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K850i vs K810i CPU

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Posted by SlyFly
Thought for interest sake I'd share this. Lot of people have said that the K850i is slow etc. etc. And some people dont know what the CPU are etc. It's not on GSMArena either. So Id thought I'd post these results from JBenchmark.com

SonyEricsson K810i performance details

JBenchmark Performance Summary
JBenchmark Pro - Next Generation Modular Performance and Quality Benchmarks for Java ME
Overall score: 247

JBenchmark Net - Network speed test for mobile phones with Java
Download speed : 296 Kbit/s
Upload speed : 104 Kbit/s

JBenchmark ACE - (ARM CPU Estimator) estimates mobile CPU class and clock rate in MHz
CPU Class: ARM9
CPU MHz: 190

JBenchmark HD - Quality and Performance Benchmark for Hardware Accelerated Mobile 3D Graphics
Gaming score: 98 (3.2 fps)
Rendering quality:

JBenchmark 3D - Java benchmark for Mobile 3D Graphics (M3G - JSR 184)
JBenchmark3D High Quality: 183
more details

JBenchmark 2.0 - Java benchmark for MIDP 2.0 devices
No result yet.

JBenchmark 1.0 - Java benchmark for MIDP 1.0 Devices
Overall score: 7599


SonyEricsson K850i performance details

JBenchmark Performance Summary
JBenchmark Pro - Next Generation Modular Performance and Quality Benchmarks for Java ME
Overall score: 354
more details

JBenchmark Net - Network speed test for mobile phones with Java
Download speed : 1157 Kbit/s
Upload speed : 266 Kbit/s
more details

JBenchmark ACE - (ARM CPU Estimator) estimates mobile CPU class and clock rate in MHz
CPU Class: ARM9
CPU MHz: 177
more details

JBenchmark HD - Quality and Performance Benchmark for Hardware Accelerated Mobile 3D Graphics
Gaming score: 80 (2.6 fps)
Rendering quality:
more details

JBenchmark 3D - Java benchmark for Mobile 3D Graphics (M3G - JSR 184)
JBenchmark3D High Quality: 110
more details

JBenchmark 2.0 - Java benchmark for MIDP 2.0 devices
No result yet.

JBenchmark 1.0 - Java benchmark for MIDP 1.0 Devices
Overall score: 6207

Now for reference Im also posting the Nokia N73 results... Just because I was going to get the K850i but now Im deciding between the K810i and the Nokia N73 ME (BTW Please give your input on this matter as well....)

Nokia N73 performance details

JBenchmark Performance Summary
JBenchmark Pro - Next Generation Modular Performance and Quality Benchmarks for Java ME
Overall score: 221
more details

JBenchmark Net - Network speed test for mobile phones with Java
Download speed : 341 Kbit/s
Upload speed : 307 Kbit/s
more details

JBenchmark ACE - (ARM CPU Estimator) estimates mobile CPU class and clock rate in MHz
CPU Class: ARM9
CPU MHz: 211
more details

JBenchmark HD - Quality and Performance Benchmark for Hardware Accelerated Mobile 3D Graphics
Gaming score: 96 (3.2 fps)
Rendering quality:
more details

JBenchmark 3D - Java benchmark for Mobile 3D Graphics (M3G - JSR 184)
JBenchmark3D High Quality: 120
more details

JBenchmark 2.0 - Java benchmark for MIDP 2.0 devices
Overall score: 392
more details

JBenchmark 1.0 - Java benchmark for MIDP 1.0 Devices
Overall score: 3955

Now my concern is that how can they put a CPU in a brand new phone that is worse than its predesecor... Also the N73 has just been stopped production and it still has a better CPU.

I know a CPU isnt everything, because like you can see the K850 still outscores in some elements, but I think SE really did screw up with this one... I'm coming from Motorola and so wanted to get a SE, because to be honest the best phone Motorola has made is the E398 and after that nothing good really... So I wanted to change from brand, upgrade time I cant find a SE phone that seems to be worth it except maybe the K810i...

