha super bzaf déja mini fiha ta9ribane 100ko et l3adia 1700ko oblfloss ofiha option tafta7 quatre pages fnafs lwa9t mohim li 3ando un tél compatible un conseil khodo opera 3adia.

Posted by mhido_mido
@med mab9itich tatkonikta f iam messanger ?

This message was posted from a S700i

Posted by superhack
@fotix....3andi version 3.kant 3andi la dernier (4) obadaltha b v3 ta9riban bhal bhal.....@hackerghost....mon tel est incompatible avec les application sis,idan mayamkanlich nkhadam opera 3adya.

This message was posted from a SGH-E250

Posted by fotix
@superhack 9eleb 3la had version4.1 rah hiya lekhra elle vient de sortir o 3awd m3aha reglage li gelt lik

Posted by mhido_mido
Bghit nsawlk 3la wa7d profile jdid 3nd maroctel houwa b7al mobile zone ghir APN dialo fiha wap.iamgprs1.ma o smito WAP IAM

This message was posted from a S700i

Posted by hackerghost
allez voici un site wap pour les paroles d chansons.
ca marche aussi avec mms mé faut utiliser un proxy genre 2hide.
Hada aussi pour paroles mé seulement khadam sur mms avec un proxy: http://www.i-gloo.net/imode/paroles/

Just me and my guitar away from this world.

[ This Message was edited by: hackerghost on 2008-05-22 02:46 ]

Posted by hackerghost
@mhido hadak iamgprs1 je penses bih khadamine s7ab cnx wap dial abonnement.

Posted by superhack
@fotix....ok gha nhawal n9alab 3la la version li goltili :-D .@hackerghost...Oui C vrai l'Apn iamgprs1.ma khas b les abonné chez ma.roc-t_el

This message was posted from a SGH-E250

Posted by mhido_mido
Merci @hackerghost

This message was posted from a S700i

Posted by fotix
drari 3endi wahed lmochkil. mab9itch 9ader ntconecta b gprs mnin tankoun fdar 9bel makan hta mochkil ghir daba khassni nekhrej lzen9a pr capter j habite a maarif alors l hypothese dial signal d3if makaynach mohim ana kangoul jouj hwayj kat3erfo la localisation par triangulation i9edro i3erfo fin kayn lwahed b la triangulation des antennes BTS imken 3iye9t 3lihom btelechargement mon compteur de data affiche 283Mo reçu fmoin d une semaine soit tt simplement ferge3t lihom chi antenne bts b9ewat makantelechargi ewa ach dher likom fhadi

Posted by mhido_mido

This message was posted from a S700i

Posted by hackerghost
@fotix wlah 7ta da7aktini mé kolchi momkin m3a OMO hhh en tt cas mon compteur de données affiche un envoie de 115Mo et reception 255Mo donc un traffic total de 370Mo oma3andich aucun pb de cnx la bnhar la blil hhh

Just me and my guitar away from this world.

[ This Message was edited by: hackerghost on 2008-05-22 03:53 ]

Posted by fotix
o c est vrai en plus l9adiya fechkel banlia lekhout 9anyin 3lia ghir ntconnecta nkhelless ga3 had rwina diali o dialkom nn je plaisante
vs avez entendu parler de l offre que va proposer la snrt "la tnt mobile dvb-h" elle vient de l annoncer aujourdhui

[ This Message was edited by: fotix on 2008-05-22 04:13 ]

Posted by hackerghost
ana mafrasi walo mé ila kane ghi 3la b7al douk lé services le maroc dima akhir man ilta7a9 olmosiba ce genre de service nous ai proposé à un prix li ghaykoun inchaelah khayali blmo9arana m3a l europe.

Posted by fotix
les 5 chaines nationales rtm o 2m o majawarahoma seront gratuites mais yaura men be3d des services payants lmochkil kayn f telephone khasso ykoun compatible norme dvb-h mais ila kan ghir 3la had les 5 chaines ghir besseha makanchofohomch hta fles ecrans geants ba9i ghir nkherjo 3inina f telephone 3pouces

Posted by hackerghost
il ya forte chance que la diffusion soit à travers la 3G+ car elle est la mieux adaptée à ce genre de service à haut débit et si c le cas ca ne sera pas gratos du moin pr toujours et donc un tél 3G et une puce usim seront indispensable.

Just me and my guitar away from this world.

[ This Message was edited by: hackerghost on 2008-05-22 04:45 ]

Posted by fotix
nn la dvb-h n a rien avoir avec la television via 3G cette derniere passe par les réseaux opérateurs est limité par la bande passante il suffit d un poste 3G pour l avoir la dvb-h n a pa besoin de reseau operateur mais il faut ke le telephone sois ekiper d une puce dvb-h c est le meme principe ke la TNT et la television mobile via 3G un peu comme l offre tv adsl d iam sauf ke le support change la premiere avec cable la seconde par ondes radio

Posted by mycode
Hdro hi b l3arbya adrari...

This message was posted from a 6600

Posted by med
Wahad salamou 3likoum,....@mhido-mido, mab9itch kantkonekta f i-am mes-senger. Mab9ach l wa9t liha:-D. Makayen ghir hat lportable f la charge wat konnecta,:-D24/24h.Bkhossos les profils d i-am, kayen hadouk li galtou et plus 1 4eme. Houwa i-a-m. Mot d pass dyalou 1987 et ID: wac.,...@fotix, wadahaktini b l booom dyal BTS. Matkhafch c'est normal, rah hta ana katra liya mnin l9it had la3ba w men 9bel, kimchi GPRS chi sa3a, wiji d9i9a, hta galt ra yamkan 3a9ou biya:-D. Lyoum yjiw ghada yjiw:-D:-D

This message was posted from a T630

Posted by mycode
@med ach nahowa had l profil wch csd dial GSM?

This message was posted from a 6600

Posted by med
Nn hada profile dyal l'internet b GPRS, machi dyal wap. Ghir l shab l'abonn.

This message was posted from a T630

Posted by mycode
L apn dialo howa iamgprs1 ? Walakin ca marche pa pour les prepayes?

This message was posted from a 6600

Posted by mhido_mido
@med 3la slama tu n'a pas trouver une truc pour mobilezone car mon telefone afich un ereur URL chack foi que je mait les deux pouin (:@) et merci

This message was posted from a S700i

Posted by mycode
@med wach modifieti les posts diawlek?

This message was posted from a 6600

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