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K750 Network Reception problem (Help) !

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Posted by ahmedviking
Hello Guys,

I have a K750 phone for 8 months now.the phone is great except one doubt with it.hope you can help me in it !

First i used the phone i noticed an improved network reception capabilities, as most of time in a bad network coverage areas and i sued to get problems reception with my previous K700 in the same areas.But i noticed the network is always fine most of times and not bad for such poor covered ares.As for the regular coverage areas the phone s great !

Now after months,i noticed that K750 is not as good as before in reception i nthese poor areas ( still superb in good coverage areas ) but i lost the advantage of covering these poor areas.
And i'm always getting SMS pending and accumulation in sms reception and it fails to send sms many times when im in these poor areas ( not as before ) but it's still superb in good covered areas!!!

So is this a problem with the phone or anything bad or the firmware or what, Taking in mind that i;ve dropped the phone to the ground few times unintentionally ( but it's working fine regarding anything else).

Anyone to help,pelase ?!!!

Posted by aatuif
Do other phones at your house also face such problem...

Posted by ahmedviking
Yes.sometimes but the others are nokia and Nokia uscks indeed.
I'm taking about the point that it was ok ! yes it's poor area but the phone was great first i used it in such poor area.

So what happened ?
is there anything to improve network connectivity?

Posted by aatuif

On 2007-04-23 13:01:31, ahmedviking wrote:
Yes.sometimes but the others are nokia and Nokia uscks indeed.
I'm taking about the point that it was ok ! yes it's poor area but the phone was great first i used it in such poor area.

So what happened ?
is there anything to improve network connectivity?

if other phones also experience similar problem, then fault lies with your network, not the phone... and you can't do much to improve reception...

Posted by deluded
@aatuif, I think you missed his point, he said that his phone used to be able to get reception even in poor signal areas, but not anymore now.

@ahmedviking, I don't think there's any way to boost your network coverage since it's network dependent. But you can try THESE. Not sure if they work though.

Posted by arien617
This may sound unpractical, but a while ago I saw on Brainiac that if you cover an area in foil (about 4-5 metre sq.) it'll boost your signal.

If you do try it, please can you tell us the results.

Posted by ahmedviking
Thnx for your replies Guys..
Seemz it's the problem of my network.

Anyway thnx deldued and arien617.

As for arien617 : your idea seems practicall and applicable since engienering-wise the foil will reflect the singal wave and accumelate it in the place while the regular walls absorbs the waves.I'll tell you if i ever tried it although it's very difficult )

Posted by deluded
You're welcome, glad to be of help.

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