But putting it against the much older N73, the N73 maybe still looks like the better option...

Anyways just thought Id share this for interest sake... And kind of rand and rave about how SE screwed up, in my opinion.

Posted by kenoby

You can check K850i photo quality here, especially last 5-6 pages, if you are buying because of camera:


In terms of menu speed IMHO Nokia and SE are even here.. And SE is a bit buggy

I would tell you to go for K850i. I am happy with mine but better you check thru the forums and judge the comments by yourself, there are quite a few discussions going on

[ This Message was edited by: kenoby on 2007-12-29 05:10 ]

Posted by naveensiva
Its really intersting to see all those data.

To my sense. There are few points

K810 firmware is extremely stable and performance wise superior..coz it was taken from the k800 ashess...
More other K850's firmware is still in development sort of.
Wait for jan update and see performance data's...
Nokia always puts in some good hardware to support for their symbian os...but in reality they are slower than se...
K850 developers are not that idiots to put a older processor... For a 5 MP phone..may be they have thought that this processor is more than enough for the function it has.but the real result have to wait till the jan firmware hits..

And i request others to post other useful info's also like multi tasking function comparing between k800 and K850..

Posted by kimot01

K850 developers are not that idiots to put a older processor...

AFAIK k800/810 and k850 have the same processor

Posted by sranjanm2002
K810i is Fast. It is advised that you should always switch off and switch on your phone so that your phone doesn't get slow. You can read more about at SonyEricsson web site's FAQ section.

Posted by SlyFly

If you check my first post tho, it says that the K850i has a 177 Mhz CPU and the K810i a 190 Mhz CPU... Data might not be 100% acurate but it is a bit strange.

Yea Ive been looking around and reading a lot, thats how I got to these forums... The thing is I've been able to upgrade my contract for 3 months now, this is my last month because it expires... I did this to wait for a good phone to come on to my upgrade list.

Finally the K850 appeared and there was a lot of stories... Also on my contract I have to pay in quite a bit of money to get it, were as the K810 and the N73 is free on my contract.

Thats why I've basically decided to rather skip the K850 and go for a phone that doesnt rely on a firmware that will hopefully sourt it out. The N73 has speed issues when you open a lot of applications, but thats fine...

Im basically going to decide on which one to get by what I get with the phone... Memory card size etc. etc. I'd like to get the K810i because I've always wanted a SE, because they're great phones but in this case the N73 might just offer more in the long run.

Posted by Tsepz_GP
With a boot up time of 20secs the new Nokia s60 phones are JUST AS FAST AS SE JAVA! Some of you just love judging from older s60 phones.

Posted by kenoby
@ SlyFly, Good luck with your new N73. And very best in the upcoming year!

Posted by centur

On 2007-12-29 09:20:27, SlyFly wrote:

If you check my first post tho, it says that the K850i has a 177 Mhz CPU and the K810i a 190 Mhz CPU... Data might not be 100% acurate but it is a bit strange.

My K800 :

Posted by kenoby
I don't understand now. Is it because CPU throttling or what? All the supplied info is different. Even here they have different value provided:


Posted by Mizzle
The CPU speed this program says varies a lot and the speed depends on lots of things. As you can see it has also said that the K800's CPU speed is around 150 MHz, while it's above 230 MHz in other coincidences.

Posted by vladn02
so basically aside from the camera being better and few little bells and whistles the k850 isnt worth squat lol

Sony needs to catch up lol its too late to save me i think, unless they get the p5 out soon, ima pick me up a N82 little more than k850 but definetly better for my needs

Posted by sniper_supra
K810 cpu and k850 cpu are similar - 208 Mhz
N series use 3xx Mhz

its just that K810 software (A100 platform) is more stable than the new K850 software (A200 platform), which I believe is still under development.

N series sometimes slow down because they use symbian OS (sometimes heavier than Java)

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